Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

Sealybobo was the guy in the theater who stood up and pumped his fist with a healthy "fuck yea" when Thanos snapped his fingers.

Don't say business because you don't have a clue about business. .....

More assumptions, Gilligan? I have started businesses, run businesses, taught business, and worked with executives from a myriad of industries from literally every corner of the globe. You're a lonely, closeted, two-bit sales monkey and you want to crow about business? Go swab the deck.
...... population growth is shortening our lifespan.

No, it's not.


Don't say business because you don't have a clue about business. .....

More assumptions, Gilligan? I have started businesses, run businesses, taught business, and worked with executives from a myriad of industries from literally every corner of the globe. You're a lonely, closeted, two-bit sales monkey and you want to crow about business? Go swab the deck.
And you ended up a loser public school teacher in a urban ghetto no one wants to work at which is how you got your job?

You must have failed at all those business'. Thanks for letting us know you tried and failed.

And be honest. No one loves you. How could they? You have no redeeming qualities.

Oh I'm not complaining about business. I hit my goal last month and on the last day made a $60K sale. That sale will probably count on this months number, but I put it on last months number. Long story short is it's August 7th and I'm over $50K plus that $60K sale so I'm at my number for the month already and it's the 7th!!!

Maybe Trump is doing a good job. LOL

So I'll probably sell more this month than I ever have before. Lets say I sell $200K. That's an extra $3K I'll make this month on top of my fat fucking ass salary bitch!

Do you get paid in the summer? Not much. That's why all you can afford is an internet connection and to hang out with me when I'M bored. LOL
Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.

What to do with losers like bobobrainless? No woman in her right mind would let him within arms reach (and his 'interests' seem to lie elsewhere).
Sarcasm escapes you.

Planet is overpopulated and growing.

Our planet is not overpopulated.
Yes it is. Way over populated. Look what we are doing to the planet you fucking dope.

Even If Emission Reduction Targets Are Met, Earth Still Heading Towards 'Hothouse' State | HuffPost

Cut the population in half.

P.S. No one loves you. You may have roommates but that doesn't mean they love you.

Don't say business because you don't have a clue about business. .....

More assumptions, Gilligan? I have started businesses, run businesses, taught business, and worked with executives from a myriad of industries from literally every corner of the globe. You're a lonely, closeted, two-bit sales monkey and you want to crow about business? Go swab the deck.
And you ended up a ...public school teacher in a [sic] urban ...?

And I'm still working in education as I've always been. As for trying to devote one's life to being of service to those in need, why don't you ask your boat about it? The lump of wood is closer to being human that you are, lonely boy.
Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.

What to do with losers like bobobrainless? No woman in her right mind would let him within arms reach (and his 'interests' seem to lie elsewhere).
Sarcasm escapes you.

Planet is overpopulated and growing.

Our planet is not overpopulated.
Yes it is. Way over populated. ....

Not even close. Let go the false crises from the 70s.
Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.

What to do with losers like bobobrainless? No woman in her right mind would let him within arms reach (and his 'interests' seem to lie elsewhere).
Sarcasm escapes you.

Planet is overpopulated and growing.

Our planet is not overpopulated.
Yes it is. Way over populated. ....

Not even close. Let go the false crises from the 70s.
I show you everyday that it is. Just because you say it's not doesn't refute the evidence I am showing you cock sucker.

When the poisons we put on our farms is killing marine animals, we are overpopulated.

And if you think its bad now just wait. Republicans have deregulated so the poisons are going to be coming even worse. If you want to engineer a solution to this, don't vote Republican. But you do. And then you talk about engineering a solution to global warming, a thing that the Republican party doesn't even believe is real.

Do you remember Tom Delay? He became a politician because the government banned the fertalizer he was selling. So he got into politics to fight for polluters. And this is the party you put in charge of the EPA?

And then you suggest the threat is fake? You are a special kind of stupid professor.

No one loves you and you know it. Why would they love you? Are you funny? Nice? A good communicator? Sweet? Open minded? Good looking? Smart? Successful? Really? You are all these things in real life but can't even pretend to be here? No one is buying it Kane.

Cut the population in half.......

That is not going to happen in your lifetime or...oh, well, I guess that's it...
The world is expected to add another billion people within the next 15 years, bringing the total global population from 7.3 billion in mid-2015 to 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion by 2100, according to new estimates

That is some scary shit. 7.6 billion now. Imagine 11.2 billion in 2100 without all the natural resources we are burning through now at too fast of a rate. And look at all the problems we have because there are too many of us. Imagine when we have almost 4 billion more people walking around than we have right now. Luckily a lot of them will be in Africa.

You must not teach math or logic.

Cut the population in half.......

That is not going to happen in your lifetime or...oh, well, I guess that's it...

Let me give you a comparison to what you are saying. We are overpopulated. Are we going to die from it tomorrow? No. But that doesn't mean we aren't overpopulated and headed in the wrong direction.

It'd be like if I punched you in the nose and someone else said, "holy shit you're bleeding". But then I say oh don't worry about it it's just a little bloody nose. But then the blood gets worse and it won't stop bleeding. Eventually you could bleed out from one of my punches.

But you are in the phase where the bloody nose hasn't killed you yet. So what do you say? You say "Look, I'm not dead yet". Well that is true. But if you keep bleeding the way you are you could pass out. And once you pass out, it could be too late.

And so now you stopped the blood but I keep punching you. But you don't think I'm the problem. No. You are going to get the problem fixed scientifically, just like you are trying to engineer a solution for our overpopulation problem. Stop trying to do that. All you have to do is stop letting me punch you in the nose. You'll be fine once we cut the population (your nose) in half.
Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.

What to do with losers like bobobrainless? No woman in her right mind would let him within arms reach (and his 'interests' seem to lie elsewhere).
Sarcasm escapes you.

Planet is overpopulated and growing.

Our planet is not overpopulated.
Baloney. Food and water are becoming a problem all over the world. Causing starvation all over the world. You must be able to sustain the population of the planet. If you can't, then there are dire consequences.

I believe you are flat out wrong. Don't give a damn that you claim to be a teacher.
We are NOT overpopulated, and the direction we are headed in leads to a shrinking, aging global population. Unbunch your panties and calm down.
We are NOT overpopulated, and the direction we are headed in leads to a shrinking, aging global population. Unbunch your panties and calm down.
Baloney. You are looking at the resources on this planet. Overpopulation leads to famine and war
We are NOT overpopulated, and the direction we are headed in leads to a shrinking, aging global population. Unbunch your panties and calm down.
Baloney. You are looking at the resources on this planet. Overpopulation leads to famine and war

We have always had war and famine regardless of population. When the earths population was half what it is today, we had war and famine. Most likely a lot more than today. When the worlds population was half of that, we also had war and famine. When the earths population with half of that, you guessed it, war and famine. Calm the fuck down and start looking at the bigger picture.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

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