Conservative alternatives to Facebook Twitter etc...

I do like the argument posited in the thread...

You're biased.
I hate bias.
So, I'm going to start my own platform
So I can be biased too
Which is what I hated about you in the first place

Leave it to grumps to employ this "logic"
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.

Maybe because the 21st Century Conservative is as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl? But I digress, you have the ability to post here, that most of us don't take you seriously is not our fault.

The Internet is replete with websites and blogs for 21st Century conservatives; what is missing is the conservatism of the late 20th Century, wherein thoughtful expression and substantive discussions were welcome. A time when Science was respected, change acceptable, and new and fresh ideas evaluated.
I'm talking about smart devices. You know, the devices that EVERYONE is using to access social media. You are talking about PC style shit. In case you don't know it PC use is down. PC sales are down. PC Sales Keep Falling, But Big Manufacturers Are Doing Just Fine

Smart devices are taking their place and those smart devices are tightly controlled by a handful of companies. All owned by the left.

The threat to real free expression is real and that threat is controlled & facilitated by the left.

You seem to believe so, sadly what you read and hear which you consider "the left" is there to evaluate, not attack with a pejorative. The up and coming generation is smart, informed, interested, curious and technology astute.

They don't see left or right, they don't see skin color and they reject Authoritarianism. Trump's base is framed on hate and fear; many of those born after 9-11 will be voting in November, and the threat they seem most concerned with is domestic.
The up and coming generation is no smarter than any generation....especially when you dumb-down their education and show everything they learn from a leftist perspective.

30+ states have GOP governors....that run the schools in their states.

Please give us your latest excuse for why they can't run the schools "properly".
I do like the argument posited in the thread...

You're biased.
I hate bias.
So, I'm going to start my own platform
So I can be biased too
Which is what I hated about you in the first place

Leave it to grumps to employ this "logic"

They just want Facebook to be fair and balanced, like Fox News.
I do like the argument posited in the thread...

You're biased.
I hate bias.
So, I'm going to start my own platform
So I can be biased too
Which is what I hated about you in the first place

Leave it to grumps to employ this "logic"

They just want Facebook to be fair and balanced, like Fox News.

One of my old bosses who is now based in Georgia will give you 5 hours on why she loves Trump...they haven't yanked her account; in fact, they seem to be advertising her account.
Conflating "conservatives" with people that are saying crazy shit on the reg isn't a good look. I understand completely that they mainsteam the left's vitriol and racism but it still doesn't make you sound like you're the voice of reason.

If FB, Twitter, Apple and Google want to make everything political, it'll hurt them in the long run, so let them. If you don't like what they're doing then don't participate. I use FB to follow some news sources along with some friends, i don't use twitter cause FB comments on certain outlets are hilariously stupid enough if i want to get my fill there. I love android over Apple. Don't invest yourself so vehemently into the day to day political sport and you'll probably be a lot happier as a result.
Simple point, Google and the rest of private companies and have the right and power to ban anyone they damn well like
Only for specific They can't ban speech just because they don't like it.

Yes they can, that's the problem. A private entity has no constitutional laws they have to follow. That's only for government.
Sounds like they're trying to engineer a government takeover of the internet.
I'm willing to bet they've already explored this.
If the Democrats take over Congress it will be on the agenda.
At any rate.....every time they ban someone...they open themselves up to lawsuits.

I don't think so. Only if it has to do with race or something like that. But outside of AM radio, the left owns everything else. They own our public schools, our colleges, Hollywood, any kind of entertainment, and now the internet.

Maybe you only believe "the left" controls everything?

Do you ever wonder if the "the right" is a minority, and what you (want to) perceive as "the left", is really a composite of the majority, which includes moderate Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents, the socially liberal and progressive set; and a small minority on the left of revolutionaries, those I consider to be on the idiot fringe who want change done yesterday.

Do you ever wonder about how we see "the right"? I suppose most if not all of those noted above perceive "the right" members' as extremists, inflexible, authoritarian and way out of touch with the majority.

'Those who don't wonder, the willfully ignorant, are now free to push the funny button.

So true. The major problem with the internet age is that it gave a platform and a voice to the dumbest among us. These people were marginalized as no newspaper, magazine or television outlet would do business with them. American culture shunned them and rightly so as fringe element.They were relegated to underground newsletters and word of mouth. As RW media saw the ratings potential of this demographic, it became mainstreamed.

Social media is attempting to correct this oversight albeit way too late.
Liberals bitched about talk radio and now conservatives are bitching about social media. I thought it a mistake when Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine as it mandated all sides be heard. Of course, the difference here is that social media is not banning conservative voices as it were but Russian trolls and professional prevaricators and conspiracy theorists like sleazeball Alex Jones.

Fear not, Oh valiant Conservative snowflakes, I am sure the Russians will come up with something the upcoming election cycle to satisfy your need for false and slanderous news.

Social media works just like the MSM. Look at how they have you so convinced about Russia! You actually believe that crap.
I can't stand social media personally. I am infrequently on it. The question of Russian will be resolved by Mueller. If he says there was no Russian collusion, I will believe him. If he says, there was collusion, there should be consequences. If the investigation is halted for political reasons, I will presume all the allegations against Trump are true.

Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?
Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?

^ The result of giving the dumbest among us a voice and a platform.
Free expression = free speech.

Get a life you statist, the government is not going to jump in and save you
It appears that you're just trying to argue without a point.

Simple point, Google and the rest of private companies and have the right and power to ban anyone they damn well like
This is true, But that does not change the fact that progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet second only to Muslims

My time on this forum shows that to be false. You far right wingnuts are no more tolerant than the far left or the Muslims.
You are mistaken, conservatives/libertarians do not want to force other people into their shit like socialism.
Socialism is all about intolerance

No, he's right. Righty extremists are pretty much indistinguishable from their lefty counterparts.
Liberals bitched about talk radio and now conservatives are bitching about social media. I thought it a mistake when Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine as it mandated all sides be heard. Of course, the difference here is that social media is not banning conservative voices as it were but Russian trolls and professional prevaricators and conspiracy theorists like sleazeball Alex Jones.

Fear not, Oh valiant Conservative snowflakes, I am sure the Russians will come up with something the upcoming election cycle to satisfy your need for false and slanderous news.

Social media works just like the MSM. Look at how they have you so convinced about Russia! You actually believe that crap.
I can't stand social media personally. I am infrequently on it. The question of Russian will be resolved by Mueller. If he says there was no Russian collusion, I will believe him. If he says, there was collusion, there should be consequences. If the investigation is halted for political reasons, I will presume all the allegations against Trump are true.

Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?
Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?

^ The result of giving the dumbest among us a voice and a platform.

It’s the same old shit from the twisted Left.
“Free speech for all who agree with my speech.”
This will eventually bite Facebook, Zuckerburg and all the filthy fucks in the ass...this nation was built on principles from the Constitution...good Americans value their liberties regardless of where they’re exercising their rights.
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.

Maybe because the 21st Century Conservative is as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl? But I digress, you have the ability to post here, that most of us don't take you seriously is not our fault.

The Internet is replete with websites and blogs for 21st Century conservatives; what is missing is the conservatism of the late 20th Century, wherein thoughtful expression and substantive discussions were welcome. A time when Science was respected, change acceptable, and new and fresh ideas evaluated.
I'm talking about smart devices. You know, the devices that EVERYONE is using to access social media. You are talking about PC style shit. In case you don't know it PC use is down. PC sales are down. PC Sales Keep Falling, But Big Manufacturers Are Doing Just Fine

Smart devices are taking their place and those smart devices are tightly controlled by a handful of companies. All owned by the left.

The threat to real free expression is real and that threat is controlled & facilitated by the left.

You seem to believe so, sadly what you read and hear which you consider "the left" is there to evaluate, not attack with a pejorative. The up and coming generation is smart, informed, interested, curious and technology astute.

They don't see left or right, they don't see skin color and they reject Authoritarianism. Trump's base is framed on hate and fear; many of those born after 9-11 will be voting in November, and the threat they seem most concerned with is domestic.
The up and coming generation is no smarter than any generation....especially when you dumb-down their education and show everything they learn from a leftist perspective.

30+ states have GOP governors....that run the schools in their states.

Please give us your latest excuse for why they can't run the schools "properly".

Governors run the schools? When did they start doing that? At least in my state, all the schools are locally run.

Sent from my iPad using
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.

Do us all a favor and learn what free speech is and who it is applied towards.

Gab is growing despite Google banning it. If you do not like Google, make you own search engine.

First and foremost a prick, learn to comprehend what you read and try and stay on topic.
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.
So? The right is free to start their own cellular platforms to support apps which support hate speech.
And as soon as they get started the left tries to infiltrate them and take them over. Failing that they try to ban them or put them out of business.
But it's nice to know you believe that in a free society like our's you support censorship and fascism.
Aww, you poor, baby. You mean conservatives can’t control their own companies? Who knew the left wielded such enormous power over you rightards? :dunno:

And dumbfuck, learn what censorship and fascism are about. They both involve the government and we’re talking about private businesses.
Maybe you need to learn what censorship is.
The Deep state is using an army of outsiders (Antifa, Twitter, Facebook) to attack conservative speech exactly the way Obama said years ago when he talked of transforming our country using an army outside the government. This is Hope & Change.
Don't allow Storm Front a presence on your site and Google won't ban your app. Seems simple enough.

Seems “simpler” to stop the filthy fucks on the Left from pushing their warped, indecent, unAmerican bullshit agenda. We’d have little reason to expose you filthy fucks for all that you are. Just get your degenerate people to start acting right....Simple shit.
Aww, you poor, baby. You mean conservatives can’t control their own companies? Who knew the left wielded such enormous power over you rightards? :dunno:

And dumbfuck, learn what censorship and fascism are about. They both involve the government and we’re talking about private businesses.
same private business that had to make gay-cakes?

which is it? this double-standard bullshit is what is dividing the country.


no. it really doesn't help much to cuss someone out like that but hey, i gave it a shot.
We’re talking about censorship, not discrimination. And if your skin is too thin for cussing, I highly recommend you scroll past my posts.
who said a thing about thin skin? i just think it makes you look 12 and pointless.

we're talking about a private business being able to do what they want. the left has to micro-slice everything around and make up some bullshit reasons as to why THEIR point of view is correct, even though they wind up contradicting themselves 10 times over in the process.

grow the fuck up.
So you still want to conflate censorship with discrimination? Conservatives are not being discriminated against. Hate speech, regardless of ideology, is being banned. Same as some language on this forum is banned regardless of ideology.
you and your side does not get to define words to fit your needs. one side does not get to dictate rules that for some fucked up reason always fall to THEIR favor.

the left does not get to define what is right and wrong to say anymore than the right does. the left needs to seriously learn to live in an imperfect world and find better ways to cope than screaming at the sky when you don't get what you want.

Seems to me screaming to the sky "Socialism!!!" by those who have no clue as to the term; and "lock her up" by those who have no clue as to American Jurisprudence come from the far right.
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.

Maybe because the 21st Century Conservative is as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl? But I digress, you have the ability to post here, that most of us don't take you seriously is not our fault.

The Internet is replete with websites and blogs for 21st Century conservatives; what is missing is the conservatism of the late 20th Century, wherein thoughtful expression and substantive discussions were welcome. A time when Science was respected, change acceptable, and new and fresh ideas evaluated.

Same with real liberals, they also went by the wayside. very few and far between, in fact there are no real liberals on this board.
I often asked why conservatives weren't creating their own social apps to avoid the left shutting them down on the main apps.

Now I know why.

First they ban you for hate speech on the usual platforms. Hate speech......

Then you create your own app and the powers that be BAN THE APPS from their devices.
Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

The left have a strangle hold on our free expression.

Do us all a favor and learn what free speech is and who it is applied towards.

Gab is growing despite Google banning it. If you do not like Google, make you own search engine.

First and foremost a prick, learn to comprehend what you read and try and stay on topic.

Good morning little puppy!

Sent from my iPhone using
Maybe because the 21st Century Conservative is as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl? But I digress, you have the ability to post here, that most of us don't take you seriously is not our fault.

The Internet is replete with websites and blogs for 21st Century conservatives; what is missing is the conservatism of the late 20th Century, wherein thoughtful expression and substantive discussions were welcome. A time when Science was respected, change acceptable, and new and fresh ideas evaluated.
I'm talking about smart devices. You know, the devices that EVERYONE is using to access social media. You are talking about PC style shit. In case you don't know it PC use is down. PC sales are down. PC Sales Keep Falling, But Big Manufacturers Are Doing Just Fine

Smart devices are taking their place and those smart devices are tightly controlled by a handful of companies. All owned by the left.

The threat to real free expression is real and that threat is controlled & facilitated by the left.

You seem to believe so, sadly what you read and hear which you consider "the left" is there to evaluate, not attack with a pejorative. The up and coming generation is smart, informed, interested, curious and technology astute.

They don't see left or right, they don't see skin color and they reject Authoritarianism. Trump's base is framed on hate and fear; many of those born after 9-11 will be voting in November, and the threat they seem most concerned with is domestic.
The up and coming generation is no smarter than any generation....especially when you dumb-down their education and show everything they learn from a leftist perspective.

30+ states have GOP governors....that run the schools in their states.

Please give us your latest excuse for why they can't run the schools "properly".

Governors run the schools? When did they start doing that? At least in my state, all the schools are locally run.

Sent from my iPad using

State boards of education…state funding for education…state licensure for teachers…lobbying the Feds for additional funding….

All the purview of the governor…
Liberals bitched about talk radio and now conservatives are bitching about social media. I thought it a mistake when Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine as it mandated all sides be heard. Of course, the difference here is that social media is not banning conservative voices as it were but Russian trolls and professional prevaricators and conspiracy theorists like sleazeball Alex Jones.

Fear not, Oh valiant Conservative snowflakes, I am sure the Russians will come up with something the upcoming election cycle to satisfy your need for false and slanderous news.

Social media works just like the MSM. Look at how they have you so convinced about Russia! You actually believe that crap.
I can't stand social media personally. I am infrequently on it. The question of Russian will be resolved by Mueller. If he says there was no Russian collusion, I will believe him. If he says, there was collusion, there should be consequences. If the investigation is halted for political reasons, I will presume all the allegations against Trump are true.

Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?
Should there be consequences for Mexicrats as they encourage illegal wetbacks to drop Dem voting anchor babies by the millions? Or is that to deep for your tiny little mind to understand?

^ The result of giving the dumbest among us a voice and a platform.

It’s the same old shit from the twisted Left.
“Free speech for all who agree with my speech.”
This will eventually bite Facebook, Zuckerburg and all the filthy fucks in the ass...this nation was built on principles from the Constitution...good Americans value their liberties regardless of where they’re exercising their rights.

Please post where in COTUS is the sentence, private social media platforms shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press?
I do like the argument posited in the thread...

You're biased.
I hate bias.
So, I'm going to start my own platform
So I can be biased too
Which is what I hated about you in the first place

Leave it to grumps to employ this "logic"
Nope, but it's not surprising the premise flew over your head like an F24.

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