Conservative Bible

Are the other 23,144 verses of the Bible relevant?

  • Yes. We should consider the whole Bible and become liberals.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No. 2 Theasalonians 3:10 says it all. The other verses are stupid.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Bible teaches us to work hard and take personal responsibility for our actions and for our families. It teaches us not to be lazy and to enjoy the work of our hands. The Bible doesn’t teach that wealth is wrong. The Bible teaches that the love of money is wrong. Looking after the poor, the sick and the vulnerable and sharing with others are human values, not liberal values. Conservatives don't disagree with liberals on the problems. Conservatives disagree with liberals on the solutions to the problems. Those are two different things. The reality is the liberal solutions of throwing money over a fence have been shown not to work. All they do is induce a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the spirit of man.

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:25

And your point is what? That God wants us to sit around idle and starve? Talk about cherrypicking AND misunderstanding.

Those weren't my words. You will have to figure them out yourself.

They aren't your words, but you chose to quote them, and I'm questioning your motive in doing it. So you can either sack up and actually explain the point you were trying to make by citing this quote, or you can puss out and say, "Just figure out for yourself how right I am". Of course, that is the same thing as saying, "I'm completely full of crap, and you should spit on me and ignore me as not worth your time."

So it's entirely up to you whether or not you relegate yourself to board joke. I guess we'll see your choice in your next post.

My words are destructable. The words of the Bible are indestructible.
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10

To my knowledge this is the only verse of the Bible ever quoted by conservatives.

There are 17 other verses in Chapter 3 of Thessalonians. Are they relevant?

There are 23,144 other verses in the Bible. Are they relevant?

How can people continue to pretend that the Bible doesn't promote left wing principles? The Bible is way more consistent with liberal political thought than with conservative politic thought. Does anybody get it?

So homosexuality is an abomination?

Absolutely. They are supposed to be executed by a righteous government.

That's not the first wrong thing you've said in this thread, but it's a big one, from a Christian perspective.
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10

To my knowledge this is the only verse of the Bible ever quoted by conservatives.

There are 17 other verses in Chapter 3 of Thessalonians. Are they relevant?

There are 23,144 other verses in the Bible. Are they relevant?

How can people continue to pretend that the Bible doesn't promote left wing principles? The Bible is way more consistent with liberal political thought than with conservative politic thought. Does anybody get it?
Fuck the Bible.

Take your communist propaganda and shove it up your ass.

Fuck Jesus!

Fuck all that communist bullshit.

Might is right!

Mercy is for the weak and pussies.

Valhalla, I am coming.

You can't use your bullshit religious shaming on people like me.


I voted no in this poll too.

How does one go about worshipping Thor? I too am a believer in, "might is right".

You cannot be a worshiper of Jesus Christ and honestly wonder how you would "go about worshiping Thor". There just can't be any doubt about that.
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
You guys are all making great arguments. I agree with all of you. I am a conservative too.

I'm not saying that being conservative is bad. I am saying that the Bible promotes liberal principles. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying that you are obligated to like the Bible. Most conservatives passionately hate the Bible because of its promotion of communist/left wing ideologies. That's why I voted no in this poll.

You are making a great many fallacies here, like taking what the Bible says about religious settlements of like-minded believers ("nations") and extrapolating that to huge nations of 320 million people of very diverse huge populations. What the Bible says about small, early gatherings of like-minded Christians does not necessarily apply to what the Bible means to say about huge nations of diverse populations and taxation.

People make that same mistake, say, in matters of Christian submission. When they think because the wife submits to the husband in marriage, she ought to be "submissive" to every man. It's just total Biblical ignorance.
Don’t you think Jesus would be proud that we as a society provide foodstamps to people who don’t have money?

Jesus was a food stamp recipient that loved the poor. Jesus was also a fan of the prophets who violently warned nations to care for the poor. I am going to answer yes to your question.

Quote the verse where Jesus warned NATIONS to care for the poor, oh ye who is curious about worshiping THOR
That's prophets, no? And Odin is the dog's bollocks in the Nordic pantheon.
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10

To my knowledge this is the only verse of the Bible ever quoted by conservatives.

There are 17 other verses in Chapter 3 of Thessalonians. Are they relevant?

There are 23,144 other verses in the Bible. Are they relevant?

How can people continue to pretend that the Bible doesn't promote left wing principles? The Bible is way more consistent with liberal political thought than with conservative politic thought. Does anybody get it?
I love the part of the bible where it says "God helps those that help themselves". With liberals they want Government to help them because they are too stupid to use God's given gifts..

That isn't in the bible anywhere.
You guys are all making great arguments. I agree with all of you. I am a conservative too.

I'm not saying that being conservative is bad. I am saying that the Bible promotes liberal principles. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying that you are obligated to like the Bible. Most conservatives passionately hate the Bible because of its promotion of communist/left wing ideologies. That's why I voted no in this poll.

You are making a great many fallacies here, like taking what the Bible says about religious settlements of like-minded believers ("nations") and extrapolating that to huge nations of 320 million people of very diverse huge populations. What the Bible says about small, early gatherings of like-minded Christians does not necessarily apply to what the Bible means to say about huge nations of diverse populations and taxation.

People make that same mistake, say, in matters of Christian submission. When they think because the wife submits to the husband in marriage, she ought to be "submissive" to every man. It's just total Biblical ignorance.

Have you ever read Isaiah or any of the prophet books?
Don’t you think Jesus would be proud that we as a society provide foodstamps to people who don’t have money?

Jesus was a food stamp recipient that loved the poor. Jesus was also a fan of the prophets who violently warned nations to care for the poor. I am going to answer yes to your question.

Quote the verse where Jesus warned NATIONS to care for the poor, oh ye who is curious about worshiping THOR

It is too awkward to post the entire book of Isaiah.
You guys are all making great arguments. I agree with all of you. I am a conservative too.

I'm not saying that being conservative is bad. I am saying that the Bible promotes liberal principles. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying that you are obligated to like the Bible. Most conservatives passionately hate the Bible because of its promotion of communist/left wing ideologies. That's why I voted no in this poll.

You are making a great many fallacies here, like taking what the Bible says about religious settlements of like-minded believers ("nations") and extrapolating that to huge nations of 320 million people of very diverse huge populations. What the Bible says about small, early gatherings of like-minded Christians does not necessarily apply to what the Bible means to say about huge nations of diverse populations and taxation.

People make that same mistake, say, in matters of Christian submission. When they think because the wife submits to the husband in marriage, she ought to be "submissive" to every man. It's just total Biblical ignorance.

Have you ever read Isaiah or any of the prophet books?

You read them understanding, as best you can, the message God had for the people then, in the time, culture and history of the people then. Keeping in mind that when God gave the Law, he gave Civil, Ceremonial and Moral Laws, and when he sent the prophets, most prophecies were looking forward to Babylon--and some beyond. But not all beyond.
You guys are all making great arguments. I agree with all of you. I am a conservative too.

I'm not saying that being conservative is bad. I am saying that the Bible promotes liberal principles. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying that you are obligated to like the Bible. Most conservatives passionately hate the Bible because of its promotion of communist/left wing ideologies. That's why I voted no in this poll.

You are making a great many fallacies here, like taking what the Bible says about religious settlements of like-minded believers ("nations") and extrapolating that to huge nations of 320 million people of very diverse huge populations. What the Bible says about small, early gatherings of like-minded Christians does not necessarily apply to what the Bible means to say about huge nations of diverse populations and taxation.

People make that same mistake, say, in matters of Christian submission. When they think because the wife submits to the husband in marriage, she ought to be "submissive" to every man. It's just total Biblical ignorance.

Have you ever read Isaiah or any of the prophet books?

You read them understanding, as best you can, the message God had for the people then, in the time, culture and history of the people then. Keeping in mind that when God gave the Law, he gave Civil, Ceremonial and Moral Laws, and when he sent the prophets, most prophecies were looking forward to Babylon--and some beyond. But not all beyond.

I guess I will read Isaiah again. Perhaps I missed something.
Don’t you think Jesus would be proud that we as a society provide foodstamps to people who don’t have money?

Jesus was a food stamp recipient that loved the poor. Jesus was also a fan of the prophets who violently warned nations to care for the poor. I am going to answer yes to your question.

Quote the verse where Jesus warned NATIONS to care for the poor, oh ye who is curious about worshiping THOR

It is too awkward to post the entire book of Isaiah.

Do not try that; I have read the entire Bible multiple times too, including Isaiah. You will not get by hiding faulty theology behind "well you have to understand the entire thing" with me. If you understand the Bible, you can paraphrase. WHAT do you mean.
Don’t you think Jesus would be proud that we as a society provide foodstamps to people who don’t have money?

Jesus was a food stamp recipient that loved the poor. Jesus was also a fan of the prophets who violently warned nations to care for the poor. I am going to answer yes to your question.

Quote the verse where Jesus warned NATIONS to care for the poor, oh ye who is curious about worshiping THOR

It is too awkward to post the entire book of Isaiah.

Do not try that; I have read the entire Bible multiple times too, including Isaiah. You will not get by hiding faulty theology behind "well you have to understand the entire thing" with me. If you understand the Bible, you can paraphrase. WHAT do you mean.

I don't want to upset you SweetSue92. I consider you more than just an average poster. I don't know if friend is the appropriate word but I do respect you. If you want me to quit discussing this topic then I will.
Don’t you think Jesus would be proud that we as a society provide foodstamps to people who don’t have money?

Jesus was a food stamp recipient that loved the poor. Jesus was also a fan of the prophets who violently warned nations to care for the poor. I am going to answer yes to your question.

Quote the verse where Jesus warned NATIONS to care for the poor, oh ye who is curious about worshiping THOR

It is too awkward to post the entire book of Isaiah.

Do not try that; I have read the entire Bible multiple times too, including Isaiah. You will not get by hiding faulty theology behind "well you have to understand the entire thing" with me. If you understand the Bible, you can paraphrase. WHAT do you mean.

I don't want to upset you SweetSue92. I consider you more than just an average poster. I don't know if friend is the appropriate word but I do respect you. If you want me to quit discussing this topic then I will.

Not at all. I appreciate that. I know I come on....strong sometimes. ((blushing)) I'm a strong defender of God's Word, that's for sure. Of course you can keep posting, I would never want to stop someone from posting. But if you post about God's Word information that is inaccurate well....some of us will have things to say.

(I believe in the First Amendment and I hope I live it out. The best counter to speech that you find inaccurate is more speech!)
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
I was raised in a church-going family. I will not go into the negative effects this had on my life but I will say this: RW Christianity affords adherents a very arbitrary moral structure that ill-prepares children for adult life.

Yes, when Jesus fed the multitude they all clamored to make him a king.

Jesus then tried to splain to them that a full belly was not the message, rather, it was only a means of gaining their attention for the real message which was a spiritual one.

He then left them instead of letting them make him a king, which is polar opposite to his purpose, but would be 100% what a Leftist would want so that heads would roll.
God is a leftist what is he doing there?
God condemned all humans to die....
What if I told you that a mind without a body created existence so that he could experience existence through minds with bodies and that he shared in all of our experiences even suffering death.

Then I told you that cherry picking experiences to only experience pleasant things would not be nearly as fulfilling as experiencing all experiences. That experiencing happiness and sorrow was better than only experiencing happiness. That experiencing victory and defeat was better than only experiencing victory. That it is the full human experience that shapes us.

Do you think if you believed those things it might give you a better perspective on life and actually lead to a better human experience?
The Bible teaches us to work hard and take personal responsibility for our actions and for our families. It teaches us not to be lazy and to enjoy the work of our hands. The Bible doesn’t teach that wealth is wrong. The Bible teaches that the love of money is wrong. Looking after the poor, the sick and the vulnerable and sharing with others are human values, not liberal values. Conservatives don't disagree with liberals on the problems. Conservatives disagree with liberals on the solutions to the problems. Those are two different things. The reality is the liberal solutions of throwing money over a fence have been shown not to work. All they do is induce a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the spirit of man.

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:25

And your point is what? That God wants us to sit around idle and starve? Talk about cherrypicking AND misunderstanding.

Those weren't my words. You will have to figure them out yourself.

They aren't your words, but you chose to quote them, and I'm questioning your motive in doing it. So you can either sack up and actually explain the point you were trying to make by citing this quote, or you can puss out and say, "Just figure out for yourself how right I am". Of course, that is the same thing as saying, "I'm completely full of crap, and you should spit on me and ignore me as not worth your time."

So it's entirely up to you whether or not you relegate yourself to board joke. I guess we'll see your choice in your next post.

My words are destructable. The words of the Bible are indestructible.

I'll take that as "Go ahead and laugh at me, because I can't say anything intelligent."

Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3

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