Conservative Bible

Are the other 23,144 verses of the Bible relevant?

  • Yes. We should consider the whole Bible and become liberals.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No. 2 Theasalonians 3:10 says it all. The other verses are stupid.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.

Of course. What the words do is place that moral attitude strictly within the venue of individual conscience, and not in the hands of government policy, no matter how well-meaning.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.

Of course. What the words do is place that moral attitude strictly within the venue of individual conscience, and not in the hands of government policy, no matter how well-meaning.
Again I am puzzled by someone who apparently does not want the government to respect or reflect the gentle values they supposedly hold dear.
A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.

Of course. What the words do is place that moral attitude strictly within the venue of individual conscience, and not in the hands of government policy, no matter how well-meaning.
Again I am puzzled by someone who apparently does not want the government to respect or reflect the gentle values they supposedly hold dear.

Why puzzled? Again, it's a matter of individual conscience. The federal government has no mandate to involve itself with charity, nor a right to decide that individuals must by statute transfer their wealth to another individual. That is simply theft.
Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.

Of course. What the words do is place that moral attitude strictly within the venue of individual conscience, and not in the hands of government policy, no matter how well-meaning.
Again I am puzzled by someone who apparently does not want the government to respect or reflect the gentle values they supposedly hold dear.

Why puzzled? Again, it's a matter of individual conscience. The federal government has no mandate to involve itself with charity, nor a right to decide that individuals must by statute transfer their wealth to another individual. That is simply theft.
That's fine, I didn't expect the sort of answer that involves a little self-examination. I will go on believing that the hard right does not value what are collectively known as virtues. Lord knows I have seen the right dump on people for nothing more than giving a shit.
The Bible teaches us to work hard and take personal responsibility for our actions and for our families. It teaches us not to be lazy and to enjoy the work of our hands. The Bible doesn’t teach that wealth is wrong. The Bible teaches that the love of money is wrong. Looking after the poor, the sick and the vulnerable and sharing with others are human values, not liberal values. Conservatives don't disagree with liberals on the problems. Conservatives disagree with liberals on the solutions to the problems. Those are two different things. The reality is the liberal solutions of throwing money over a fence have been shown not to work. All they do is induce a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the spirit of man.

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:25

And your point is what? That God wants us to sit around idle and starve? Talk about cherrypicking AND misunderstanding.

Those weren't my words. You will have to figure them out yourself.

They aren't your words, but you chose to quote them, and I'm questioning your motive in doing it. So you can either sack up and actually explain the point you were trying to make by citing this quote, or you can puss out and say, "Just figure out for yourself how right I am". Of course, that is the same thing as saying, "I'm completely full of crap, and you should spit on me and ignore me as not worth your time."

So it's entirely up to you whether or not you relegate yourself to board joke. I guess we'll see your choice in your next post.

My words are destructable. The words of the Bible are indestructible.
Christians once said the Bible said interracial marriage and being gay were sins. What do you mean the words are indestructible? How so?
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:25

And your point is what? That God wants us to sit around idle and starve? Talk about cherrypicking AND misunderstanding.

Those weren't my words. You will have to figure them out yourself.

They aren't your words, but you chose to quote them, and I'm questioning your motive in doing it. So you can either sack up and actually explain the point you were trying to make by citing this quote, or you can puss out and say, "Just figure out for yourself how right I am". Of course, that is the same thing as saying, "I'm completely full of crap, and you should spit on me and ignore me as not worth your time."

So it's entirely up to you whether or not you relegate yourself to board joke. I guess we'll see your choice in your next post.

My words are destructable. The words of the Bible are indestructible.
Christians once said the Bible said interracial marriage and being gay were sins. What do you mean the words are indestructible? How so?

Ignoring a statue isn't the same as destroying a statue.

Ignoring the Bible isn't the same as destroying the Bible.
A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3
Putting God first is just the high-sounding euphemism for accepting the often flawed moral judgements of clergy. I read the words of Jesus and hear that how we treat the weak, the sick, and the down-trodden defines us as moral people rather than how obedient we are to the preacher.

Of course. What the words do is place that moral attitude strictly within the venue of individual conscience, and not in the hands of government policy, no matter how well-meaning.
Again I am puzzled by someone who apparently does not want the government to respect or reflect the gentle values they supposedly hold dear.

Why puzzled? Again, it's a matter of individual conscience. The federal government has no mandate to involve itself with charity, nor a right to decide that individuals must by statute transfer their wealth to another individual. That is simply theft.
That's fine, I didn't expect the sort of answer that involves a little self-examination. I will go on believing that the hard right does not value what are collectively known as virtues. Lord knows I have seen the right dump on people for nothing more than giving a shit.

Then you will go on believing, in error.
the bible is fairytale crap--worthless
Here's my stock answer to the fairytale narrative.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that they have lost all original meaning to you. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.

If you perceive God to be some magical fairy tale then everything you see will skew to that result. There won't be one single thing that you will agree with or accept. Whereas if you were trying to objectively analyze the evidence for spirit creating the material world then you would listen to the whole argument and not look for trivial things to nitpick.
the bible is fairytale crap--worthless
Here's my stock answer to the fairytale narrative.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that they have lost all original meaning to you. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.

If you perceive God to be some magical fairy tale then everything you see will skew to that result. There won't be one single thing that you will agree with or accept. Whereas if you were trying to objectively analyze the evidence for spirit creating the material world then you would listen to the whole argument and not look for trivial things to nitpick.
we can't even believe crap in the MSM 12 January 2018
there is still controversy of the JFK shooting 1963

all that you just wrote is what YOU believe --your opinion only
the bible is fairytale crap--worthless
Here's my stock answer to the fairytale narrative.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that they have lost all original meaning to you. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.

If you perceive God to be some magical fairy tale then everything you see will skew to that result. There won't be one single thing that you will agree with or accept. Whereas if you were trying to objectively analyze the evidence for spirit creating the material world then you would listen to the whole argument and not look for trivial things to nitpick.
we can't even believe crap in the MSM 12 January 2018
there is still controversy of the JFK shooting 1963

all that you just wrote is what YOU believe --your opinion only
Nope. Historical fact.
the bible is fairytale crap--worthless
Here's my stock answer to the fairytale narrative.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that they have lost all original meaning to you. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.

If you perceive God to be some magical fairy tale then everything you see will skew to that result. There won't be one single thing that you will agree with or accept. Whereas if you were trying to objectively analyze the evidence for spirit creating the material world then you would listen to the whole argument and not look for trivial things to nitpick.
we can't even believe crap in the MSM 12 January 2018
there is still controversy of the JFK shooting 1963

all that you just wrote is what YOU believe --your opinion only
Nope. Historical fact.
so it's a history book----??? so what?? what makes it so '''special''?
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
I was raised in a church-going family. I will not go into the negative effects this had on my life but I will say this: RW Christianity affords adherents a very arbitrary moral structure that ill-prepares children for adult life.

This could mean so many things. "Church going" could mean so many things, so could "arbitrary moral structure". How particularly did your church going upbringing ill-prepare you for adult life?
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.

A big problem with Social Justice Jesus is that it makes Christianity and God secondary, just a means to an end. God will not accept being used as a tool to accomplish something more important; He will not accept something else being more important.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3

Of course this, in spades and all day long. Jesus will not suffer being used for Social Justice purposes. Jesus did not come to make Social Justice great.

Jesus is Jesus--if you understand, you understand.
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:25

And your point is what? That God wants us to sit around idle and starve? Talk about cherrypicking AND misunderstanding.

Those weren't my words. You will have to figure them out yourself.

They aren't your words, but you chose to quote them, and I'm questioning your motive in doing it. So you can either sack up and actually explain the point you were trying to make by citing this quote, or you can puss out and say, "Just figure out for yourself how right I am". Of course, that is the same thing as saying, "I'm completely full of crap, and you should spit on me and ignore me as not worth your time."

So it's entirely up to you whether or not you relegate yourself to board joke. I guess we'll see your choice in your next post.

My words are destructable. The words of the Bible are indestructible.
Christians once said the Bible said interracial marriage and being gay were sins. What do you mean the words are indestructible? How so?

The Bible does not say interracial marriage is a sin and never did. The Bible has always said the homosexuality is a sin and still does.

This is really Bible 101.
Just a guess.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
I was raised in a church-going family. I will not go into the negative effects this had on my life but I will say this: RW Christianity affords adherents a very arbitrary moral structure that ill-prepares children for adult life.

This could mean so many things. "Church going" could mean so many things, so could "arbitrary moral structure". How particularly did your church going upbringing ill-prepare you for adult life?
Not going to go into details but let's just say I had to learn about real life on my own and the hard way. I was in no way prepared to deal with the world outside my closed-in community. I must also venture to say that church kids were probably the most molested kids in America. I had so many perverts around me I almost thought it was normal. It's been a few years (50) since I was a kid, maybe that has changed somewhat, but the way all those pious assholes covered each others kiddy-diddling should doom them to hell.
You can still worship Jesus. Just don't let the communist fucks use it against you to somehow make you look like a hypocrite.

Rules for Radicals is USELESS against Norse Paganism.

A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
I was raised in a church-going family. I will not go into the negative effects this had on my life but I will say this: RW Christianity affords adherents a very arbitrary moral structure that ill-prepares children for adult life.

This could mean so many things. "Church going" could mean so many things, so could "arbitrary moral structure". How particularly did your church going upbringing ill-prepare you for adult life?
Not going to go into details but let's just say I had to learn about real life on my own and the hard way. I was in no way prepared to deal with the world outside my closed-in community. I must also venture to say that church kids were probably the most molested kids in America. I had so many perverts around me I almost thought it was normal. It's been a few years (50) since I was a kid, maybe that has changed somewhat, but the way all those pious assholes covered each others kiddy-diddling should doom them to hell.

Sounds like a cult, not so much a church. Especially the "closed-in" part. I'm really genuinely sorry you had that kind of experience. That does not represent "Conservative" or "evangelical" Christianity, but a mad cult.
A violence worshiping, self-centered, guilt-free religion who's rules are anything you can rationalize as righteous. You have a lot in common with RW Christians.

Overstatement. A vast overstatement at that.

I'm a Conservative but I recognize that Jesus transcends politics--thank God for that. I do everyday. And if you think Social Justice Jesus is any better than RW Jesus, you're fooling yourself.
I was raised in a church-going family. I will not go into the negative effects this had on my life but I will say this: RW Christianity affords adherents a very arbitrary moral structure that ill-prepares children for adult life.

This could mean so many things. "Church going" could mean so many things, so could "arbitrary moral structure". How particularly did your church going upbringing ill-prepare you for adult life?
Not going to go into details but let's just say I had to learn about real life on my own and the hard way. I was in no way prepared to deal with the world outside my closed-in community. I must also venture to say that church kids were probably the most molested kids in America. I had so many perverts around me I almost thought it was normal. It's been a few years (50) since I was a kid, maybe that has changed somewhat, but the way all those pious assholes covered each others kiddy-diddling should doom them to hell.

Sounds like a cult, not so much a church. Especially the "closed-in" part. I'm really genuinely sorry you had that kind of experience. That does not represent "Conservative" or "evangelical" Christianity, but a mad cult.
It had cultish aspects but I do not think it was that different. They certainly sound the same.

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