Conservative bishops and cardinals win victory over this so-called "Pope"

And yet, tho it is legal for previously divorced people to one is suing the Catholic Church to force them to marry divorced people. What's up with that?
They do not need to sue them. They need to pay them. My brother in law (who is a Catholic) was married twice and wanted to marry a third time in the Catholic church. He was told if he paid the Catholic Church 5,000 dollars they would perform the wedding. He paid the priest the $5,000 dollars and they annulled his other two marriages for him. That is how it is done.
Bishops Hand Pope Defeat on His Outreach to Divorced Catholics

The Pope tried to force the issue of second marriage Catholics, and what happened was a conservative backlash that makes him look weak and powerless.
He's a Jesuit. He wants to look weak and powerless. Meanwhile, he is making major power moves throughout the world and working on Sunday law, One World Religion and the day he will make war against the Protestants. This works for him right now.
Or they can join a real church which will require them to be born again and obey the bible rather than staying in false cults (Roman Catholicism) or false churches ( feel good denominations).

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