Conservative group is tired of being accused of climate denial — and is fighting back

from the link: In a separate example that echoes ALEC’s plight, Southern Co., the country’s fourth-largest electric utility, recently decided to quietly drop its funding for controversial scientist Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon, a solar physicist at the the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory who has challenged the consensus view that links recent climate change to man-made greenhouse gases. Some of Soon’s research came under question following revelations that he did not disclose that this work was paid for by fossil-fuel interests, including Southern, which operates coal-fired utility plants.


In a separate example that echoes ALEC’s plight, Southern Co., the country’s fourth-largest electric utility, recently decided to quietly drop its funding for controversial scientist Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon, a solar physicist at the the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory who has challenged the consensus view that links recent climate change to man-made greenhouse gases. Some of Soon’s research came under question following revelations that he did not disclose that this work was paid for by fossil-fuel interests, including Southern, which operates coal-fired utility plants.

The company had been underwriting Soon’s research through a grant to the Smithsonian-affiliated laboratory where the scientists works, but the company has decided to end the relationship later this year, a spokesman confirmed. Soon declined a request to comment.

Lobbyists for the industry say they no longer focus on questioning scientific consensus.

“The science issue just isn’t as salient as it once was,” said Scott Segal, who represents energy interests at Bracewell & Giuliani. Debate over climate science was “all the rage” in the past, he said. “But today, the key issue is whether proposed regulations cost too much, weaken reliability or are illegal.”

I said it before...First they all laughed at the idea of GW, then they moved to say the science was still in question, now they are pulled by force into reality and NOW the concern is cost.

Because there is a magic number that shows when and how a clean earth will be a winner or loser in the investment dept lol
How exactly does one deny climate? Seriously, someone is actually denying that there is climate? Are you retarded?
do you libs ever get tired of being used as tools. ?

climate DENIERS....WOW it's took some idiot like Albert Gore Bore a career politician and candidate for frikken President and " 97% " Consensus of a bunch of fake scientist to come up with something so STUPID

Here's what Republican/CONSERVATIVES are saying:

you can take your stupid name calling and stick up where the sun will never shine and it's stinky and warm all the time

gawd tools/sheep are pathetic
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They're donations went down then they were all like "Hey! U know that stuff we've been paying that "scientist" to say? Uh well, April Fools! *nervous laugh* Can I haz more money now?"
They're donations went down then they were all like "Hey! U know that stuff we've been paying that "scientist" to say? Uh well, April Fools! *nervous laugh* Can I haz more money now?"

Genuine conservative groups don't expect to get support from commie operations like Google.
I'm so sick of their name calling. from racist, now bigots, deniers, birther, truthers, they''ve even called us, terrorist..... and the stupidity just goes on and on

What makes you think it's a "conservative" group. I can't imagine Google being a joining any group that claims to be conservative.

Thats why reality is better than your imagination

You obviously can't explain what makes it "conservative."

What makes you think it's a "conservative" group. I can't imagine Google being a joining any group that claims to be conservative.

Thats why reality is better than your imagination

You obviously can't explain what makes it "conservative."

Neither can you thats why its an easy dodge to use the no true scotsman fallacy logic

What makes you think it's a "conservative" group. I can't imagine Google being a joining any group that claims to be conservative.

Thats why reality is better than your imagination

You obviously can't explain what makes it "conservative."

Neither can you thats why its an easy dodge to use the no true scotsman fallacy logic

I haven't claimed it was conservative, so it's not my job to prove it is.

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