Conservative Hero Exposes Fox News Support Of Trans Pedophile Organization - WTF?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Matt Walsh obtained internal documents from Fox News employees showing that Fox Corp. encourages employees to support radical LGBTQ organizations and has deployed “woke AI” that tracks people’s commitment to DEI principles. A screenshot of a Fox employee portal shared by Walsh showed that the company encourages employees to donate to the Trevor Project, the Ali Forney Center, and the L.A. LGBT Center. Fox also encourages employees to read explicit LGBTQ books like one that gives a sexually explicit description of a “glory hole” and another that describes pornographic scenes between two gay characters.

One of the books that Fox says will “expand your perspective” delves into gay erotica, Walsh said, sharing a page that goes into explicit detail about a sexual encounter between two gay characters. The Fox employee portal pushes employees to the Trevor Project, an organization that Walsh said “hosts a sexually explicit chat room that connects children as young as 13 years old with ‘LGBT’ adults.” The media company also praises the Los Angeles LGBT Center, an organization that posted a video of a mother “surprising” her “trans daughter” with her first doses of hormones."

Matt Walsh is probably one of the most courageous and heroic crusaders in the fight to protect children from tranny child rapists and groomer parents; but this total exposure of the Fox Corporation is huge. We now know once and for all that Fox is just controlled opposition and part of the Biden Deep State and beholden to serving the will of the woke-left-tranny mob. The Trevor project claims to be a suicide prevention hotline for trans kids, that alone is bad enough -- like, why are we trying to prevent trannies from killing themselves? That is the most effective way to get rid of them; why are we trying to prevent this? We should be trying to make them want to kill themselves more. This was a brilliant move by Matt to go after this organization. Are they really a child sex trafficking operation? We don't know, but it feels good to believe they are.

The other organization is some type of homeless shelter for tranny kids who were kicked out of the house by their parents -- like why are we providing shelter to these kids? If you stop coddling these fags, maybe they would return back to their parents and stop being gay -- these LGBTQ organizations are basically trying to come between parents and their ability to shame and punish their children out of being fags.. Why is Fox forcing their employees to do this? Is that why Tucker decided to part ways with Fox? Did he discover Fox's true goal of supporting trannies and pedophilia? And what about these gay books they are forcing their employees to read? Was Hannity forced to read about gay sex and tranny glory holes? Where does this end? When will conservatives see that they should oppose all fags, because if you don't, some new form of tranny will emerge who is even more dangerous than current trannies.
There is a sickness in America today.... don't be a part of it...
I am sure, I have watched FOX news since day one. There are shows that were good, but overall, that fair and balanced crap just gives a voice to those that are wrong and weakens the right, voice.
Yea, we get it ....Fox (which was always created to be a right-wing echo chamber) -- isn't enough of an echo chamber.....

Yet, you will watch Fox to get your dopamine hit of manufactured white greivance and bullshit...which is basically what every right-wing media outlet is.....pornhubs for manufactured right-wing outrage...
Yea, we get it ....Fox (which was always created to be a right-wing echo chamber) -- isn't enough of an echo chamber.....

Yet, you will watch Fox to get your dopamine hit of manufactured white greivance and bullshit...which is basically what every right-wing media outlet is.....pornhubs for manufactured right-wing outrage...
There are getting to be even more right wing sources than Fox such as NEWSMAX and OAN and many others. If you think about the simplicity of the far right, not too bright followers and they are constantly seeking more outrage than yesterday with all kinds of crazy between Fox, which is somewhat based in reality, sometimes and the far far right Q types and racist. It is weird to watch them turn on ChikFilA though.
Yea, we get it ....Fox (which was always created to be a right-wing echo chamber) -- isn't enough of an echo chamber.....

Yet, you will watch Fox to get your dopamine hit of manufactured white greivance and bullshit...which is basically what every right-wing media outlet is.....pornhubs for manufactured right-wing outrage...
I do not watch Fox, to say that I do shows a bit of bigotry on your part.

Pornhubs? Dopamine hit? Grievance? Bullshit? Right Wing?

You got me, I can not out bigot you, you win the reward for a very nice bigoted comment.

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