Conservative history of the united states

A Conservative History of the United States : The New Yorker

September 19, 2012
Posted by Jack Hitt

This is actually true. Often you were better off coming here as a slave than, say, as an Irishman.

Care to confute that or must you run off with your liberal tail between your legs??

What is "confute?"

And, I posted this last month. With more than a week to plan, That stormfront flame is really the best you have? :wtf::piss2:

Confute - to prove wrong.

You're welcome.
A Conservative History of the United States : The New Yorker

September 19, 2012
Posted by Jack Hitt

This is actually true. Often you were better off coming here as a slave than, say, as an Irishman.

Care to confute that or must you run off with your liberal tail between your legs??

Hell Yeah! At least as a slave you got room and board in return for your "service".

Gee, being a slave was great. As teenagers your kids were sold off to another - and your grandkids being the issue of the slave owner who fucked your daughter got to work in the house and not in the fields.
Gee, being a slave was great.

of course a liberal will lack the IQ to know that no one said that here but a strawman will always keep a liberal in the debate!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??

So why were Republicans so intent to remove this great American institution? Did they goof or did they have some type of scheme in mind. Can we create new amendments and return slavery to America. I'll bet we would have so many slave volunteers that it would be an instant success. The thing is Blacks are a minority so all the good slave postitions would go to white Republicans. that would be unfair, unequal, and racist, but OK with me.
I'll bet Edward with his IQ and swiftness would be America's first new slave.
A Conservative History of the United States : The New Yorker

September 19, 2012
Posted by Jack Hitt

This is actually true. Often you were better off coming here as a slave than, say, as an Irishman.

Care to confute that or must you run off with your liberal tail between your legs??

yeah, nothing says freedom like being chained in the hold of a ship.

fucking moron :lmao:

Hey, so a few died in chains on the ships. And they were valuable property. :mad:

I would love to set this guy down in Compton or Watts and watch nature take it's course .. on youtube

Maher's a racist and a misogynist.

No wonder the left loves him.

Honestly, he doesn't like stupid men either.

But racist? That's interesting. He is a bit of a Zionist...and I don't share his views where Israel are concerned...but that's like being racist against other Semitic people, and gets a bit involved. I'm sure you're not referencing that though, so what's the issue?

Maher's a racist and a misogynist.

No wonder the left loves him.

Honestly, he doesn't like stupid men either.
He must hate himself.
But racist? That's interesting. He is a bit of a Zionist...and I don't share his views where Israel are concerned...but that's like being racist against other Semitic people, and gets a bit involved. I'm sure you're not referencing that though, so what's the issue?
Maher: GOP 'Party of the Apes'
You need not use the left's absurdly low and usually ridiculous standards surrounding what is and isn't racism when it comes to Barack Obama to be taken aback by crybaby Bill Maher's blog post yesterday:

Also because the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horseshit and anyone who has paid attention to politics over the last 20 years knows it. Or as I like to call it, “The Rise of the Party of the Apes.”​

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Read more: Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You' |
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary):​

He's a racist. The fact that he's a leftist does not excuse his racism...but leftists think it does.
Maher's a racist and a misogynist.

No wonder the left loves him.

Honestly, he doesn't like stupid men either.
He must hate himself.
But racist? That's interesting. He is a bit of a Zionist...and I don't share his views where Israel are concerned...but that's like being racist against other Semitic people, and gets a bit involved. I'm sure you're not referencing that though, so what's the issue?
Maher: GOP 'Party of the Apes'
You need not use the left's absurdly low and usually ridiculous standards surrounding what is and isn't racism when it comes to Barack Obama to be taken aback by crybaby Bill Maher's blog post yesterday:

Also because the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horseshit and anyone who has paid attention to politics over the last 20 years knows it. Or as I like to call it, “The Rise of the Party of the Apes.”​

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Read more: Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You' |
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary):​

He's a racist. The fact that he's a leftist does not excuse his racism...but leftists think it does.

Oh, for pete's sake.
Honestly, he doesn't like stupid men either.
He must hate himself.
But racist? That's interesting. He is a bit of a Zionist...and I don't share his views where Israel are concerned...but that's like being racist against other Semitic people, and gets a bit involved. I'm sure you're not referencing that though, so what's the issue?
Maher: GOP 'Party of the Apes'
You need not use the left's absurdly low and usually ridiculous standards surrounding what is and isn't racism when it comes to Barack Obama to be taken aback by crybaby Bill Maher's blog post yesterday:

Also because the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horseshit and anyone who has paid attention to politics over the last 20 years knows it. Or as I like to call it, “The Rise of the Party of the Apes.”​

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Read more: Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You' |
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary):​

He's a racist. The fact that he's a leftist does not excuse his racism...but leftists think it does.

Oh, for pete's sake.
Oh, look -- a leftist pretending a fellow leftist's bigotry doesn't exist.

Tell me...would you dismiss as easily a conservative saying the Democratic Party is the Party of the Apes?
So why were Republicans so intent to remove this great American institution?

If I said slavery was a great institution I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again. What does that tell you about your character and IQ?

You simply lack the IQ to know when you are creating a strawman. Why not try college before you try here?
Last edited:
He must hate himself.

Maher: GOP 'Party of the Apes'
You need not use the left's absurdly low and usually ridiculous standards surrounding what is and isn't racism when it comes to Barack Obama to be taken aback by crybaby Bill Maher's blog post yesterday:

Also because the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horseshit and anyone who has paid attention to politics over the last 20 years knows it. Or as I like to call it, “The Rise of the Party of the Apes.”​

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Read more: Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You' |
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary):​

He's a racist. The fact that he's a leftist does not excuse his racism...but leftists think it does.

Oh, for pete's sake.
Oh, look -- a leftist pretending a fellow leftist's bigotry doesn't exist.

Tell me...would you dismiss as easily a conservative saying the Democratic Party is the Party of the Apes?

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