Conservative Media Struggles For Credibility


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
WASHINGTON –- On Thursday evening atop the capital city's posh W hotel, National Review editor Rich Lowry toasted Robert Costa on becoming the magazine's Washington editor. The 27-year-old journalist, Lowry declared, deserved praise for moving the long-running conservative outlet into a future that depended on original, online reporting.

"When National Review Online first started down here in Washington under the tutelage of Jonah Goldberg, working the phones meant Jonah calling the local Chinese restaurant to inquire about what had happened to his order of General Tso's Chicken," Lowry joked before the crowd of prominent National Review writers -- including Goldberg and Ramesh Ponnuru -- and attendees such as columnist George Will and former Dick Cheney aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

The National Review, a leading voice in the conservative movement since 1955, isn't cutting back on opinion writing or strong editorial stands. But Costa and his team of three reporters are gaining recognition inside Republican circles and among the Washington media establishment for actually making calls, staking out the Capitol and breaking news. Costa recently reported the inside story of the attempted House GOP "coup" against Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and scooped that former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will speak at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference.

Conservative Media Struggles For Credibility, Amid Coverage Of Hookers, Hamas And Hagel
Irony: The propagandists at HuffyPuffy and one of their dutiful spammers talking about anyone else's credibility. :lmao:
You Think?

They've been under informing, misinforming their viewers for years and behind their viewers back laugh on how stupid they are for believing the crap they spew on a 24/7 news cycle.

Via T.V., Radio and Internet have successfully dumbed down their viewers to where studies are coming out proving just how misinformed their viewers are on the actual news. But some of their viewers have awaken finally and have tuned out and turned off this Conservative bullshit being shoveled down their throat.

Because not only has Faux seen their viewership decline sharply as of late, even Limpdick has lost plenty of listeners.
Irony: The propagandists at HuffyPuffy and one of their dutiful spammers talking about anyone else's credibility. :lmao:

Clear sign you didn't read the article, because you get this quick responses that don't amount to NOTHING but empty rhetoric. Because if you had read the article, it clearly pointed out several instances to make their point.

But be it as it may for me to challenge you to actually want to know the truth once in awhile. And please stop with the false comparison, Huff Post does NOT even coming close to lying to their readers as other Conservative Blogs do and if they do, at least their readers are smart enough to not only recognize it, but challenge it and call them out for it. Name one instances where this has been the case for Conservative Blogs? Tucker Carlson ring a bell?
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Confronted With Facts, O'Reilly Screams "Bullshit"

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly broke down and screamed at his guest Alan Colmes for identifying spending cuts that President Obama has proposed, shouting at Colmes, "That's bullshit!" and repeatedly claiming Obama hasn't proposed specific cuts to replace the across-the-board cuts known as the sequester. But Colmes was correct: Obama has proposed cuts to Medicare and Medicaid as part of his plan to replace the sequester.

During the March 5 broadcast of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly repeatedly claimed that Obama "refuses" to endorse specific spending cuts, shouting at Colmes, "Give me one damn program he said he'd cut!" even as Colmes highlighted Medicare and Medicaid as two programs Obama has proposed cutting:

Confronted With Facts, O'Reilly Screams "Bullshit" | Blog | Media Matters for America
Media Matters as a source and the word credibility in the same thread that's a oxymoron if there ever was one.
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WASHINGTON –- On Thursday evening atop the capital city's posh W hotel, National Review editor Rich Lowry toasted Robert Costa on becoming the magazine's Washington editor. The 27-year-old journalist, Lowry declared, deserved praise for moving the long-running conservative outlet into a future that depended on original, online reporting.

"When National Review Online first started down here in Washington under the tutelage of Jonah Goldberg, working the phones meant Jonah calling the local Chinese restaurant to inquire about what had happened to his order of General Tso's Chicken," Lowry joked before the crowd of prominent National Review writers -- including Goldberg and Ramesh Ponnuru -- and attendees such as columnist George Will and former Dick Cheney aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

The National Review, a leading voice in the conservative movement since 1955, isn't cutting back on opinion writing or strong editorial stands. But Costa and his team of three reporters are gaining recognition inside Republican circles and among the Washington media establishment for actually making calls, staking out the Capitol and breaking news. Costa recently reported the inside story of the attempted House GOP "coup" against Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and scooped that former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will speak at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference.

Conservative Media Struggles For Credibility, Amid Coverage Of Hookers, Hamas And Hagel

What else is there in politics besides hookers Hamas and Hagle when the president refuses to talk to the press ?

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