Conservative on fux tells woman:" "know your role and shut your mouth."

Both in the segment with Cunningham and the segment with Malkin, Tamara used the tactic and defense that yes, it was said, but Holder or Bloomberg didn't intend it as it was said.

I wonder if we can find her on record anywhere defending a conservative who said something questionable or stupid that "Yes, it was said, but he/she didn't intend it as it was said?" Is there a liberal anywhere who has taken that position with a conservative who was being criticized for something?

Check in on the currently active Limbaugh thread before you answer that. :)
Do you mean like this????

In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.
This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.
This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

Same thing I always thought when watching MSNBC and their fake arguments with Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough. Let alone the fact that the only thing on the 24/7 loop on any station is the pre approved talking points from both sides of the aisle. If any of them had an original thought that would be a miracle.
Both in the segment with Cunningham and the segment with Malkin, Tamara used the tactic and defense that yes, it was said, but Holder or Bloomberg didn't intend it as it was said.

I wonder if we can find her on record anywhere defending a conservative who said something questionable or stupid that "Yes, it was said, but he/she didn't intend it as it was said?" Is there a liberal anywhere who has taken that position with a conservative who was being criticized for something?

Check in on the currently active Limbaugh thread before you answer that. :)
Do you mean like this????

In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.

While this is in no way the same kind of thing re what Holder and/or Bloomberg said, you continue to accuse and blame Rush while I have never heard you take anybody on the left to task for saying anything. I didn't excuse in any way what Rush said, nor did he, but I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt as to his intent.

Will I give Holder and Bloomberg the same benefit of the doubt? Yes I will. I would have respected Bloomberg more if he had admitted that he misspoke, which he still hasn't done, but I don't see one stupid statement, that he subsequently took back, as all that incirminating. However, so far Holder has given me no reason to believe he did not perjure himself.

Compare Limbaugh's apology to this:

NEW YORK — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has softened his comments suggesting cops go on strike for stricter gun control.

"I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike," Bloomberg originally told CNN's Piers Morgan Monday in the aftermath of the tragedy in Aurora, Colo.

A day later, he distanced himself from the statement, according to the Wall Street Journal.

"I didn’t mean literally go on strike," he said at a Tuesday event about same-sex marriage and economics. "In fact, in New York, they can’t go on strike. There’s a law against it."
Bloomberg backtracks on police strike comments

Bloomberg sure sounded like he advocated the police going on strike, yes?

Will you condemn that as a really REALLY stupid statement?

Evenso, the context in this thread was re THIS thread topic and Tamara's now predictable method of defending Holder and Bloomberg.
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They both seemed like assholes to me. She looked like she knew she was selling bullshit but didn't expect it would get so nasty so quickly (although she did go to "I'm telling you to shut up" first and seemed pretty willing to make things personal herself). The finger thing looked to me like a habit of gesticulation the guy probably uses whenever he talks about anything he feels strongly about (and was hardly in her face), but I can't imagine he was referring to her being a woman with the "know your role" thing. He was probably referring to her being a talking head ("stooge" is pretty accurate for such people who are regularly sent out to debate-type shows by both sides). Still, he said what he said. It was an incredibly stupid thing to say no matter what he meant by it, and he has to be held responsible for his own words. The "what, are you going to cry now?" thing strengthens the argument that he was belittling her as a woman, whether that is what he meant or not. I'd like to think he got an earful from his wife that night. Either way, they both came off as assholes.
This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

Same thing I always thought when watching MSNBC and their fake arguments with Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough. Let alone the fact that the only thing on the 24/7 loop on any station is the pre approved talking points from both sides of the aisle. If any of them had an original thought that would be a miracle.

Bullshit. There is no parity here. You nuts run to that argument every time FOX gets called out for bullshit. MSNBC runs with a liberal POV, but they are far more credible than FOX. Not even close.
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This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

Same thing I always thought when watching MSNBC and their fake arguments with Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough. Let alone the fact that the only thing on the 24/7 loop on any station is the pre approved talking points from both sides of the aisle. If any of them had an original thought that would be a miracle.

This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

I haven't noticed Juan Williams looking "befuddled" or overwhelmed. Or Bob Beckel, or many of the other liberals who are regular members or guests.

YOU on the other hand...
Both in the segment with Cunningham and the segment with Malkin, Tamara used the tactic and defense that yes, it was said, but Holder or Bloomberg didn't intend it as it was said.

I wonder if we can find her on record anywhere defending a conservative who said something questionable or stupid that "Yes, it was said, but he/she didn't intend it as it was said?" Is there a liberal anywhere who has taken that position with a conservative who was being criticized for something?

Check in on the currently active Limbaugh thread before you answer that. :)
Do you mean like this????

In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.

While this is in no way the same kind of thing re what Holder and/or Bloomberg said, you continue to accuse and blame Rush while I have never heard you take anybody on the left to task for saying anything. I didn't excuse in any way what Rush said, nor did he, but I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt as to his intent.

Will I give Holder and Bloomberg the same benefit of the doubt? Yes I will. I would have respected Bloomberg more if he had admitted that he misspoke, which he still hasn't done, but I don't see one stupid statement, that he subsequently took back, as all that incirminating. However, so far Holder has given me no reason to believe he did not perjure himself.

Compare Limbaugh's apology to this:

NEW YORK — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has softened his comments suggesting cops go on strike for stricter gun control.

"I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike," Bloomberg originally told CNN's Piers Morgan Monday in the aftermath of the tragedy in Aurora, Colo.

A day later, he distanced himself from the statement, according to the Wall Street Journal.

"I didn’t mean literally go on strike," he said at a Tuesday event about same-sex marriage and economics. "In fact, in New York, they can’t go on strike. There’s a law against it."
Bloomberg backtracks on police strike comments

Bloomberg sure sounded like he advocated the police going on strike, yes?

Will you condemn that as a really REALLY stupid statement?
Why am I not surprised that you are trying to change the subject away from the claim that the "intent" argument was wrong for Tamara but perfectly OK when you use it and not the least bit hypocritical for you either.
This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

Same thing I always thought when watching MSNBC and their fake arguments with Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough. Let alone the fact that the only thing on the 24/7 loop on any station is the pre approved talking points from both sides of the aisle. If any of them had an original thought that would be a miracle.

Bullshit. There is no parody here. You nuts run to that argument every time FOX gets called out for bullshit. MSNBC runs with a liberal POV, but they are far more credible than FOX. Not even close.

Ever heard the clips of canned talking points that both Rush and Conan O'Brien have collected and played on their shows? Every single talking head from the local level to cable TV is given the same scripted commentary to use. If you actually believe you are not being herded like a sheep by the MSM...then you are delusional.
Both in the segment with Cunningham and the segment with Malkin, Tamara used the tactic and defense that yes, it was said, but Holder or Bloomberg didn't intend it as it was said.

I wonder if we can find her on record anywhere defending a conservative who said something questionable or stupid that "Yes, it was said, but he/she didn't intend it as it was said?" Is there a liberal anywhere who has taken that position with a conservative who was being criticized for something?

Check in on the currently active Limbaugh thread before you answer that. :)
Do you mean like this????

While this is in no way the same kind of thing re what Holder and/or Bloomberg said, you continue to accuse and blame Rush while I have never heard you take anybody on the left to task for saying anything. I didn't excuse in any way what Rush said, nor did he, but I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt as to his intent.

Will I give Holder and Bloomberg the same benefit of the doubt? Yes I will. I would have respected Bloomberg more if he had admitted that he misspoke, which he still hasn't done, but I don't see one stupid statement, that he subsequently took back, as all that incirminating. However, so far Holder has given me no reason to believe he did not perjure himself.

Compare Limbaugh's apology to this:

NEW YORK — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has softened his comments suggesting cops go on strike for stricter gun control.

"I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike," Bloomberg originally told CNN's Piers Morgan Monday in the aftermath of the tragedy in Aurora, Colo.

A day later, he distanced himself from the statement, according to the Wall Street Journal.

"I didn’t mean literally go on strike," he said at a Tuesday event about same-sex marriage and economics. "In fact, in New York, they can’t go on strike. There’s a law against it."
Bloomberg backtracks on police strike comments

Bloomberg sure sounded like he advocated the police going on strike, yes?

Will you condemn that as a really REALLY stupid statement?
Why am I not surprised that you are trying to change the subject away from the claim that the "intent" argument was wrong for Tamara but perfectly OK when you use it and not the least bit hypocritical for you either.

Well we all know that you have a really tough time with context, Ed. And a even tougher time reading what is actually there. And as you completely missed my point--and I do suspect your intent of doing so was on purpose--do have a nice day.
How funny the lefties seem to know more about Fox than anyone...then they post a study how fox viewers are less not only put down fox but the people who watch it..
what does that say about the OP and his faux outrage thread?.....

that cracks me up
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This woman is right out of central casting. Fox needs a steady supply of "liberals" who are less than proficient at short answer debate. These people are given guidelines and are expected to present themselves as befuddled in the face of superior conservative arguments from the hosts and the conservative guests.

Professional wrestling meets cable talk show.

I haven't noticed Juan Williams looking "befuddled" or overwhelmed. Or Bob Beckel, or many of the other liberals who are regular members or guests.

YOU on the other hand...

You haven't huh? You ain't watching.


Bill O'Reilly EXPLODES On Juan Williams Over The IRS Spending - YouTube

Kimberly Guilfoyle Sexy-Bob Beckel Gets Dunked - \"The FIVE\" - Fox News - 7-4-12 - YouTube

Fox News 'Liberal' on 'Brain' Room: Cut Off the Muslims! - YouTube

This is what happens when the actor removes his mask and meets an actual liberal who has not been scripted. Oops!

Caroline Heldman Lectures Juan Williams About Bigotry - YouTube
Do you mean like this????

While this is in no way the same kind of thing re what Holder and/or Bloomberg said, you continue to accuse and blame Rush while I have never heard you take anybody on the left to task for saying anything. I didn't excuse in any way what Rush said, nor did he, but I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt as to his intent.

Will I give Holder and Bloomberg the same benefit of the doubt? Yes I will. I would have respected Bloomberg more if he had admitted that he misspoke, which he still hasn't done, but I don't see one stupid statement, that he subsequently took back, as all that incirminating. However, so far Holder has given me no reason to believe he did not perjure himself.

Compare Limbaugh's apology to this:

Bloomberg sure sounded like he advocated the police going on strike, yes?

Will you condemn that as a really REALLY stupid statement?
Why am I not surprised that you are trying to change the subject away from the claim that the "intent" argument was wrong for Tamara but perfectly OK when you use it and not the least bit hypocritical for you either.

Well we all know that you have a really tough time with context, Ed. And a even tougher time reading what is actually there. And as you completely missed my point--and I do suspect your intent of doing so was on purpose--do have a nice day.
That's perfect, I'm thr reason you're a hypocrite! :cuckoo:
A liberals woman's place is on her back with her legs spresd letting anything and everything in. Then the other place is the abortion clinic on her back with her legs spread again geting a life sucked out of her. Very respectful, but how are you supposed to respect someone that doesn't respect a life that is part of themselves?
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A liberals woman's place is on her back with her legs spresd letting anything and everything in. Then the other place is the abortion clinic on her back with her legs spread again geting a life sucked out of her. Very respectful, but how are you supposed to respect someone that doesn't respect a life that part of themselves?

Someone is obsessed. I suggest a vacation.
A liberals woman's place is on her back with her legs spresd letting anything and everything in. Then the other place is the abortion clinic on her back with her legs spread again geting a life sucked out of her. Very respectful, but how are you supposed to respect someone that doesn't respect a life that part of themselves?

Someone is obsessed. I suggest a vacation.

No, i'm just a normal guy that thinks an unborn should have a chance at life. Not just a choice, because he might effect the life of the person that didn't think to begin with.

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