Conservative "Peoples Convoy" Chased From Neighborhood By Kids Throwing Eggs

"A few ill-advised convoy drivers had their windows rolled down, resulting in eggs splattering the insides of their vehicles. Passersby watched in confusion and amusement, with some adults stopping to cheer on the kids," the Gate's Katie Dowd wrote, adding, "Furious truckers then drove out of town, heading back on the highway toward their base in Sacramento. According to CB radio captured by the livestream audio, truckers complained about needing to wash their vehicles and seemed shocked at how poorly received they were by locals."

Get caught in the wrong hood did you? Just so you jerk offs know. The overwhelming majority of America, from sea to shining sea, support a woman's right to choose.

That ain't changing boys and girls.
You support assault seeing what those kids did was a crime!
LOL.....I don't how many site leftists here called me a liar when I posted that some weeks back, even after I posted the links for the rates.
You're dealing with immature children when speaking to the left.
It'll still be there next month because nobody can afford to buy any due to the Biden hyper-inflation.
Lol, bet I will still be eating chicken next month. Ya, the inflation has nothing to do with corporate record profits huh there sparky.
They should have defended themselves with smaller, copper coated lead eggs that are far more difficult to wash off.
A pro-life trucker convoy gets egged by 11yr old neighborhood rascals.

So.......kill 'em!

I love this bar.
You do too, I'll bet.

"...vandalism isn't protected by the First Amendment, no matter how badly your feelings are hurt."

See January 6th.
At the nation's Capitol.
The temple of American democracy.
" no matter how badly your feelings are hurt."
And if a driver had lost control due to these ILLEGAL actions, and say the truck mowed down some of these people cheering on the illegal acts, then what? Skews and the usual morons would scream to the heavens about “murder”.
"A few ill-advised convoy drivers had their windows rolled down, resulting in eggs splattering the insides of their vehicles. Passersby watched in confusion and amusement, with some adults stopping to cheer on the kids," the Gate's Katie Dowd wrote, adding, "Furious truckers then drove out of town, heading back on the highway toward their base in Sacramento. According to CB radio captured by the livestream audio, truckers complained about needing to wash their vehicles and seemed shocked at how poorly received they were by locals."

Get caught in the wrong hood did you? Just so you jerk offs know. The overwhelming majority of America, from sea to shining sea, support a woman's right to choose.

That ain't changing boys and girls.

^^^The left teaches violence to their young. Pathetic.
"A few ill-advised convoy drivers had their windows rolled down, resulting in eggs splattering the insides of their vehicles. Passersby watched in confusion and amusement, with some adults stopping to cheer on the kids," the Gate's Katie Dowd wrote, adding, "Furious truckers then drove out of town, heading back on the highway toward their base in Sacramento. According to CB radio captured by the livestream audio, truckers complained about needing to wash their vehicles and seemed shocked at how poorly received they were by locals."

Get caught in the wrong hood did you? Just so you jerk offs know. The overwhelming majority of America, from sea to shining sea, support a woman's right to choose.

That ain't changing boys and girls.
Naughty kids. Don't do that.

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