Conservative/Republicans, we got the left, and it has already started last night!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
In many threads, I have proclaimed over, and over again, that the administration would release facts that would change the narrative over the whole Russian, collusion/delusion. In retrospect, let me say that for those statements I received countless thanks, winners, and of course from the left, the good old funny symbol.

As we all know, the DOJ and the FBI have been stonewalling the congressional panel about releasing the particulars on how the FISA warrant was acquired. The evidence should have been revealed this last week for you to receive your other Christmas present from the administration, but the Scrooge, bah-humbug Leftists didn't want to make you happy at Christmas, giving you not only your tax break, but also the fodder to bury their whole narrative and reverse the tables, pointing your fickle-fingers-of-fate right back at them!

I refused to start a thread on this before, as I wanted to be sure the administration had enough garbage from the Left, and was able to force disclosure, or would begin to disclose themselves what actually happened, with a precise roadmap (as I stated in another thread, lol) to make it virtually impossible for the left to wiggle off the hook. Well, I am now confident the process has started, and we on the right better get the popcorn ready, and insure we have a direct line in the coming weeks to US Message board, to laugh the left off of here-)

The scuttle butt from Washington has been that ---------->
1. The Democrats were hoping that something bad would come out about Trump that would alieve the pressure to release the evidence,

2, The other side didn't really know what happened and didn't have the evidence, so denying access for as long as possible was the way to go to cut a proverbial deal,


3. They needed time to spin it the best they could when released, while leveraging the other 2 above!

Most people believe that political messages sent to their opponents through the media, are always bombshell news conferences. Nothing could be further from the truth. Politics is much more subtle than that, and those that study politics like many of us do, know this to be a true statement.

It is also true to send the subtle message to the opposition, the President is NOT the messenger as his/her words are scrutinized to much to be subtle. It must be someone credible, in the know, and if you can swing it, a former detractor of the President/person in power, to let the other side know that "you have stepped over the line, we got ya, now what are you going to do!" This is how politics work! You give out information without pointing fingers directly, to let the other side know what is coming if they do not see it your way. The only way this works is--------->if the opposition has no escape hatch, lol.

With that, I give you the evidence which you are waiting for. For the people on the right, watch the 7 min video to see how all the bases were touched before the disclosure that I mentioned in the last 2 paragraphs. For the Left that has no patience, just go to the 4 minute mark and play it from there.

Trust me when I tell you that THIS is the beginning of the end game of dismantling of the collusion/delusion, and the start of reversing the narrative right back at the Democrats. So confident am I of this, I finally started a thread about it-)

And unless I am mistaken, Lindsey has been no big Trump supporter.

And unless I am mistaken, Lindsey has been no big Trump supporter.


If you notice, without actually coming out and saying it, he basically informs everyone that the administration is aware of how the FISA warrant was acquired. Who here thinks Lindsey would lie for Trump!

This is really the message-----------> "We know what happened, we got the proof, so either release it or we will........and demand a special counsel." Which they won't demand it, because a special counsel can not leak. Better to keep it in house, and let the media know of your progress, releasing information at the most opportune times-)
If you notice, without actually coming out and saying it, he basically informs everyone that the administration is aware of how the FISA warrant was acquired. Who here thinks Lindsey would lie for Trump!

This is really the message-----------> "We know what happened, we got the proof, so either release it or we will........and demand a special counsel." Which they won't demand it, because a special counsel can not leak. Better to keep it in house, and let the media know of your progress, releasing information at the most opportune times-)

So we are back to, "how dare you actually spy on us while we were committing treason with the Russians" as an excuse? Really?
If you notice, without actually coming out and saying it, he basically informs everyone that the administration is aware of how the FISA warrant was acquired. Who here thinks Lindsey would lie for Trump!

This is really the message-----------> "We know what happened, we got the proof, so either release it or we will........and demand a special counsel." Which they won't demand it, because a special counsel can not leak. Better to keep it in house, and let the media know of your progress, releasing information at the most opportune times-)

So we are back to, "how dare you actually spy on us while we were committing treason with the Russians" as an excuse? Really?

Prove treason Joe, go ahead, we are waiting-)

Trump's going down over Russia. Deal with it.
That is all you got, lolol! Your whole narrative is now crashing down on you, and that's it! Wow-)

That's all we need. Here's the thing about Special Counsels... they don't go away

Yes, you are correct Joe, but here is the thing------------->

This is how it is probably going to go down, and you aren't going to like it-)

1. Once the whole story on the dossier comes out, Rosenstein will have to be removed, or demoted.

2. When that happens, a Trump person will be put in his place.

3. This person will NOT fire your guy, but also not put in a special counsel to investigate the dossier.

4. The dossier without a special counsel, will be an open congressional hearing; open to public scrutiny.

5. Democrats will begin to distance themselves from all things dossier to save themselves.

6. All roads lead back to Hillary, the DNC, the FBI, and the DOJ.

7. Public will clamor for new leadership at least at the FBI, and probably the DOJ.

8. And why will this work? Because the mantra will be that, "if the government can do this to a candidate for President, imagine what they can do to you!"

Watch Joe, this is gonna be a hoot-)
Yes, you are correct Joe, but here is the thing------------->

This is how it is probably going to go down, and you aren't going to like it-)

1. Once the whole story on the dossier comes out, Rosenstein will have to be removed, or demoted.

2. When that happens, a Trump person will be put in his place.

3. This person will NOT fire your guy, but also not put in a special counsel to investigate the dossier.

4. The dossier without a special counsel, will be an open congressional hearing; open to public scrutiny.

5. Democrats will begin to distance themselves from all things dossier to save themselves.

6. All roads lead back to Hillary, the DNC, the FBI, and the DOJ.

7. Public will clamor for new leadership at least at the FBI, and probably the DOJ.

8. And why will this work? Because the mantra will be that, "if the government can do this to a candidate for President, imagine what they can do to you!"

Watch Joe, this is gonna be a hoot-)

Wow, guy, you are delusional.

Here's the thing. Most people didn't want Trump as president, and are mortified by his behavior....

Most Republicans are mortified by his behavior... they are just waiting for an excuse to turn on him.
Yes, you are correct Joe, but here is the thing------------->

This is how it is probably going to go down, and you aren't going to like it-)

1. Once the whole story on the dossier comes out, Rosenstein will have to be removed, or demoted.

2. When that happens, a Trump person will be put in his place.

3. This person will NOT fire your guy, but also not put in a special counsel to investigate the dossier.

4. The dossier without a special counsel, will be an open congressional hearing; open to public scrutiny.

5. Democrats will begin to distance themselves from all things dossier to save themselves.

6. All roads lead back to Hillary, the DNC, the FBI, and the DOJ.

7. Public will clamor for new leadership at least at the FBI, and probably the DOJ.

8. And why will this work? Because the mantra will be that, "if the government can do this to a candidate for President, imagine what they can do to you!"

Watch Joe, this is gonna be a hoot-)

Wow, guy, you are delusional.

Here's the thing. Most people didn't want Trump as president, and are mortified by his behavior....

Most Republicans are mortified by his behavior... they are just waiting for an excuse to turn on him.
Most states wanted Trump as President. Just a couple of liberal shit holes didn't want Trump to be President.
Most states wanted Trump as President. Just a couple of liberal shit holes didn't want Trump to be President.

10 Million MOre people voted against him than for him.

Giving more voting power to sparsely populated states is just nuts.
No giving power to two liberal shit holes is nuts.

Which isn't what the popular vote would do.

Majority rules. That's democracy, buddy.

Kind of crazy to give little states an outsized voice in picking presidents.
No giving power to two liberal shit holes is nuts.

Which isn't what the popular vote would do.

Majority rules. That's democracy, buddy.

Kind of crazy to give little states an outsized voice in picking presidents.

Yep, to bad for you we live in a republic, and not a democracy-) Of course, that fact probably escaped you, as you stood at the DNC convention, with your Russian, Mexican, or Cuban flag-)

Did anyone see one of those flags at the RNC convention on the floor? And exactly who/whom is it talking about treason:muahaha:

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