Conservative Sues Joy Reid for speech

If she were to refuse to pay damages based on the basis of speech laws being illegitimate, armed men show up to her house and throw her in jail, maybe even kill her if she defends herself from the tyranny. Every law is enforced by violence and the threat of violence.
Hey, retard, you're still making a legal argument. Slavery was once legal; Abortion is still legal; yet you as a Conservative Marxist are against them regardless. you can't have it both ways. Either you believe in free speech or you don't. Censoring speech via laws means you conservative marxists aren't really for free speech.
These laws have been used by the left, right and others way before I was born…

You are making asinine arguments based on you hate when someone does something to silence a person who has said something that is not true…

You can keep on calling me whatever you want but you are losing!

First off slander is not protected by the First Amendment and has been dealt with many times in the court.

Someone in the media can not make up stuff and then say “ well I am protected by the first amendment “ and courts have ruled on this time after time.

Next, abortion is legal in many states and even with the USSC ruling it does not outlaw abortion across the country but it does allow states to regulate it if they want to or even outlaw it.

So now rant on more idiot!
But aren't all Democrats pedophiles tho?

Or is it different when you don't name them??


How about this then??? Should that person be getting punished for slander?? Would you support that Democratic Congress woman if she sued that person for slander? Doubt it

I'm not sure of the laws on the floor of the Michigan House but if the accusation isn't protected, she could be sued for what she claims. I have no issue with that as it violates another's rights.
Free speech is supposed to protect controversial speech. If you disagree, you're a fucking communist.

Your ignorance of DEFAMATION and SLANDER laws is why you are getting a lot of flax here destroying your credibility.

HG Legal Resources


What is defamation law?​

Defamation Law falls under Tort Law. It refers to false statements about a person, communicated as fact to one or more other persons by an individual or entity (such as a person, newspaper, magazine, or political organization), which causes damage and does harm to the target's reputation and/or standing in the community. Defamation is addressed primarily by state legislation. However, Constitutional Law may also apply, as the right of freedom of speech also extends to certain defamation claims. Defamation is categorized as either Slander or Libel.

The general harm caused by defamation is identified as being ridiculed, shamed, hated, scorned, belittled or held in contempt by others, and lowers him/her in esteem of a reasonably prudent person, due to the communication of the false statement. This tort can result in a lawsuit for damages. Many states have statutes requiring that the allegedly damaged party must first demand a printed retraction of the defamatory statement, before they may proceed to court. If the plaintiff proceeds with a lawsuit without first seeking the retraction or if he/she receives a retraction but proceeds anyway, most states will limit the damages they may pursue to the actual or special damages they experienced, such as loss of employment or wages.
Free speech bud. You're using law to curtail free speech. You're a filthy communist.
There is free speech and then there is slander. If your free speech hurts or taints one’s reputation that cannot be backed up by facts or that your content is already known, then your free speech is slander. But, feel free to use Free Speech as a defense.
I'm not sure of the laws on the floor of the Michigan House but if the accusation isn't protected, she could be sued for what she claims. I have no issue with that as it violates another's rights.
I prefer the approach the Congresswoman who was accused took...

Call that person out along with the vapid cowardly rhetoric that person was using....because all she was doing was following the playbook put forth by her party nationally....

Call your opponent a pedophile, fundraise off of it....all to distract from the fact that none of that rhetoric address a single issue that matters most to everyday people
I never said I was against abortion. Nor do I see the connection between abortion and the First Amendment.
Conservatives oppose Abortion despite it being legal. By their own logic, legality is a non sequitur. So to suggest that Libel against speech has precedence, is totally irrelevant. What Stalin and Mao did were totally legal, doesn't mean it was moral and just. Slavery was legal, doesn't mean it was just. If last month, you whined about conservative misinformation tweets being "censored", yet now are praising a conservative for trying to censor tweets, you are a fucking hypocrite. But I digress, we've seen over the last decade that Conservative Marxists have no actual principles, only what is expedient for their team. They're communists.
There is free speech and then there is slander. If your free speech hurts or taints one’s reputation that cannot be backed up by facts or that your content is already known, then your free speech is slander. But, feel free to use Free Speech as a defense.
No, there is only speech. If you are in favor of censoring speech, you are a communist.
Your ignorance of DEFAMATION and SLANDER laws is why you are getting a lot of flax here destroying your credibility.

HG Legal Resources


What is defamation law?​

Defamation Law falls under Tort Law. It refers to false statements about a person, communicated as fact to one or more other persons by an individual or entity (such as a person, newspaper, magazine, or political organization), which causes damage and does harm to the target's reputation and/or standing in the community. Defamation is addressed primarily by state legislation. However, Constitutional Law may also apply, as the right of freedom of speech also extends to certain defamation claims. Defamation is categorized as either Slander or Libel.

The general harm caused by defamation is identified as being ridiculed, shamed, hated, scorned, belittled or held in contempt by others, and lowers him/her in esteem of a reasonably prudent person, due to the communication of the false statement. This tort can result in a lawsuit for damages. Many states have statutes requiring that the allegedly damaged party must first demand a printed retraction of the defamatory statement, before they may proceed to court. If the plaintiff proceeds with a lawsuit without first seeking the retraction or if he/she receives a retraction but proceeds anyway, most states will limit the damages they may pursue to the actual or special damages they experienced, such as loss of employment or wages.
Muh Conservative Communism.
Your penchant for, and skill at, deflection is unmatched.
We need laws to ban racist speech. It will no longer be speech, and you can throw people in jail and indebt them for hate speech. And it will be moral, of course, because it will be legal. Just like White American slavery! Hail comrade!
Conservatives oppose Abortion despite it being legal. By their own logic, legality is a non sequitur. So to suggest that Libel against speech has precedence, is totally irrelevant. What Stalin and Mao did were totally legal, doesn't mean it was moral and just. Slavery was legal, doesn't mean it was just. If last month, you whined about conservative misinformation tweets being "censored", yet now are praising a conservative for trying to censor tweets, you are a fucking hypocrite. But I digress, we've seen over the last decade that Conservative Marxists have no actual principles, only what is expedient for their team. They're communists.

I have not expressed in opposition to abortion...nor do I support any total ban on the try again.

Suing someone for defamation, is not the same as censorship. You can't defame someone...that's not the same as censoring news or non-defamatory opinions. Try again. Do you even know what defamation is? There is a huge case going on right now, involving a famous actor.

Defamation is lying about someone, and that lie, actually causes damages to the person. That's nto the same as censoring a news story about Joe Biden's son, because it might harm the campaign, or censoring a medical opinion or political belief that you don't like
Muh Conservative Communism.

Your reply indicate you have no argument to sell which is why you make stupid statements and ignore Defamation Law.

It is mainly low IQ leftists like YOU who is damaging America is why it is now wracked by chronic incompetence stupidity and corruption.

Conservatives by nature and ideology are very anti Communist and have been for many decades.

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