Conservative Sues Joy Reid for speech

Accusing someone of Child Abuse is a very serious thing. She could have gone with exploiting them, or using them as props. Using the term child abuse is a legal accusation, and as such can be actionable if found to be untrue.
While Conservative-Marxists applaud Musk over the guise of "restoring" free speech on Twitter, they simultaneously want to throw people in jail for tweets and practicing that same freespeech. The definition of Hypocrite in the dictionary absolutely has to be "Republican".

Threatening to sue is now a free speech issue? How? You have no right to defame a person and are open to a lawsuit.

No one is wanting anyone thrown in jail for using Twitter, that is just plain drama and emotion.
While Conservative-Marxists applaud Musk over the guise of "restoring" free speech on Twitter, they simultaneously want to throw people in jail for tweets and practicing that same freespeech. The definition of Hypocrite in the dictionary absolutely has to be "Republican".

Freedon of speech comes to mind, but its not for democrats, its only for republicans.
Your freedom of speech has limits and this has been shown many times, so why don’t you show where you can slander someone without any repercussions?
Throwing people in jail for a thought crime is communism. You are a communist.
Roe v Wade has always been there lol. Using law to censor speech, still means you're censoring speech. You Conservative Communists simply want to have your cake and eat it too. We really need to bring back McCarthyism and cleanse American soil of Communist filth.
Learn the law asshole… there have always been limits on constitutional amendments. For example:
Free Speech: You can yell fire in a burning building; you can make direct threats of violence, you can defame someone and you can use obscenity!

Free Press: You can’t use slander or libel; false light laws; use obscenity; or willful insight violence…

Free religion: you can take illegal drugs as part of your religion; you can commit rape or murder as part of your religion

Second Amendment: You don’t have the right to bring guns on private property if the owner does allow it (unless you are a police officer; you don’t have a right to a fully automatic weapon.

So get a clue fucko
House floor has different rules and you know this nimrod!
You can always count on MTG to not limit her crazy remarks to one venue. She generally repeats her latest crazy remarks in all venues until she finds another crazy remark to replace it. She made that same statement multiple places. You don't doubt that, do you?
While Conservative-Marxists applaud Musk over the guise of "restoring" free speech on Twitter, they simultaneously want to throw people in jail for tweets and practicing that same freespeech. The definition of Hypocrite in the dictionary absolutely has to be "Republican".

You cant be sued for exercising your free speech, retard.
Seriously? No one is as stupid in logic, you are making it all up, no one is as dumb as what you are trying to pretend to be.
I'm right and you know it lol. You're using a legal argument to rationalize censorship of speech. If you can do it with speech, the libs can do it with Abortion, and any time you try and say that abortion is wrong, I will use the same argument you are and tell you its legal precedent, therefore, it is permissible. You can't have it both ways, of course. Slavery was also totally legal as well. But we all know it's wrong. Fuc atta here with your hypocrisy. Typical Conservative Marxsists.

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