Conservative Sues Joy Reid for speech

I'm right and you know it lol. You're using a legal argument to rationalize censorship of speech. If you can do it with speech, the libs can do it with Abortion, and any time you try and say that abortion is wrong, I will use the same argument you are and tell you its legal precedent, therefore, it is permissible. You can't have it both ways, of course. Slavery was also totally legal as well. But we all know it's wrong. Fuc atta here with your hypocrisy. Typical Conservative Marxsists.
Yep, you are just playing games and trolling, thanks for confirming that you aren't serious.
Lol the leftist scumbag calls someone a liar… I bet you support hate crimes… those crimes can be completely verbal and they can toss a person in jail for those thought crimes
You're an idiot lol. A hate crime is generally preceded by an actual, violent crime. Equating that to speech is retarded. And, I don't have to be for nor against speech laws to call out the the blatant hypocrisy of the right. Ya commie.
Accusing someone of Child Abuse is a very serious thing. She could have gone with exploiting them, or using them as props. Using the term child abuse is a legal accusation, and as such can be actionable if found to be untrue.
But aren't all Democrats pedophiles tho?

Or is it different when you don't name them??


How about this then??? Should that person be getting punished for slander?? Would you support that Democratic Congress woman if she sued that person for slander? Doubt it

But aren't all Democrats pedophiles tho?

Or is it different when you don't name them??


How about this then??? Should that person be getting punished for slander?? Would you support that Democratic Congress woman if she sued that person for slander? Doubt it

Groomer is apt for what they are doing, and groomer isn't a legal term or actual crime.
When you are losing the argument change that he subject and lose even more…
I can't help that you're too stupid to understand basic logic. You're using a legal argument to justify censoring speech. If that's the case, the libs can do the same when it comes to abortion. I shouldn't have to explain the futility of making a legal argument in favor of censoring speech. The contention with virtually every right wing Marxist position is not that something isn't legal, but that it is immoral or incontrovertible to freedom. We could ban right wing speech tomorrow and that wouldn't be admissible despite it being legal. Literally just admit that you're a filthy commie, and you're just rationalizing your communism through the guise of law. If not,I don't want to hear anything else about how abortion is's legal ya commie!
Defamation is generally a civil case not criminal so I don’t see anyone going to jail here.
If she were to refuse to pay damages based on the basis of speech laws being illegitimate, armed men show up to her house and throw her in jail, maybe even kill her if she defends herself from the tyranny. Every law is enforced by violence and the threat of violence.
I can't help that you're too stupid to understand basic logic. You're using a legal argument to justify censoring speech. If that's the case, the libs can do the same when it comes to abortion. I shouldn't have to explain the futility of making a legal argument in favor of censoring speech. The contention with virtually every right wing Marxist position is not that something isn't legal, but that it is immoral or incontrovertible to freedom. We could ban right wing speech tomorrow and that wouldn't be admissible despite it being legal. Literally just admit that you're a filthy commie, and you're just rationalizing your communism through the guise of law. If not,I don't want to hear anything else about how abortion is's legal ya commie!
Yepping dawg chases his own tail and wonders why no one is caring about his retardation…

When a person makes accusations against a certain person live on air or in print they can be held legally accountable for their comments if the comments are untrue and can be proven to be untrue and have done harm against that person…

Remember CNN?

As for your nonsense about abortion it has nothing to do with your OP and it is YOU wanting to change the subject because you are discovering your OP is typical bullshit…

So focus now dumbass and learn you can be sued for what you say if it is untrue and does harm…

Pizza Hut did it decades ago against Papa Johns pizza when they ( Papa Johns ) would say they had better ingredients than Pizza Hut and they couldn’t prove it so they had to stop saying it!
Yepping dawg chases his own tail and wonders why no one is caring about his retardation…

When a person makes accusations against a certain person live on air or in print they can be held legally accountable for their comments if the comments are untrue and can be proven to be untrue and have done harm against that person…

Remember CNN?

As for your nonsense about abortion it has nothing to do with your OP and it is YOU wanting to change the subject because you are discovering your OP is typical bullshit…

So focus now dumbass and learn you can be sued for what you say if it is untrue and does harm…

Pizza Hut did it decades ago against Papa Johns pizza when they ( Papa Johns ) would say they had better ingredients than Pizza Hut and they couldn’t prove it so they had to stop saying it!
Hey, retard, you're still making a legal argument. Slavery was once legal; Abortion is still legal; yet you as a Conservative Marxist are against them regardless. you can't have it both ways. Either you believe in free speech or you don't. Censoring speech via laws means you conservative marxists aren't really for free speech.

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