Conservative Sues Joy Reid for speech

Conservatives oppose Abortion despite it being legal. By their own logic, legality is a non sequitur. So to suggest that Libel against speech has precedence, is totally irrelevant. What Stalin and Mao did were totally legal, doesn't mean it was moral and just. Slavery was legal, doesn't mean it was just. If last month, you whined about conservative misinformation tweets being "censored", yet now are praising a conservative for trying to censor tweets, you are a fucking hypocrite. But I digress, we've seen over the last decade that Conservative Marxists have no actual principles, only what is expedient for their team. They're communists.
Nothing wrong with being against something that is legal. I am against abortion however, you are free to kill babies if you want. I believe it is morally wrong, but that is just my opinion, you are entitled to your own and you go right ahead and kill.

As far as Twitter, the guy isn't censoring anyone, he is suing for libel. Libel is an abuse of free speech.
I have not expressed in opposition to abortion...nor do I support any total ban on the try again.

Suing someone for defamation, is not the same as censorship. You can't defame someone...that's not the same as censoring news or non-defamatory opinions. Try again. Do you even know what defamation is? There is a huge case going on right now, involving a famous actor.

Defamation is lying about someone, and that lie, actually causes damages to the person. That's nto the same as censoring a news story about Joe Biden's son, because it might harm the campaign, or censoring a medical opinion or political belief that you don't like
I said Conservatives. Read again.

It's the same, bro.
Your reply indicate you have no argument to sell which is why you make stupid statements and ignore Defamation Law.

It is mainly low IQ leftists like YOU who is damaging America is why it is now wracked by chronic incompetence stupidity and corruption.

Conservatives by nature and ideology are very anti Communist and have been for many decades.
No such thing as defamation law, only speech censorship, and you Conservative Marxists are just using it to censor speech. Hypocrites.
Nothing wrong with being against something that is legal. I am against abortion however, you are free to kill babies if you want. I believe it is morally wrong, but that is just my opinion, you are entitled to your own and you go right ahead and kill.

As far as Twitter, the guy isn't censoring anyone, he is suing for libel. Libel is an abuse of free speech.
Nope, you can't be against it because it is totally legal. Bwahaha. Retard.
No, there is only speech. If you are in favor of censoring speech, you are a communist.
I’m not in fa or censoring speech. You obviously feel entitled not be accountable for slander or even acknowledge the difference. Prove me wrong that slander laws don’t exist in the US.
I’m not in fa or censoring speech. You obviously feel entitled not be accountable for slander or even acknowledge the difference. Prove me wrong that slander laws don’t exist in the US.
Oh? I never said they don't exist. They exist just like slandering Stalin laws existed.
No such thing as defamation law, only speech censorship, and you Conservative Marxists are just using it to censor speech. Hypocrites.

You are determined to make a fool of yourself here since ALL 50 states have Defamation laws on the books, they are real and have had many lawsuits and decisions for many decades now.

Digital Media Law

Washington Defamation Law​

Note: This page covers information specific to Washington. For general information concerning defamation, see the general Defamation Law section of this guide.

Elements of Defamation​

According to Washington law, defamation claims have four elements:
  1. falsity;
  2. an unprivileged communication;
  3. fault on the part of the defendant; and
  4. damages.
These elements of a defamation claim in Washington are for the most part similar to the elements listed in the general Defamation Law section. However, in Washington, the elements of a defamation claim have two characteristics that differ slightly from the general section's description of defamation law.



Your ignorance and stupidity is being made painfully clear to everyone here.
So when slavery was legal, no one could be against it? Idiot!
You're quite literally making my argument. lol

Libel censorship is legal, that doesn't mean it is legitimate. No communism is legitimate. You are complicit with communism; you support communism.
Oh? I never said they don't exist. They exist just like slandering Stalin laws existed.
In your view, are consensus and subjective statements perceived as racist be considered free speech without punitive outcomes as in the case of slander laws??
In your view, are consensus and subjective statements perceived as racist be considered free speech without punitive outcomes as in the case of slander laws??
that's the thing, there is no punishment for racist speech in America. you could say that black people lazy and maybe I think that's Libel, but no court would take it, and say it is protected speech. Nor would any conservative support punishing someone for making untrue, libel racial speech. Conservatives do Libel all the time on twitter-when they get banned for misinformation, they support bills forcing Twitter to platform their libel. Yet they support throwing people in jail for other forms of "libel" targeted at other fellow Conservative-marxists.
I have not expressed in opposition to abortion...nor do I support any total ban on the try again.

Suing someone for defamation, is not the same as censorship. You can't defame someone...that's not the same as censoring news or non-defamatory opinions. Try again. Do you even know what defamation is? There is a huge case going on right now, involving a famous actor.

Defamation is lying about someone, and that lie, actually causes damages to the person. That's nto the same as censoring a news story about Joe Biden's son, because it might harm the campaign, or censoring a medical opinion or political belief that you don't like
His types are too slow to understand. They respond by conditioning them which is why those people are so obedient to their democrat massas. You see, they give them just enough to keep them on their rundown hood plantations, but never enough to ever make a real difference, all while convincing them they are utterly helpless without their guidance.


Like trained circus fleas they are conditioned to embrace their poor conditions and blame their scapegoats as propped up by the culture.
that's the thing, there is no punishment for racist speech in America. you could say that black people lazy and maybe I think that's Libel, but no court would take it, and say it is protected speech. Nor would any conservative support punishing someone for making untrue, libel racial speech. Conservatives do Libel all the time on twitter-when they get banned for misinformation, they support bills forcing Twitter to platform their libel. Yet they support throwing people in jail for other forms of "libel" targeted at other fellow Conservative-marxists.
First of all, there is no consensus on what qualifies as racist. I’ve been called racist simply because I don’t agree with policies supported by minorities. Racism is so broadly applied today. As for their being no punishment for racist statements, people lose their jobs and careers and courts will uphold it. Misinformation is a subjective interpretation not backed up by fact so anyone who gets punished for “misinformation” has plenty of ground to stand for being punished over bullshit criteria.
First of all, there is no consensus on what qualifies as racist. I’ve been called racist simply because I don’t agree with policies supported by minorities. Racism is so broadly applied today. As for their being no punishment for racist statements, people lose their jobs and careers and courts will uphold it. Misinformation is a subjective interpretation not backed up by fact so anyone who gets punished for “misinformation” has plenty of ground to stand for being punished over bullshit criteria.
That's because to the right, nothing can be racist, unless it is directed at white people. But you can say the same thing about Libel. Heck, even within Libel cases, the courts debate over whether or not what was said is legitimately Libel or not. And of course, the right calls any and everything "woke", leftist, or anti American.

But it's silly to call someone being fired for being racist "censorship". Censorship is when the government compels your speech, not when private entities choose not to freely associate with whoever they want, especially when you say something stupid. Forcing them to do so would be a violation of fundamental freedoms. Censorship over racism isn't a thing in America yet. However, these Conservative Marxists are setting a precedent to where that could be a possibility in the future. Liberals will look back in the past and see the gross infringement of freedom done by Conservative Marxists today, and use it as a justified pretense to establish their own for their cause.
That's because to the right, nothing can be racist, unless it is directed at white people. But you can say the same thing about Libel. Heck, even within Libel cases, the courts debate over whether or not what was said is legitimately Libel or not. And of course, the right calls any and everything "woke", leftist, or anti American.

But it's silly to call someone being fired for being racist "censorship". Censorship is when the government compels your speech, not when private entities choose not to freely associate with whoever they want, especially when you say something stupid. Forcing them to do so would be a violation of fundamental freedoms. Censorship over racism isn't a thing in America yet. However, these Conservative Marxists are setting a precedent to where that could be a possibility in the future.
Well, with the Left, just about anything can be racist and now just about anything can be deemed misinformation depending on their view. Again, no consensus.
Well, with the Left, just about anything can be racist and now just about anything can be deemed misinformation depending on their view. Again, no consensus.
You have no evidence to support that claim, but It's odd that you make such an argument, when Libel is also ambiguous. It's self defeating.
That's because to the right, nothing can be racist, unless it is directed at white people. But you can say the same thing about Libel. Heck, even within Libel cases, the courts debate over whether or not what was said is legitimately Libel or not. And of course, the right calls any and everything "woke", leftist, or anti American.

But it's silly to call someone being fired for being racist "censorship". Censorship is when the government compels your speech, not when private entities choose not to freely associate with whoever they want, especially when you say something stupid. Forcing them to do so would be a violation of fundamental freedoms. Censorship over racism isn't a thing in America yet. However, these Conservative Marxists are setting a precedent to where that could be a possibility in the future. Liberals will look back in the past and see the gross infringement of freedom done by Conservative Marxists today, and use it as a justified pretense to establish their own for their cause.
Lol, conservative marxists.
I never stated there was a consensus. I'm fully aware that people have hypocritical standards for these things.
I am stating there is no basis for that is the egregiously broad interpretation of racism and the heavily subjective view of something being classified as misinformation based solely on a difference of opinion.

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