Conservative vs Liberal: Exploitation vs Innovation



Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push education. It's why colleges and universities are mostly liberal. They see government as having a role in directing capital towards investment in education and research. They see America's lead in technology as a direct result in educational investment.

Conservatives seem to prefer "exploitation" of existing resources. Moving jobs to China to take advantage of China's 88 dollar a month minimum wage. Removing regulations regarding clean air and clean water. Removing benefits such as health care or retirement or education as a way to increase profits. Whether it's exploitation of resources or people. Conservatives don't really care where technology comes from. They see major opportunities in exploitation.

Has it always been that way?

Look at the North and the Deep South before the Civil War. It was the North that was considered "liberal". They pushed education and shied away from slavery and other types of human exploitation. If the south had 20% of the North's technology and innovation, they might have won the Civil War.

Ironically, two of the greatest inventions that came from the south were the cotton gin and the musket, both from white inventor, Eli Whitney. But the move famous scientist and innovator was certainly former slave George Washington Carver, a man who probably had the greatest impact economically after the civil war because of his discoveries in agriculture and his inventions.

I prefer innovation over exploitation. History shows innovation wins. But only if it can be kept from being hamstrung by those who prefer exploitation.
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Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction. It's why colleges and universities are mostly liberal. They see government as having a role in directing capital towards investment in eduction and research. They see America's lead in technology as a direct result in educational investment.

Conservatives seem to prefer "exploitation" of existing resources. Moving jobs to China to take advantage of China's 88 dollar a month minimum wage. Removing regulations regarding clean air and clean water. Removing benefits such as health care or retirement or education as a way to increase profits. Whether it's exploitation of resources or people. Conservatives don't really care where technology comes from. They see major opportunities in exploitation.

Has it always been that way?

Look at the North and the Deep South before the Civil War. It was the North that was considered "liberal". They pushed education and shied away from slavery and other types of human exploitation. If the south had 20% of the North's technology and innovation, they might have won the Civil War.

Ironically, two of the greatest inventions that came from the south were the cotton gin and the musket, both from white inventor, Eli Whitney. But the move famous scientist and innovator was certainly former slave George Washington Carver, a man who probably had the greatest impact economically after the civil war because of his discoveries in agriculture and his inventions.

I prefer innovation over exploitation. History shows innovation wins. But only if it can be kept from being hamstrung by those who prefer exploitation.

Do you consider Steve Jobs a liberal or a conservative?
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction.


Thanks for showing me that. For some reason my spellcheck misses that word. I don't know why. At least you didn't disagree.
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction. It's why colleges and universities are mostly liberal. They see government as having a role in directing capital towards investment in eduction and research. They see America's lead in technology as a direct result in educational investment.

Conservatives seem to prefer "exploitation" of existing resources. Moving jobs to China to take advantage of China's 88 dollar a month minimum wage. Removing regulations regarding clean air and clean water. Removing benefits such as health care or retirement or education as a way to increase profits. Whether it's exploitation of resources or people. Conservatives don't really care where technology comes from. They see major opportunities in exploitation.

Has it always been that way?

Look at the North and the Deep South before the Civil War. It was the North that was considered "liberal". They pushed education and shied away from slavery and other types of human exploitation. If the south had 20% of the North's technology and innovation, they might have won the Civil War.

Ironically, two of the greatest inventions that came from the south were the cotton gin and the musket, both from white inventor, Eli Whitney. But the move famous scientist and innovator was certainly former slave George Washington Carver, a man who probably had the greatest impact economically after the civil war because of his discoveries in agriculture and his inventions.

I prefer innovation over exploitation. History shows innovation wins. But only if it can be kept from being hamstrung by those who prefer exploitation.

Do you consider Steve Jobs a liberal or a conservative?

Who cares? Not every liberal is an innovator and not every conservative exploits. Actually, many conservatives are exploited by their own leadership.

Even Tea Partier Centerfold Scott Brown wants the government to support putting in Broad band because he says it will lead to modernizing business communications and lead to job creation. I suspect other Republicans are opposed. They want to move jobs to China and not spend the money here on this country. It's not like it's a secret.
Liberalism is parasitism. It's expansion through exploitation of the productive.
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction.


Thanks for showing me that. For some reason my spellcheck misses that word. I don't know why. At least you didn't disagree.

It didn't flag it, because it's a real word.

Educe | Define Educe at
Eduction | Define Eduction at
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction. It's why colleges and universities are mostly liberal. They see government as having a role in directing capital towards investment in eduction and research. They see America's lead in technology as a direct result in educational investment.

Conservatives seem to prefer "exploitation" of existing resources. Moving jobs to China to take advantage of China's 88 dollar a month minimum wage. Removing regulations regarding clean air and clean water. Removing benefits such as health care or retirement or education as a way to increase profits. Whether it's exploitation of resources or people. Conservatives don't really care where technology comes from. They see major opportunities in exploitation.

Has it always been that way?

Look at the North and the Deep South before the Civil War. It was the North that was considered "liberal". They pushed education and shied away from slavery and other types of human exploitation. If the south had 20% of the North's technology and innovation, they might have won the Civil War.

Ironically, two of the greatest inventions that came from the south were the cotton gin and the musket, both from white inventor, Eli Whitney. But the move famous scientist and innovator was certainly former slave George Washington Carver, a man who probably had the greatest impact economically after the civil war because of his discoveries in agriculture and his inventions.

I prefer innovation over exploitation. History shows innovation wins. But only if it can be kept from being hamstrung by those who prefer exploitation.

Do you consider Steve Jobs a liberal or a conservative?

Who cares?

I think it's relevant in the context of your broadbrush.

Not every liberal is an innovator and not every conservative exploits.

I agree. I don't think political labels apply.

Actually, many conservatives are exploited by their own leadership.

Depends on how you define exploit, I suppose.

Even Tea Partier Centerfold Scott Brown wants the government to support putting in Broad band because he says it will lead to modernizing business communications and lead to job creation. I suspect other Republicans are opposed.

I think there's plenty of support and opposition on both sides of the aisle.

They want to move jobs to China and not spend the money here on this country. It's not like it's a secret.

And now we get back to Steve Jobs. Do you have a better example of a very profitable manufactured product in high demand that could be manufactured here but isn't?
Liberalism is parasitism. It's expansion through exploitation of the productive.

It's the liberals who are the productive. Where do you think automation and equipment design come from? Not from the right. Surely you know that.
Do you consider Steve Jobs a liberal or a conservative?

Who cares?

I think it's relevant in the context of your broadbrush.

I agree. I don't think political labels apply.

Depends on how you define exploit, I suppose.

Even Tea Partier Centerfold Scott Brown wants the government to support putting in Broad band because he says it will lead to modernizing business communications and lead to job creation. I suspect other Republicans are opposed.

I think there's plenty of support and opposition on both sides of the aisle.

They want to move jobs to China and not spend the money here on this country. It's not like it's a secret.

And now we get back to Steve Jobs. Do you have a better example of a very profitable manufactured product in high demand that could be manufactured here but isn't?

Anything involving electronics. I started another thread that shows the Chinese working with the US Chamber of Commerce to give seminars nationwide to teach people how to outsource to China. The same Chamber of Commerce collecting money from, not only China, but also Russia and India. The same Chamber of Commerce giving tens of millions to dozens and dozens of Republican candidates and two or three Democrats.

For some reason, every time you point out the dirty things Republicans do, they will say, "but a Democrat did it once". It's like they have no morals of their own. A Democrat raped. Should all Republicans rape? A Democrat moved jobs to China, should all jobs be moved to China? When are Republicans going to help this country and say, "Just because a Democrat did it, doesn't mean we have to.
Liberalism is parasitism. It's expansion through exploitation of the productive.

It's the liberals who are the productive. Where do you think automation and equipment design come from? Not from the right. Surely you know that.

You believe these things were born out of liberal ideology. I would LOVE to see the evidence of this.......

Your thread is like so many other straw man liberal threads. It starts by asking questions based on faulty premises. The goal of conservatives is to move jobs to China? Conservatism is a political ideology and wher a company decides to employ people isn't a political decision, it's a a business decision. Should I keep jobs here and keep the prices of my products high or should I reduce my expenses by employing people overseas for less so I can sell my product competively. You liberals don't get you can't have it both ways. You can't have low Wal-Mart prices and highly compensated labor. So pick one.
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For some reason, every time you point out the dirty things Republicans do, they will say, "but a Democrat did it once". It's like they have no morals of their own. A Democrat raped. Should all Republicans rape? A Democrat moved jobs to China, should all jobs be moved to China? When are Republicans going to help this country and say, "Just because a Democrat did it, doesn't mean we have to.

My dean you are hypocirte. What is the automatic response we hear from you lefties everytime we point out the ridiculous amounts of money Obama is spending and adding to the debt? It's always 'but Bush did it too'.
Are you free to "innovate" (or do anything else) if government takes most of what you earn?
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push eduction.


Thanks for showing me that. For some reason my spellcheck misses that word. I don't know why. At least you didn't disagree.

Maybe your spell check doesn't pick it up because it's an actual word, you dumb fuck. Jeeez, I wish you understood irony. :lol::lol:
Is there a historical precedence for the business divide between liberals and conservatives?

Liberals look at business as "expansion through innovation". It's why they push education. It's why colleges and universities are mostly liberal. They see government as having a role in directing capital towards investment in education and research. They see America's lead in technology as a direct result in educational investment.

Conservatives seem to prefer "exploitation" of existing resources. Moving jobs to China to take advantage of China's 88 dollar a month minimum wage. Removing regulations regarding clean air and clean water. Removing benefits such as health care or retirement or education as a way to increase profits. Whether it's exploitation of resources or people. Conservatives don't really care where technology comes from. They see major opportunities in exploitation.

Colleges and universities are "mostly liberal" because progressives know that youth are the easiest to brainwash with their socialist agenda.

The rest of your arguement is pure BS. You claim conservatives like moving jobs to China for the low minimum wage, but immediately attack conservatives for trying to make domestic companies competive with China by lowering environmental/labor restrictions which raise costs on domestic companies. When we force our own companies to abide by strict environmental and labor laws, but don't hold overseas companies to those same standards, we're just setting ourselves up for failure. You can't have both. So either lose all the restrictions domestically OR force other countries to abide by our same standards (through tariffs).

With the system we have now, we force companies to drive their operating costs sky high if they run their business here in the states. So all these environmental laws and labor laws just drive them overseas. So not only are we losing the jobs here, but we end up promoting and paying for other countries to keep minimum wage and benefits nonexistant, not to mention ruining the environment, while they make our goods.

After being in power since 2007, I haven't heard the Dems say what they will do to fix the problem. They've been in complete controll of the government for years now, and haven't done shit. We know they won't lower labor/environmental standards for US companies, so all that really leaves is implementing tariffs against countries like China. But, what a surprise, the Dems haven't done jack shit to fix the economy.
C'mon rdean. That's silly.

I've known some very creative and innovative conservatives.
Soviets made a concerted effort to take over US State Department, American media and universities and they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

Of course, it was a Pyrrhic victory because they came home to find Ronald Reagan ordering them to "Tear Down this Wall" This enraged Putin so badly, he had no choice but to complete his takeover of the Democrat Party

From "CrusaderFrank's Guide to History" soon to be a major motion picture starring Rahm Emanuel as Osama bin Laden, Barack Obama as himself, Sean Penn as FDR, RDean as LBJ, Scarlett Johannasen as Michelle Obama, Brad Pitt as Liability, R Lee Ermy as Gunny and Roseann Barr as TruthMatters
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Who cares?

I think it's relevant in the context of your broadbrush.

I agree. I don't think political labels apply.

Depends on how you define exploit, I suppose.

I think there's plenty of support and opposition on both sides of the aisle.

They want to move jobs to China and not spend the money here on this country. It's not like it's a secret.

And now we get back to Steve Jobs. Do you have a better example of a very profitable manufactured product in high demand that could be manufactured here but isn't?

Anything involving electronics. I started another thread that shows the Chinese working with the US Chamber of Commerce to give seminars nationwide to teach people how to outsource to China. The same Chamber of Commerce collecting money from, not only China, but also Russia and India. The same Chamber of Commerce giving tens of millions to dozens and dozens of Republican candidates and two or three Democrats.

Ah. Did Steve Jobs attend one of those conferences? How about Gordon Moore from Intel? You seem to be focusing on the conservatives doing this and not the liberals.

For some reason, every time you point out the dirty things Republicans do, they will say, "but a Democrat did it once". It's like they have no morals of their own. A Democrat raped. Should all Republicans rape? A Democrat moved jobs to China, should all jobs be moved to China? When are Republicans going to help this country and say, "Just because a Democrat did it, doesn't mean we have to.

Except you're making an inaccurate broadbrush. Conservatives didn't create the phenomenon of outsourcing to China and two of the largest US-based manufacturers that also do it are liberals.

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