Zone1 Take Healthcare, Utilities, Energy, And The Internet Away From The Corporatocracy

The corporatization of healthcare, utilities, energy, and the Internet undermines the equitable distribution of essential resources and services. By reclaiming these sectors as part of the commons, society can ensure they serve the public good, promote sustainability, and foster innovation. This requires a combination of regulatory reforms, public investment, and cultural shifts toward valuing the collective over the individual. Doing so can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

Any corporatist that doesn't agree is free to close tomorrow. The people can handle it from there.
More socialist BS.
The corporatization of healthcare, utilities, energy, and the Internet undermines the equitable distribution of essential resources and services. By reclaiming these sectors as part of the commons, society can ensure they serve the public good, promote sustainability, and foster innovation. This requires a combination of regulatory reforms, public investment, and cultural shifts toward valuing the collective over the individual. Doing so can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

Any corporatist that doesn't agree is free to close tomorrow. The people can handle it from there.
Birth and Brown-Nosing Exclude Brains

It's about the quality of the people in these businesses, not about their structure. Collectivism shrinks talent just as much as corporatism does.

Take Healthcare, Utilities, Energy, And The Internet Away From The Corporatocracy​

The “corporatocracy” is also the government. So let’s not be foolish enough to think the government won’t do exactly as their corporate donors instruct them. These things need to be negotiated between the provider and the consumer.
The corporatization of healthcare, utilities, energy, and the Internet undermines the equitable distribution of essential resources and services. By reclaiming these sectors as part of the commons, society can ensure they serve the public good, promote sustainability, and foster innovation. This requires a combination of regulatory reforms, public investment, and cultural shifts toward valuing the collective over the individual. Doing so can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

Any corporatist that doesn't agree is free to close tomorrow. The people can handle it from there.
Yeah!...Turn it all over to a a monopoly of centralized far away political hacks, who have no incentive to provide so much as a marginally quality product, are completely insulated from cost incentives and vicissitudes, and exempt themselves from all legal liabilities for their fuckery!

Dictatorship of the Plutariat

Stock ownership must be replaced by funding through bank loans. This terminal system is like things would be if a bank could increase your mortgage as the value of your house increases.

Another alternative is to have employee ownership, inside ownership where only they would get the dividends and appoint the Board of Directors.

Socialism is the opposite of not only what it preaches it is, but also its hypocritical laissez-faire opponents claim it is what the Left claims but despise the people the Left claims it is empowering. It is a scheme of the HeirHead universities appealing to the guillotine-fodder spoiled brats who want power now and want it absolutely.

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