conservative Washington Examiner want Andrew Yang for NSA director...they're right...Biden needs to think outside the box, my friends


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
we need a progressive political revolution in all spectrums, my friends

His signature policy was the "Freedom Dividend," a universal basic income (UBI) of $1,000 a month to every American adult as a response to job displacement by automation, one of the primary factors that he claims led to Donald Trump's election in 2016.

Currency debasing is the only thing the above will accomplish- in the long run- instant gratification usually leaves buyer remorse- currency debasing is a hidden tax- the purchasing power of US dollars is 3% of what it was in 1913-

Free enterprise leads to free markets- propped up anything requires continued re-propping- so how soon before the number is 2000.00/month-
Freedom pays dividends- debt, not so much, except to debt holders, in this case the fed reserve- the "policy FeedomDividend" is a misnomer- but, the US gov't relies on ignorance to spread it's bullshit- nothing is free- free is unencumbered-

Markets influenced by consumers control markets with invisible hands- dictated markets are controlled by dictators, i.e., humans, who, being quite well off really have no skin in the game- though their enslaved servants may have quite a bit of skin in the game-

Andrew Yang, may feel special and he may believe he's doing something special- he ain't- his idea would debase what we have in our hand-
we need a progressive political revolution in all spectrums, my friends

thats assuming biden can still think,, and based on what we've seen of his cognitive abilities he cant and will most likely be gone in a few months time,,,
we need a progressive political revolution in all spectrums, my friends

There goes that lack of a brain showing again.

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