Conservatives and the Media


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton't impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:
/---- I love it when the losers give free advice to the winners on how they should change their winning tactics. It make s me wonder what their real motive is.
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton't impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:
/---- I love it when the losers give free advice to the winners on how they should change their winning tactics. It make s me wonder what their real motive is.
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I am so sorry the truth hurts. :(
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:

They know this. They DO want state run media as long as they control the government. They don't think any further ahead than today. All they know is 'they want' and that is enough. Much like children.
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:
Me and the Media have no problems, if I find they are not telling the facts I just quite taking the paper, if the TV news become false reporters of the news I quit. This my choice not anyone else s.

I have over the years given a large leeway but I expect Opinion to be on the Editorial Page not on the front page as reported truth. Media needs to get wise and stop the wholesale twisting of fact into opinion.
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:
Funny but is not what the media has been doing? Spinning the news given to them at the White house. This where they get "briefings"
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:

1. Giggity. You are such an ass hat. The ONLY reason the media covred the Clinton sex stuff is because Bill was in a heap of shot with bimbos coming out of the wood work. They had no choice.

2.the press is already the same as North Korea. Except fake. The press isn't free, it costs stuff. Wonder if Rachael Madcow is in ACA?
The pendelum turns, and of course the alt right has never ever listened honestly to anything they don't like.
There are two reasons we currently do not have a free and independent press in the US.
1. The people reporting the news are by a wide margin registered democrats. and
2. They are far too emotionally damaged by the election results to represent the news fairly.

The media in fact is so emotional that they feel it is their duty to CHANGE THE RESULT. Obama by contrast was given Carte Blanche for 8 years to do or not do whatever he wanted. His administration took full advantage and screwed the US over big time. The media was nothing more than a silent bystander. Explain to me, OP how you derive "Free and Independent Press" from their conduct over the last 8 years and particularly the last 6 months.
I look foreward to the left being given the same speech about their non stop complaints about FOX News.
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:

It's always seemed odd that the self-styled libertarian parrots, whatever they call themselves, rail 24/7 about the government bureaucracy keeping out of public affairs, and yet they do a complete 180 when the corporatocracy does the same thing, which is at least as dangerous if not more.

Commercial media sells what sells -- which explains the Clinton thing. Sex sells and scandal sells, always has. More generally emotion sells.

They also didn't seem to object when mass media portrayed Reagan taking office against the background of a plane leaving Iran with freed hostages on it, as if it were a cause and effect (while never actually saying that). To this day there walk among us those who believe Reagan did that.
Funny no one had a problem with the media during the campaign, all I ever saw was Trump rally's, Trump this, Trump that. The Media got him elected and now you have a problem with it?
For years, Conservatives have attacked the media, claiming they are biased and unfair. Trump has gone as far as saying the media is "the enemy of the people" Before this goes much further there are 2 things Conservatives had better think about:

1. Conservatives didn't seem to have a problem with the media when they published endless stories about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's impeachment, Hillary Clinton's emails, the death panels, and grannies being wheeled into the streets to die that the affordable care act was supposed to produce, and countless other stories that worked to Conservatives political advantage (and let's not forget the endless stories about that Kenyan born Muslim in the White House that was not a REAL American!)

2. The alternative? If America does not have a free press as the framers of our constitution demanded, then we have state run media just like in Russia and North Korea, where the truth is what the state tells you it is, and ONLY what the state tells you it is!

So think about this conservatives before you start bitching about the media, and blaming it for all of your problems. :bye1:

It's always seemed odd that the self-styled libertarian parrots, whatever they call themselves, rail 24/7 about the government bureaucracy keeping out of public affairs, and yet they do a complete 180 when the corporatocracy does the same thing, which is at least as dangerous if not more.

Commercial media sells what sells -- which explains the Clinton thing. Sex sells and scandal sells, always has. More generally emotion sells.

They also didn't seem to object when mass media portrayed Reagan taking office against the background of a plane leaving Iran with freed hostages on it, as if it were a cause and effect (while never actually saying that). To this day there walk among us those who believe Reagan did that.


My ass JFK would of gone down in flames if the media would of reported on his affairs and It was cause and effect Khomeini hated's also amusing the left don't want to o talk about the fairness doctrine and how long they own the media, news, televion shows, Television movies, newspapers ,........



Funny no one had a problem with the media during the campaign, all I ever saw was Trump rally's, Trump this, Trump that. The Media got him elected and now you have a problem with it?
Obama had an MSM ratio of +40% to -20% i.e. twice as many positive articles as negative. Trump has 90% negative i,e, 9x as many negative articles. The MSM needs to get Obama's dick out of their mouths.
Here is a sample of the MSM's coverage during the campaign:

Here is the problem with the MSM's coverage now:
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Funny no one had a problem with the media during the campaign, all I ever saw was Trump rally's, Trump this, Trump that. The Media got him elected and now you have a problem with it?
Obama had an MSM ratio of +40% to -20% i.e. twice as much positive articles as negative. Trump has 90% negative i,e, 9x as many negative articles. The MSM needs to get Obama's dick out of their mouths.
Here is a sample of the MSM's coverage during the campaign:

Here is the problem with the MSM's coverage now:
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Never gets old
Funny no one had a problem with the media during the campaign, all I ever saw was Trump rally's, Trump this, Trump that. The Media got him elected and now you have a problem with it?

EXACTLY thank you. These rubes get lost in minutiae of "positive" this/"negative" that, while the sheer volume completely flies over their collective head. "There's no such thing and bad publicity". Or as Wilde put it, "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about".

What would be far more useful is some figure on how often Rump was mentioned --- whether positive, negative or neutral -- compared to everybody else. And if there was ever a lull in it he made sure to say something stupid (e.g."I like people who weren't captured OK?") to get back into the buzz. He knows his audience.

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