Conservatives: Do You Give

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.
I meant to post a poll with this and hit the wrong button.

My answer: No. Nor would it matter if I did.
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

Their lives are none of my business...
why, some of my best friends are gay!!! I swear!!!........:lol:

frankly, I find that the more pressure their lobby applies, the more I feel bothered.
Conversely, the less pressure etc. , the less I care, marriage, dadt is I think, counter productive at this point.
The only thing I have against the gay movement are those obscene parades they have in San Francisco. Other than that. No. It's their life. They should live it.
Yes. yes i do care. I want them to live the best life they can, just like everyone else. I want them to not make choices that will hinder themselves.

I want to love my neighbors. What can I say? I care. But that doesn't mean i want government involved in every aspect of our lives.
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

Do you support full legal equality between homosexuals and heterosexuals in all spheres of the law?
I'm (mostly) an Objectivist so I don't really care about homosexuals qua homosexuals. I believe every individual deserves the same rights and liberty as every other individual.

That puts me far to the "right" and many issues (mostly economic) and far to the "left" on many others (mostly social).
I don't believe that we should have "gay marriage", because marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe that this commitment is sacred. However, I don't care what gays do with each other, as long as I don't have to pay the bill for their AIDS.
René Anafoutra;2890625 said:
I don't believe that we should have "gay marriage", because marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe that this commitment is sacred. However, I don't care what gays do with each other, as long as I don't have to pay the bill for their AIDS.

You are an ignorant POS. I pity your loved ones.
René Anafoutra;2890625 said:
I don't believe that we should have "gay marriage", because marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe that this commitment is sacred. However, I don't care what gays do with each other, as long as I don't have to pay the bill for their AIDS.

You are an ignorant POS. I pity your loved ones.

OK..."POS", I will just take as an insult. That's a dead end. "Ignorant" implies that there is something that I don't know. Would you care to enlighten me?

Loved ones? None of my "loved ones" have AIDS. What is your point?
René Anafoutra;2890668 said:
René Anafoutra;2890625 said:
I don't believe that we should have "gay marriage", because marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe that this commitment is sacred. However, I don't care what gays do with each other, as long as I don't have to pay the bill for their AIDS.

You are an ignorant POS. I pity your loved ones.

OK..."POS", I will just take as an insult. That's a dead end. "Ignorant" implies that there is something that I don't know. Would you care to enlighten me?

Loved ones? None of my "loved ones" have AIDS. What is your point?

Unless you only know nine people on all of Planet Earth, odds are you know and perhaps even love someone who is GLBT, but you are unaware of their orientation. Doubtless, this is because due to your ignorance and hate, they fear telling you. Hating on the GLBT community is a bit like hating on all left-handed people; sooner or later, that shit will come back on you.

What no one ever discusses is that the lowest transmission rates for HIV are among lesbian women -- unless they are IV drug users, their risk of contracting HIV is very, very low. Gay men are next and the highest rate of transmission (new infections) is among heterosexuals. HIV is an any-bodily-fluid to blood virus; any tearing, no matter how minute, is sufficient for infection to take place.

This myth that "only gays get AIDS" is busy infecting an astounding number of heterosexuals, especially older adults. With less willingness to practice safe sex, less reliable information about STIs, longer sexual histories and more compromised general health, heterosexual Baby Boomers are at high, possibly the highest, risk.

And not for nothing, but there are now several deadly STIs and have been for some time in the US. A few more, like chlamdia, merely have the capacity to stunt lives. Believing that heterosexuality is some sort of magic bullet against infection is helping kill many Americans.....I suspect if we lost you, as disreputable as you seem to be, at least someone would be devastated.

So enough with the "nobody needs sexual health care but gays" already.

Unless you only know nine people on all of Planet Earth, odds are you know and perhaps even love someone who is GLBT, but you are unaware of their orientation. Doubtless, this is because due to your ignorance and hate, they fear telling you. Hating on the GLBT community is a bit like hating on all left-handed people; sooner or later, that shit will come back on you.

If most gay people are hiding it, then how do you get the 10% figure that you are implying? Are you capable of reading hidden homosexual ability which you accuse me of not having?

What no one ever discusses is that the lowest transmission rates for HIV are among lesbian women -- unless they are IV drug users, their risk of contracting HIV is very, very low.

That certainly makes sense.

Gay men are next and the highest rate of transmission (new infections) is among heterosexuals. HIV is an any-bodily-fluid to blood virus; any tearing, no matter how minute, is sufficient for infection to take place.

Highest rate of transmission, or highest rate of new infections? I sense an abuse of statistics here.

This myth that "only gays get AIDS" is busy infecting an astounding number of heterosexuals, especially older adults.

How is abstinence, outside of marriage, working these days, or is that too radical a concept?

I suspect if we lost you, as disreputable as you seem to be, at least someone would be devastated.

I suspect that you are wrong. I will not die of a venereal disease, because I do not engage in behaviours that cause such disease, but, no one will miss me, regardless of the cause of my death, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
René Anafoutra;2890702 said:
Unless you only know nine people on all of Planet Earth, odds are you know and perhaps even love someone who is GLBT, but you are unaware of their orientation. Doubtless, this is because due to your ignorance and hate, they fear telling you. Hating on the GLBT community is a bit like hating on all left-handed people; sooner or later, that shit will come back on you.

If most gay people are hiding it, then how do you get the 10% figure that you are implying? Are you capable of reading hidden homosexual ability which you accuse me of not having?

Most GLBT people are neither in nor out. They disclose to those they trust. Statistically, over time and over Planet Earth, every tenth person is GLBT. It is normal, like being left handed.

What no one ever discusses is that the lowest transmission rates for HIV are among lesbian women -- unless they are IV drug users, their risk of contracting HIV is very, very low.

That certainly makes sense.

Glad to see you can absorb new information.

Highest rate of transmission, or highest rate of new infections? I sense an abuse of statistics here.

Transmission = infection, genius.

This myth that "only gays get AIDS" is busy infecting an astounding number of heterosexuals, especially older adults.

How is abstinence, outside of marriage, working these days, or is that too radical a concept?

Few older adults have any desire to marry. We still like to fuck, though.

I suspect if we lost you, as disreputable as you seem to be, at least someone would be devastated.

I suspect that you are wrong. I will not die of a venereal disease, because I do not engage in behaviours that cause such disease, but, no one will miss me, regardless of the cause of my death, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you are living like a monk, that helps explain your assholeness.

My sympathies.
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René Anafoutra;2890702 said:
[COLOR="magenta][SIZE="4"]Unless you only know nine people on all of Planet Earth, odds are you know and perhaps even love someone who is GLBT, but you are unaware of their orientation. Doubtless, this is because due to your ignorance and hate, they fear telling you. Hating on the GLBT community is a bit like hating on all left-handed people; sooner or later, that shit will come back on you.

If most gay people are hiding it, then how do you get the 10% figure that you are implying? Are you capable of reading hidden homosexual ability which you accuse me of not having?

Most GLBT people are neither in nor out. They disclose to those they trust. Statistically, over time and over Planet Earth, every tenth person is GLBT. It is normal, like being left handed.

The 10% figure is based on Kinsey's research. And their methodology has since been shown to be wrong.
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

Do you support full legal equality between homosexuals and heterosexuals in all spheres of the law?

I have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex along with every other person living in the U.S., including a gay person. So, while I support civil unions, I don't see how 'gay rights' are any different than my rights? They can marry someone of the opposite sex the same as I can, no different rights there. So, the equal rights argument is a bit of a fallacy.
René Anafoutra;2890702 said:
If most gay people are hiding it, then how do you get the 10% figure that you are implying? Are you capable of reading hidden homosexual ability which you accuse me of not having?

Most GLBT people are neither in nor out. They disclose to those they trust. Statistically, over time and over Planet Earth, every tenth person is GLBT. It is normal, like being left handed.

The 10% figure is based on Kinsey's research. And their methodology has since been shown to be wrong.

Mebbe so, but more reliable data is unavailable.

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