Strange way Democrats talk all the time

Biden won the election 306>232. Every audit. Every Re-count. Every court challenge confirmed it.
Almost every case in court was simply dismissed by the judges. Problem with the election as you know was Democrats rallied democrats to vote in their state plus other states.
LOL...Rush Limbaugh. That explains quite a bit. You admire showmen who have one goal; to enrich themselves.
Rush was like a carriage of information. When others noticed fraud, they told him and he had the data checked out. This man exemplified the meaning of the press. RED PROOF about my assertion on this topic.
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Are you joking?

Fully 2/3rd of my threads get the response "OP is a faggot". several times.

Remember kids, every republican accusation is a confession.
Could you highlight this imaginary confession? Has there been a topic used about faggot use?
Rush was like a carriage of information. When others noticed fraud, they told him and he had the data checked out. This man exemplified the meaning of the press.
And he called women Femi-nazis.... Essentially the name calling you, for the time being, say you disdain.

Anything else?
This is way too common to discount. What I am discussing about democrats is no matter the topic, they virtually immediately pull out the old you crap.

If you talk about Climate, they often attack saying you. You think Climate is this or that. That is what they tell us. It is not focused merely on me, it is how the treat all republicans. "You don't know shit"; "You don't read books". Way more than that to get me to comment on them.
When there is a topic, stop talking about the messenger. I put this as a topic to talk about messengers but in truth is about what is said to we so called conservatives. Nobody can tell me why I am a conservative? What have i Conserved?
They love to tell you what they think you think. That’s because it’s much easier to impugn a straw man than actually engage in a nuanced discussion with a logic-based conservative.
They love to tell you what they think you think. That’s because it’s much easier to impugn a straw man than actually engage in a nuanced discussion with a logic-based conservative.
That is so true. Thanks very much for bringing that up. Usually after saying You, comes the legendary retorts that are not on topic.

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