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Conservatives don't have a foot left to shoot

None of which addresses the general propensity of voters who show up to vote against initiatives or candidates.

Likewise, correlation doesn't add up to causation.

There is nothing in McCain's defeat that points to that. Gay marriage is defeated every time it's put to a referendum, and now more than 1/2 of the coutnry believes abortion is wrong.
not quite right
51% dont believe in unlimited abortions
not that abortion is wrong

uh oh... So you're saying that 51% of the people believe that abortion is not wrong... Dangerous phraseolgy... As those who believe that there is a point where the killing of the pre-born human justified; believe that point is where the life of that pre-born human threatens the life of the Mother... which is the exact same principle which is used to justify the taking of the life of ANYONE that threatens the life of an innocent; which proves the validity of that position.

But ABORTION, as the concept is advanced by the left, is BIRTH CONTROL... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with a justifiable basis for defending the life of the Mother; let's at least agree upon that.

This may seem like a pedantic point; and there is not doubt that it is... but in this instance, the issue is language and how it is used by the left to promote their deceitful agenda.

Where we casually state that 'we're agree with some abortions' we promote the interests of those who would use that position to advance abortion as a means of birth control; for the purposes of normalizing debauchery.

I have only met a very few individuals in my life who were against taking the life of the pre-born child where such was necessary to defend the mother's life... They're arguments are sound; and they're entitled to their position; but the fact will always remain, that where the pre-born child is a direct, clear and present threat to the life of the Mother... or where that child was concieved as a result of rape, where the Mother did NOT consent to the sexual intercourse which resulted in the conception... there is a perfect moral justification to draw a hard line and kill that child...

But, this is a far cry from using abortion to kill a child which resulted from sexual intercourse to which you FULLY consented.... because that child's life represents a personal inconvenience...

But you are exactly right... most people agree that Abortion is wrong, where it serves to kill a child, which the Mother finds to be a personal inconvenience.

But with that said... such would remain WRONG... if 99.9999999% of the population disagreed.
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Are you kidding? You lefties can't get past the Bush Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Obama.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Are you kidding? You righties can't get past the Carter Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Bush.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Reagan got his tax cut stimulus package passed early in 1981, but after unemployment rose from Carter's 7.5% to Reagan's 10.8% by Dec 1982 and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8%, no problem. Even though it's a full 2 years into St Ronnie's first term and over a year and a half after his stimulus, Reagan STILL doesn't own his economy, JUST BLAME CATRER.
The housing bubble bursts during Bush's second term, no problem. JUST BLAME CARTER.

But don't ever blame anything on Bush, neither he nor any other WingNut is ever responsible for anything that ever happened at any time, unless it was good. Then it is whatever branch of government the WingNuts control that is singlehandedly responsible for the good.
Liberty Univerisity, in keeping with conservative stupidity, has banned student democratic organizations.

Speaks for itself.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Liberty University bans College Dems « - Blogs from CNN.com

What do you mean by conservative stupidity?

thanks for proving liberal stupidity
ED my man REAgans first Budget didn't even go into effect until 2002 and arguably could not have had any real impact on the economy until tax time 2003. And further you will find any number of right wingers here that disagreed with Bush's rediculous social spending.
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private institute, can do as it pleases.

However, if it is receiving any government money that won't stand.

None of you minds one bit when liberal professors brow beat and censor non liberal students. In government funded colleges to boot.

It is real simple actually, the professor and his hired students make it clear you will tow the professors belief line or you will fail.

Now go ahead and claim it doesn't happen.

brow beat and censor? In my experience they try to have an honest debate but can't get the conservatives past the few talking points that have been memorized. That's why as a person gains more education they're more likely to shift to the left.

horse shit
ED my man REAgans first Budget didn't even go into effect until 2002 and arguably could not have had any real impact on the economy until tax time 2003. And further you will find any number of right wingers here that disagreed with Bush's rediculous social spending.
and they wonder why Bush had such low job approval marks
they seem to think it was just them

however, as proven by the libs on this board, i doubt Obama's job approvals will ever get below 40% because no matter what he does, they will still approve of it
ED my man REAgans first Budget didn't even go into effect until 2002 and arguably could not have had any real impact on the economy until tax time 2003. And further you will find any number of right wingers here that disagreed with Bush's rediculous social spending.
and they wonder why Bush had such low job approval marks
they seem to think it was just them

however, as proven by the libs on this board, i doubt Obama's job approvals will ever get below 40% because no matter what he does, they will still approve of it

The biggest problem with a "side" that grow too big, more fringe extremists appear.
Are you kidding? You lefties can't get past the Bush Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Obama.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Are you kidding? You righties can't get past the Carter Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Bush.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Reagan got his tax cut stimulus package passed early in 1981, but after unemployment rose from Carter's 7.5% to Reagan's 10.8% by Dec 1982 and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8%, no problem. Even though it's a full 2 years into St Ronnie's first term and over a year and a half after his stimulus, Reagan STILL doesn't own his economy, JUST BLAME CATRER.
The housing bubble bursts during Bush's second term, no problem. JUST BLAME CARTER.

But don't ever blame anything on Bush, neither he nor any other WingNut is ever responsible for anything that ever happened at any time, unless it was good. Then it is whatever branch of government the WingNuts control that is singlehandedly responsible for the good.

ED my man REAgans first Budget didn't even go into effect until 2002 and arguably could not have had any real impact on the economy until tax time 2003. And further you will find any number of right wingers here that disagreed with Bush's rediculous social spending.

And there it is!
Carter can be blamed for a bad economy until 2 years and 3 months into the Reagan administration, but Bush cannot EVER be responsible for the economy.

CON$ claim the 2001 recession was Clinton's fault, 9/11 was Clinton's fault, and the housing bubble bursting was Clinton's and Carter's faults, and the stock market crash was Obama's fault even though Obama hasn't been in office 2 years and 3 months yet.

Here is LimpBoy blaming The Bush Depression on Obama only 2 DAYS after he was elected.

Obama Recession in Full Swing
November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen.* Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come.* This is an Obama recession.* Might turn into a depression.*
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Are you kidding? You lefties can't get past the Bush Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Obama.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Are you kidding? You righties can't get past the Carter Administration. Or won't. That would require addressing the actions of Herr Bush.

Talking points indeed.:cuckoo:

Reagan got his tax cut stimulus package passed early in 1981, but after unemployment rose from Carter's 7.5% to Reagan's 10.8% by Dec 1982 and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8%, no problem. Even though it's a full 2 years into St Ronnie's first term and over a year and a half after his stimulus, Reagan STILL doesn't own his economy, JUST BLAME CATRER.
The housing bubble bursts during Bush's second term, no problem. JUST BLAME CARTER.

But don't ever blame anything on Bush, neither he nor any other WingNut is ever responsible for anything that ever happened at any time, unless it was good. Then it is whatever branch of government the WingNuts control that is singlehandedly responsible for the good.

Reagan happened to be the guy in office when things turned around. However, from the end of the Johnson Administration, the Nixon years, the Ford years AND Carter, not just Carter alone, can be charted as as a plateauing then nose diveing economy and US national self esteem.

The talk about the end for America then was as loud or louder than it is now. If you didn't live through it, it's hard to describe. All of the American auto makers were in big trouble and the steel industry was dissolving. We had just just been shamed out of Viet Nam. Things were out of control and there was no leader to remind us what we were trying to do and who we were to think we could do it.

Then Reagn gave his "Shining House on the Hill" speech. After many years of witless, gutless, listless defeatism, we had a guy who told us we not only could be the best, but we were the best and he was here to wake us up and lead us to the great future that waited for us.

High unemployment. High interest rates and low economic growth turned around.

He got his first tax cut in place in the summer of 1981. His first budget was in place near the end of that same year. Unemployment is a laggin indicator of economic problems. That it turned around when it did is almost certainly a proof that Reagan's policies were the cause.

The previous 4 guys did nothing dramatic to change theings and they didn't change. They just continued on the natural course down.

Our current guy wants to move us back toward the policies that led to the Reagan Revolution. Well, those who don't study history...
High unemployment. High interest rates and low economic growth turned around.

He got his first tax cut in place in the summer of 1981. His first budget was in place near the end of that same year. Unemployment is a laggin indicator of economic problems. That it turned around when it did is almost certainly a proof that Reagan's policies were the cause.

Well, those who don't study history...

That's the Reagan Kool-Aid talking.
After St Ronnie's stimulus tax cuts, unemployment which was NEVER double digit during Carter soared from 7.5% to 10.8% by Dec of 1982, and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8% and Paul Volcker, who was appointed by Carter, was the one who brought interest rates down. So the timing actually shows Reagan's tax cuts were a complete failure.

What Reagan did after the disastrous economic numbers were known was to RAISE TAXES!!!! That's right, Reagan then raised taxes on just about everything and everyone. First he rolled back about a third of his original cut. Then he raised Payroll taxes to make up for the other 2/3rds plus a little, making Reagan the greatest tax raising PEACETIME president in history, a record which stands to this day.

The timing shows that Reagan's tax increases are what turned the economy around.

In 1980, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, middle-income families with children paid 8.2 percent of their income in income taxes, and 9.5 percent in payroll taxes. By 1988 the income tax share was down to 6.6 percent but the payroll tax share was up to 11.8 percent, and the combined burden was up from 17.7% to 18.4%, shifting some of the tax burden from the PROGRESSIVE income tax to the REGRESSIVE payroll tax.
There will be no new jobs in the Obama recovery. Except for the statists.

You will be asked to be grateful for energy subsidies which offset higher energy taxes, and healthcare but no jobs.

Barack Obama thinks you should be happy with that.
High unemployment. High interest rates and low economic growth turned around.

He got his first tax cut in place in the summer of 1981. His first budget was in place near the end of that same year. Unemployment is a laggin indicator of economic problems. That it turned around when it did is almost certainly a proof that Reagan's policies were the cause.

Well, those who don't study history...

That's the Reagan Kool-Aid talking.
After St Ronnie's stimulus tax cuts, unemployment which was NEVER double digit during Carter soared from 7.5% to 10.8% by Dec of 1982, and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8% and Paul Volcker, who was appointed by Carter, was the one who brought interest rates down. So the timing actually shows Reagan's tax cuts were a complete failure.

What Reagan did after the disastrous economic numbers were known was to RAISE TAXES!!!! That's right, Reagan then raised taxes on just about everything and everyone. First he rolled back about a third of his original cut. Then he raised Payroll taxes to make up for the other 2/3rds plus a little, making Reagan the greatest tax raising PEACETIME president in history, a record which stands to this day.

The timing shows that Reagan's tax increases are what turned the economy around.
In 1980, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, middle-income families with children paid 8.2 percent of their income in income taxes, and 9.5 percent in payroll taxes. By 1988 the income tax share was down to 6.6 percent but the payroll tax share was up to 11.8 percent, and the combined burden was up from 17.7% to 18.4%, shifting some of the tax burden from the PROGRESSIVE income tax to the REGRESSIVE payroll tax.

The increase you cite was a comprimise witht the Dems and was one of the many ban aids that have been applied to Social Security.

Let's assume that you are right. Let's assume that INCREASING payroll taxes is a tried and true method for stimulating the economy.

Why has the Obama Administration cut that form of taxation at this time?

Again, those who don't study history...
High unemployment. High interest rates and low economic growth turned around.

He got his first tax cut in place in the summer of 1981. His first budget was in place near the end of that same year. Unemployment is a laggin indicator of economic problems. That it turned around when it did is almost certainly a proof that Reagan's policies were the cause.

Well, those who don't study history...

That's the Reagan Kool-Aid talking.
After St Ronnie's stimulus tax cuts, unemployment which was NEVER double digit during Carter soared from 7.5% to 10.8% by Dec of 1982, and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8% and Paul Volcker, who was appointed by Carter, was the one who brought interest rates down. So the timing actually shows Reagan's tax cuts were a complete failure.

What Reagan did after the disastrous economic numbers were known was to RAISE TAXES!!!! That's right, Reagan then raised taxes on just about everything and everyone. First he rolled back about a third of his original cut. Then he raised Payroll taxes to make up for the other 2/3rds plus a little, making Reagan the greatest tax raising PEACETIME president in history, a record which stands to this day.

The timing shows that Reagan's tax increases are what turned the economy around.
In 1980, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, middle-income families with children paid 8.2 percent of their income in income taxes, and 9.5 percent in payroll taxes. By 1988 the income tax share was down to 6.6 percent but the payroll tax share was up to 11.8 percent, and the combined burden was up from 17.7% to 18.4%, shifting some of the tax burden from the PROGRESSIVE income tax to the REGRESSIVE payroll tax.

The increase you cite was a comprimise witht the Dems and was one of the many ban aids that have been applied to Social Security.

Let's assume that you are right. Let's assume that INCREASING payroll taxes is a tried and true method for stimulating the economy.

Why has the Obama Administration cut that form of taxation at this time?

Again, those who don't study history...

I cited MORE than one tax increase. Reagan The Taxer raised taxes on just about everything: income taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes, the first tax on social security benefits, gas taxes, etc., etc., etc.
1981 and 1988 were the ONLY 2 years Reagan The Taxer didn't raise one tax or another.

This Day in History 1983: Reagan gives gas tax hike the go-ahead
January 6, 1983
Reagan gives gas tax hike the go-ahead

On this day in 1983, President Ronald Reagan gave the green light to one of his pet proposals, a gas tax hike designed to raise funds for the nation's roads and bridges. That the bill made it to the Oval Office was something of a minor miracle, as the nationÝs legislators spent a good part of the fall embroiled in a nasty partisan debate over the relative merits of the tax hike. However, the Senate finally passed the bill on December 23, 1982, paving the way for the Federal gas tax to be increased by a nickel. The heftier tax rate in turn promised to raise $5.5 billion a year for highway repairs and general transportation maintenance. And, though the president was not one for using public funds to stimulate employment, some legislators estimated that the tax increase would help create roughly 320,000 jobs.
That's the Reagan Kool-Aid talking.
After St Ronnie's stimulus tax cuts, unemployment which was NEVER double digit during Carter soared from 7.5% to 10.8% by Dec of 1982, and the GDP for 1982 was -6.8% and Paul Volcker, who was appointed by Carter, was the one who brought interest rates down. So the timing actually shows Reagan's tax cuts were a complete failure.

What Reagan did after the disastrous economic numbers were known was to RAISE TAXES!!!! That's right, Reagan then raised taxes on just about everything and everyone. First he rolled back about a third of his original cut. Then he raised Payroll taxes to make up for the other 2/3rds plus a little, making Reagan the greatest tax raising PEACETIME president in history, a record which stands to this day.

The timing shows that Reagan's tax increases are what turned the economy around.
In 1980, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, middle-income families with children paid 8.2 percent of their income in income taxes, and 9.5 percent in payroll taxes. By 1988 the income tax share was down to 6.6 percent but the payroll tax share was up to 11.8 percent, and the combined burden was up from 17.7% to 18.4%, shifting some of the tax burden from the PROGRESSIVE income tax to the REGRESSIVE payroll tax.

The increase you cite was a comprimise witht the Dems and was one of the many ban aids that have been applied to Social Security.

Let's assume that you are right. Let's assume that INCREASING payroll taxes is a tried and true method for stimulating the economy.

Why has the Obama Administration cut that form of taxation at this time?

Again, those who don't study history...

I cited MORE than one tax increase. Reagan The Taxer raised taxes on just about everything: income taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes, the first tax on social security benefits, gas taxes, etc., etc., etc.
1981 and 1988 were the ONLY 2 years Reagan The Taxer didn't raise one tax or another.

This Day in History 1983: Reagan gives gas tax hike the go-ahead
January 6, 1983
Reagan gives gas tax hike the go-ahead

On this day in 1983, President Ronald Reagan gave the green light to one of his pet proposals, a gas tax hike designed to raise funds for the nation's roads and bridges. That the bill made it to the Oval Office was something of a minor miracle, as the nationÝs legislators spent a good part of the fall embroiled in a nasty partisan debate over the relative merits of the tax hike. However, the Senate finally passed the bill on December 23, 1982, paving the way for the Federal gas tax to be increased by a nickel. The heftier tax rate in turn promised to raise $5.5 billion a year for highway repairs and general transportation maintenance. And, though the president was not one for using public funds to stimulate employment, some legislators estimated that the tax increase would help create roughly 320,000 jobs.

Well, if raising taxes is the thing that will stimulate the economy, it sounds as though we are about to enter a time of economic boom.

"Happy days are here again,
Let's sing a song..." and so on.

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