Conservatives have an ace in the hole


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
and that is Barack Obama....


Barry is the most dangerous of morons, the moron who doesn't think he is a moron. He believes in his heart of hearts that he is doing a great job -- and nothing will convince him otherwise.

His narcissism will never allow him to give up on ObamaCare. After all, it is his progeny, his legacy. Isn't it named after him? No matter how bad it gets he is not letting go. Republicans should give him what he wants, full implementation. To paraphrase Napoleon, when your enemy seeks defeat, don't get in his way.

Without America's young, hale and hearty, ObamaCare cannot survive.

Picture "Julia," an uninsured 30-year-old making $40K a year as a graphic designer, healthy, and with the arrogance of youth, confident she will always stay that way. The penalty -- starting in 2014 -- for remaining uninsured will be $95 or 1% of her income. Perhaps, this computer-savvy "Julia" finds acceptable coverage for $200 per month (I know, dream on).

Her options are clear, spend $2,400 or $4,000 for something that she didn't want or require. She is going to enroll and pay the $2,400. Does anyone think "Julia" will be happy about this? To her, it is a tax, $2,400 less she has to spend on her wants and needs. Will she vote in 2014 to reelect the Democrat senator or representative who forced this upon her?

On the other hand... take another "Julia," a friend of mine. She is a 54-year-old, soon-to-be divorced woman working part-time for both Goodwill Industries and the New York State DMV. Last year she made $26,512 -- she counts every penny and will not take anything from anyone. She cries that ObamaCare prevents her from getting a full time position that might offer medical benefits. The Kaiser Calculator, after the Obamacare subsidy, calculates her minimum insurance plan will cost a little less than $2K.

She is going to pay the $265 fine. After all, if she gets sick, preexisting conditions are covered under Obamacare. She just has to survive long enough to get to the next enrolment period and in any case, she can't afford the $2K. In addition, there is always the emergency room. She is exactly 26,512 pennies poorer. Thanks Barack!

As another example..

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the more the American people experience Obamacare and how it wrecks their budgets.....

you can bet they will think government should cut spending and have a budget too....

nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...

nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...


He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.
nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...


He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.

You do understand that there could have been no default unless Obama refused to pay our bills right?

Obama threatened to default the nation if the Republicans didn't cave. Republicans believed him.
Oh and if people havent figured out Obama yet, I dont think they are going to.

There is no Ace in the whole. The GOP has no freaking clue what they are going to do. We are just going to have the same battle in January. Then they will kick the decision down the road till after the election in order to get some pork to save their sorry behinds.

There is only one source of justice left. That's God. If we want things to change, we have to appeal to Him. I intend to do so.
nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...


He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.

You do understand that there could have been no default unless Obama refused to pay our bills right?

Obama threatened to default the nation if the Republicans didn't cave. Republicans believed him.

Doesn't matter. You don't have to show your hand if the other player folds.
He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.

You do understand that there could have been no default unless Obama refused to pay our bills right?

Obama threatened to default the nation if the Republicans didn't cave. Republicans believed him.

Doesn't matter. You don't have to show your hand if the other player folds.

Yes, actually, it does matter. For one, this isnt a game. It's peoples lives we are talking about.

And two, you don't get to claim credit for preventing a default that only you could have caused and that was only on the table because you were threatening to not pay the bills. That would be like saying I saved your life because I pointed a loaded gun at your head and didn't fire.
Conservatives have an ace in the hole
Yeah sure they do, like Cruz running for president. God, please let him be the GOP nominee. Republicans don't need LSD, they hallucinate just fine without it.
nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...


He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.

Obama is so much smarter than the Republicans. He has had the upper hand every step of the way, and it shows. This is why Republicans have become so hateful. They just can't stand it.
and that is Barack Obama....


Barry is the most dangerous of morons, the moron who doesn't think he is a moron. He believes in his heart of hearts that he is doing a great job -- and nothing will convince him otherwise.

His narcissism will never allow him to give up on ObamaCare. After all, it is his progeny, his legacy. Isn't it named after him? No matter how bad it gets he is not letting go. Republicans should give him what he wants, full implementation. To paraphrase Napoleon, when your enemy seeks defeat, don't get in his way.

Without America's young, hale and hearty, ObamaCare cannot survive.

Picture "Julia," an uninsured 30-year-old making $40K a year as a graphic designer, healthy, and with the arrogance of youth, confident she will always stay that way. The penalty -- starting in 2014 -- for remaining uninsured will be $95 or 1% of her income. Perhaps, this computer-savvy "Julia" finds acceptable coverage for $200 per month (I know, dream on).

Her options are clear, spend $2,400 or $4,000 for something that she didn't want or require. She is going to enroll and pay the $2,400. Does anyone think "Julia" will be happy about this? To her, it is a tax, $2,400 less she has to spend on her wants and needs. Will she vote in 2014 to reelect the Democrat senator or representative who forced this upon her?

On the other hand... take another "Julia," a friend of mine. She is a 54-year-old, soon-to-be divorced woman working part-time for both Goodwill Industries and the New York State DMV. Last year she made $26,512 -- she counts every penny and will not take anything from anyone. She cries that ObamaCare prevents her from getting a full time position that might offer medical benefits. The Kaiser Calculator, after the Obamacare subsidy, calculates her minimum insurance plan will cost a little less than $2K.

She is going to pay the $265 fine. After all, if she gets sick, preexisting conditions are covered under Obamacare. She just has to survive long enough to get to the next enrolment period and in any case, she can't afford the $2K. In addition, there is always the emergency room. She is exactly 26,512 pennies poorer. Thanks Barack!

As another example..

Read more: Articles: Americans Must Suffer
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Read more: Articles: Americans Must Suffer
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You fucking LOST.


You do understand that there could have been no default unless Obama refused to pay our bills right?

Obama threatened to default the nation if the Republicans didn't cave. Republicans believed him.

Doesn't matter. You don't have to show your hand if the other player folds.

Yes, actually, it does matter. For one, this isnt a game. It's peoples lives we are talking about.

And two, you don't get to claim credit for preventing a default that only you could have caused and that was only on the table because you were threatening to not pay the bills. That would be like saying I saved your life because I pointed a loaded gun at your head and didn't fire.
Grow up. It is a game. A serious game. And you are giving an opinionated and distorted analysis to the situation. The congress wouldn't provide the money to pay the bills unless the President and Dem's agreed to all kinds of crap. Thats why they called it extortion and blackmail. The option to use a rob Peter to pay Paul idea was rejected by the President. He called the Republican bluff and so did the Senate Dem's with Reid at the helm. None of us know what cards Obama wasn't showing.
and that is Barack Obama....


Barry is the most dangerous of morons, the moron who doesn't think he is a moron. He believes in his heart of hearts that he is doing a great job -- and nothing will convince him otherwise.

His narcissism will never allow him to give up on ObamaCare. After all, it is his progeny, his legacy. Isn't it named after him? No matter how bad it gets he is not letting go. Republicans should give him what he wants, full implementation. To paraphrase Napoleon, when your enemy seeks defeat, don't get in his way.

Without America's young, hale and hearty, ObamaCare cannot survive.

Picture "Julia," an uninsured 30-year-old making $40K a year as a graphic designer, healthy, and with the arrogance of youth, confident she will always stay that way. The penalty -- starting in 2014 -- for remaining uninsured will be $95 or 1% of her income. Perhaps, this computer-savvy "Julia" finds acceptable coverage for $200 per month (I know, dream on).

Her options are clear, spend $2,400 or $4,000 for something that she didn't want or require. She is going to enroll and pay the $2,400. Does anyone think "Julia" will be happy about this? To her, it is a tax, $2,400 less she has to spend on her wants and needs. Will she vote in 2014 to reelect the Democrat senator or representative who forced this upon her?

On the other hand... take another "Julia," a friend of mine. She is a 54-year-old, soon-to-be divorced woman working part-time for both Goodwill Industries and the New York State DMV. Last year she made $26,512 -- she counts every penny and will not take anything from anyone. She cries that ObamaCare prevents her from getting a full time position that might offer medical benefits. The Kaiser Calculator, after the Obamacare subsidy, calculates her minimum insurance plan will cost a little less than $2K.

She is going to pay the $265 fine. After all, if she gets sick, preexisting conditions are covered under Obamacare. She just has to survive long enough to get to the next enrolment period and in any case, she can't afford the $2K. In addition, there is always the emergency room. She is exactly 26,512 pennies poorer. Thanks Barack!

As another example..
Read more: Articles: Americans Must Suffer
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Read more: Articles: Americans Must Suffer
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You fucking LOST.


The Tea Party Brotherhood geniuses lost to someone they say is a "moron!" That says everything you need to know about the Baggers!!!
nope.....i'm speaking of this sociopathic solipsist who would have no qualms about a default...


He just prevented one. He did it by being wiser and smarter than Republicans. He helped to turn them on each other and watched as they destroyed any power they had to hurt him or his signiture legislation, the ACA. He set the stage for the 2014 elections so he will have a chance of having a Dem House and Senate. The shut down and default circus showed the Repub's are unable to organize, lead or govern. Repub disiapproval is at 74%. Even rank and file Repub's disapprove. TP disapproval is at all time high. TP is now being rejected by many Repub's. Cruz negative numbers doubled. Nit-wit RW's still living in a delusional bubble. No hope for them if they don't bust out of it.

You do understand that there could have been no default unless Obama refused to pay our bills right?

Obama threatened to default the nation if the Republicans didn't cave. Republicans believed him.
You seem to be implying that President Obama was bluffing and that he could have paid the bills if he wanted to. Based on the fact every knowledgable economist in this country and many in the world along with the World Bank, the economic ministers of several countries, and head of the Chinese state were all calling for the debt limit to be raised I rather doubt that Obama could have paid all the bills by himself to avoid the default. Obama doesn't bluff. Ask the Somoli pirates. Ask bin Laden. Ask some of those who are being hunted by drones.
America does not buy into the TeaPs self-loathing of themselves and America.

Americans blame the TeaPs overwhelmingly for the shut down.
Doesn't matter. You don't have to show your hand if the other player folds.

Yes, actually, it does matter. For one, this isnt a game. It's peoples lives we are talking about.

And two, you don't get to claim credit for preventing a default that only you could have caused and that was only on the table because you were threatening to not pay the bills. That would be like saying I saved your life because I pointed a loaded gun at your head and didn't fire.
Grow up. It is a game. A serious game. And you are giving an opinionated and distorted analysis to the situation. The congress wouldn't provide the money to pay the bills unless the President and Dem's agreed to all kinds of crap. Thats why they called it extortion and blackmail. The option to use a rob Peter to pay Paul idea was rejected by the President. He called the Republican bluff and so did the Senate Dem's with Reid at the helm. None of us know what cards Obama wasn't showing.

Very good post.
Besides, if you allow a obstinate minority to blackmail you - where does it end?
Had the GOP been successful - then it would just open the door for more blackmail and more extertion by motivated minorities in BOTH parties.

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