Conservatives. If You Were Donald Trump,What Would You Say And Ask Hillary During The Debates ?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana: :2up: :clap2: And who wouldn't wanna be Trump at the debates, god, any of us could easily make mince meat out of her!, There must be 50/70 or so questions we would love to throw at her on live TV!
So put yourself in Donalds shoes, he is probably about 8 feet from Hillary, the bone head moderators are not asking Hillary those questions we want answers from!
You are getting pissed, and finally you turn to Hillary, and say,....?????
{Example},,,you know Hillary, you talk and talk about stealing money from business owners who just want to give jobs to millions and millions of Americans, yet you never speak of the 20 Trillion dollar debt that will eventually collapse the system! What the Hell Is Wrong With You !!!! :dunno:
I'd challenge her to connect herself to a lie detector during the debate and watch her shit and piss herself.

Challenge her to a debate....moderated by NYPD polygraph examiners. Every question is under the polygraph machine.

Let me ask ONE question to them.

"If you are elected...will your intentions be to make America even MORE rich, prosperous and powerful militarily...widening the power gap even more between the rest of the world?"

I can honestly say I believe Trump would pass.
Crooked Hillary would fail that test miserably.
Yeah trumps 7th grade mean girl bully tactics will REALLY go over well when he debates a well qualified professional woman.

What's that sound ???? Oh it's millions of women running away from the GOP vote !

Challenge her to a debate....moderated by NYPD polygraph examiners. Every question is under the polygraph machine.

Let me ask ONE question to them.

"If you are elected...will your intentions be to make America even MORE rich, prosperous and powerful militarily...widening the power gap even more between the rest of the world?"

I can honestly say I believe Trump would pass.
Crooked Hillary would fail that test miserably.
Madam Hillary, rumor has it that you are not the birth mother of Chelsea, is this true?
Ms. Clinton, can you teach me how to give a speech without sounding like a little bitch?
Conservatives. If You Were Donald Trump,What Would You Say And Ask Hillary During The Debates ?
Without looking, I will guess that so far no one has asked a serious question. That's because they attack to conceal their utter ignorance of the issues facing our nation and how to solve them. They have been well trained to respond in this manner by their propaganda ministries.

For a long time, whenever someone said they supported this or that candidate, I would ask them the same questions.

Strangely, not one person was ever able to answer these questions about their hero. Pretty weird, huh? Makes you wonder WHY they support someone they know nothing substantive about.

So here is the list:

1) What would he/she do to get the economy going?

2) How would he/she balance the budget?

3) How would he/she reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he/she do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he/she do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he/she make to ObamaCare? If repeal, then what?

7) What changes or improvements would he/she make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he/she make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he/she make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he/she make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he/she do about ISIS?

12) What would he/she do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during his/her presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Presidential trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by their spouse you would tolerate?
Ms. Clinton, can you teach me how to give a speech without sounding like a little bitch?
Ms Clinton, are you aware that most people find your voice more painful than fingernails scraping a chalk board?
All wonderful questions and certainly in line with what can be expected from Trump. I hope he asks all, or at least some of them. The few remaining sane people who hadn't already realized it would finally have to accept the fact that behavior like that is insulting to the American public, and Trump is too childish and petty to be president, and the election would be essentially over.
:banana: :2up: :clap2: And who wouldn't wanna be Trump at the debates, god, any of us could easily make mince meat out of her!, There must be 50/70 or so questions we would love to throw at her on live TV!
So put yourself in Donalds shoes, he is probably about 8 feet from Hillary, the bone head moderators are not asking Hillary those questions we want answers from!
You are getting pissed, and finally you turn to Hillary, and say,....?????
{Example},,,you know Hillary, you talk and talk about stealing money from business owners who just want to give jobs to millions and millions of Americans, yet you never speak of the 20 Trillion dollar debt that will eventually collapse the system! What the Hell Is Wrong With You !!!! :dunno:

Donald Trump won't be doing the asking part there is a moderator that will be doing that. And Donald Trump will be getting his fair share of questions thrown at him, that he'll have to answer. And that should be your real worry.--LOL

:banana: :2up: :clap2: And who wouldn't wanna be Trump at the debates, god, any of us could easily make mince meat out of her!, There must be 50/70 or so questions we would love to throw at her on live TV!
So put yourself in Donalds shoes, he is probably about 8 feet from Hillary, the bone head moderators are not asking Hillary those questions we want answers from!
You are getting pissed, and finally you turn to Hillary, and say,....?????
{Example},,,you know Hillary, you talk and talk about stealing money from business owners who just want to give jobs to millions and millions of Americans, yet you never speak of the 20 Trillion dollar debt that will eventually collapse the system! What the Hell Is Wrong With You !!!! :dunno:

The exact same thing I'd ask Trump, when was the last time you sat in a quiet room and read the Constitution?
Mrs. Clinton, do you feel that taking a 16 year old girl into sniper fire is putting a child at risk?
Yeah trumps 7th grade mean girl bully tactics will REALLY go over well when he debates a well qualified professional woman.

What's that sound ???? Oh it's millions of women running away from the GOP vote !

You're forgetting that Hillary is a crook who is corrupt as the day is long. Do you really think the voters are going to be impressed by her law degree when Trump hammers her day after day about all her scams and sleaze?
Conservatives. If You Were Donald Trump,What Would You Say And Ask Hillary During The Debates ?
Without looking, I will guess that so far no one has asked a serious question. That's because they attack to conceal their utter ignorance of the issues facing our nation and how to solve them. They have been well trained to respond in this manner by their propaganda ministries.

For a long time, whenever someone said they supported this or that candidate, I would ask them the same questions.

Strangely, not one person was ever able to answer these questions about their hero. Pretty weird, huh? Makes you wonder WHY they support someone they know nothing substantive about.

So here is the list:

1) What would he/she do to get the economy going?

2) How would he/she balance the budget?

3) How would he/she reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he/she do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he/she do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he/she make to ObamaCare? If repeal, then what?

7) What changes or improvements would he/she make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he/she make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he/she make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he/she make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he/she do about ISIS?

12) What would he/she do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during his/her presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Presidential trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by their spouse you would tolerate?
No question about infrastructure, Herman?

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