Conservatives lie about New York's new abortion law


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2018
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York
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The spin you ghoulish fucking child murderers are willing to do to support your thirst for the blood of the unborn is unreal.
The spin you ghoulish fucking child murderers are willing to do to support your thirst for the blood of the unborn is unreal.

They defend the reason for abortion stating cases of rape or a woman’s health. However, when we have millions of abortions being carried out every year, and you seek to simply inquire just how many of those performed were actually a result of either of the two cases above, they fall silent. Interesting how that is.
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York

Lying is all they know.
The spin you ghoulish fucking child murderers are willing to do to support your thirst for the blood of the unborn is unreal.

They defend the reason for abortion stating cases of rape or a woman’s health. However, when we have millions of abortions being carried out every year, and you seek to simply inquire just how many of those performed were actually a result of either of the two cases above, they fall silent. Interesting how that is.

They want white babies dead. Wonder why Ireland had the highest birth rate in EU? Because they had banned abortions. Now they made abortion legal and can you guess what is their next plan? Ireland 2040 - replacing the Irish people with 3rd worlders because "they aren't having enough babies". Of course, they don't tell this to the people to them it is all about preventing overpopulation at every turn.

Leftists want to genocide their own nations and blood.
Abortionists and people who support it are ghouls.

By the way the link is just an attack on Fox News and defense of baby murder.
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York

Can you name a condition in which a late term abortion would be less dangerous than just giving birth?
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York

Uh-huh. The "health of the mother" can be anything, usually--especially her "mental health". So if she feels anxious, depressed, or whatever, she can off her baby. A baby, of course, that would otherwise be viable outside the womb.

And as we heard doctors say this week, there is NEVER a reason to kill a baby in the third trimester for the "health of the mother"--EVER. You DELIVER the baby. You save the baby, or at least do the best you can to do so. You don't KILL the baby. This very thing happened to a friend of mine with severe toxemia (preeclampsia). Her baby was born at like 28 weeks. If he wasn't delivered, she would have died. But they didn't ABORT the baby--and he's a happy, healthy teenager now. And a pretty big guy, actually.
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York
/——/ Non doctors can abort babies and who are they to determine the saftey of the mother? And what happens to a baby who survived the abortion?
In Fox News and certain political message boards who just copy and paste what they see in Fox, we are being told that late-term abortions are now allowed in the state of New York. But they won't tell you that this only applies to cases where the woman's health is in immediate danger, and even if the fetus can't make it alive outside the womb.
There are two possible replies to this thread that I will kill out of the gate:
1) So what! Killing babies is still wrong!

This argument fails because if you really considered this to be a "so what" moment, you wouldn't have hidden the caveat in the law in order to lie to readers. You thought that outrage would not ensue if you had accurately described the law.
2) Fake news!
This one is easy. Read the law and you'll see that you're the fake one.
Fox News has had a meltdown about a new law expanding abortion access in New York

Can you name a condition in which a late term abortion would be less dangerous than just giving birth?

Senate stops late-term abortion ban. Dr. explains why women want them

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