Conservatives need liberals in order to stay relevent among the ignorant!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.
Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.
We need liberal progressive pukes like we need a hole in the head or a dose of the clap. True story.
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Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about?

Indeed. Things would be normal to the point of ennui.
Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.
so why are you tuning in?....
Your MessiahRushie, like Tramp, has no trouble finding things to lie about having nothing to do with Liberalism.

December 2, 2016
RUSH: I coined the term "low-information voter" shortly after Obama's election in 2008.

The Big Apple: Low Information Voter (LIV)
A “low information voter” (LIV) is someone who doesn’t follow politics closely, but votes on a candidate’s perceived likability and public persona. The term “low information voter” was first used in Implications of Changes in Information Processing and Communications Technology for the Governing Function (1971) by Ronald D. Brunner and John P. Crecine.

DONALD J TRUMP: “We have to prime the pump, have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven't heard it. I mean, I just ... I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It's what you have to do."

Merriam-Webster ✔ @MerriamWebster
The phrase 'priming the pump' dates to the early 19th century.
8:03 AM - 11 May 2017
Your MessiahRushie, like Tramp, has no trouble finding things to lie about having nothing to do with Liberalism.

December 2, 2016
RUSH: I coined the term "low-information voter" shortly after Obama's election in 2008.

The Big Apple: Low Information Voter (LIV)
A “low information voter” (LIV) is someone who doesn’t follow politics closely, but votes on a candidate’s perceived likability and public persona. The term “low information voter” was first used in Implications of Changes in Information Processing and Communications Technology for the Governing Function (1971) by Ronald D. Brunner and John P. Crecine.

DONALD J TRUMP: “We have to prime the pump, have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven't heard it. I mean, I just ... I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It's what you have to do."

Merriam-Webster ✔ @MerriamWebster
The phrase 'priming the pump' dates to the early 19th century.
8:03 AM - 11 May 2017

Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.

There are no real "liberals" any more....what we have are pseudo liberals that are all about the collective and the "greater good". Liberals (the real ones) were about individual liberties and if you were not infringing on the rights of others, you should be free to go about your business. That's not how it works any more and the more socialist this country has become, the more of a shithole it becomes and it's all by design by the ones that control the printing press of this fiat currency. You will not understand anything that I am writing about because your programming and tribalism for the "demcrat party" is too deeply embedded in you.
When you really think about it, this isn't a one way street. Liberals need conservatives as well too.

God bless you always!!!

Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.
Liberal bullshit is right! For once in your life you nailed it.
Your headline is just silly. You are saying the Conservatives need liberals in order to stay relevent (sic) among the liberals.

brain on drugs.gif

By the way, if you don't know how to write in English just get someone to show you how to use a spell checker.
Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.

Conservatives need a devil to fight. It used to be the Soviet Union. Once they collapsed the search for a new 'enemy' turned inward and they have been demonizing progressives ever since. Conservative media found out that not only can they demonize liberals they can make money doing it. The win-win for them. And you are right, listen to any conservative talk-radio show and they do not talk about positive things. The entire show is who they hate, why their lives are so miserable and why it's all someone else's fault.

In essence every conservative talk-show is "see that wall between us and them, here's why you should be perpetually terrified of going to the other side of the wall." It isn't true of course but that is the way they herd their audience into a never ending state of fear and hatred of 'the other'. It is the same thing televangelists do and it is disgusting.
Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.

Don't need you nor Fox News. Actually be kind and abort yourself along with taking Fox with you.
Your MessiahRushie, like Tramp, has no trouble finding things to lie about having nothing to do with Liberalism.

December 2, 2016
RUSH: I coined the term "low-information voter" shortly after Obama's election in 2008.

The Big Apple: Low Information Voter (LIV)
A “low information voter” (LIV) is someone who doesn’t follow politics closely, but votes on a candidate’s perceived likability and public persona. The term “low information voter” was first used in Implications of Changes in Information Processing and Communications Technology for the Governing Function (1971) by Ronald D. Brunner and John P. Crecine.

DONALD J TRUMP: “We have to prime the pump, have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven't heard it. I mean, I just ... I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It's what you have to do."

Merriam-Webster ✔ @MerriamWebster
The phrase 'priming the pump' dates to the early 19th century.
8:03 AM - 11 May 2017

:boobies: :suck:

Has anybody ever noticed, that there would be no FOX news, Rush Limpballs, Hannity or any conservative voice in this country without liberal bullshit to talk about? Blog after blog about a white DNC member murdered over pocket change.....has now morphed into a news story day in and day out.....never ever ever ever do these mf's ever talk about Trump, the GOP or the bullshit these cowardly bitches do everyday.


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