Conservatives...sit back, have a snack, enjoy the landscape!

My landscape has a very prominent feature looming over the horizon. The replacement of incompetent AND incontinent RBG!

Do you realize what will happen if Trump puts up someone if something happens to Ginsburg? OMG, Trump would have to call out the National Guard!

March. The best time would be March, so all the shouting and carry-on is over when Election Year REALLY heats up.

The worst time would be September --- but I think he'd have to get on with a nomination all the same, because you never know, and we want that Court packed.
The Lefts party is over, and they won't dare try another hoax before the election, or it will become obvious to even their constituents how asinine they really are.

But that is not all!

While the Lefts quiver of arrows is empty, all they have to look forward to is Barr and Durham blowing their whole political lives up in smoke. In essence, from here to November, they have to worry what might come, and not relish anything they can dish out.

If Barr and Durham can indict not 10, not 9, not even 5, but 1 of them and tie it to the collusion/delusion, it is over; even if his name is Mike Rodent, AKA Mickey Mouse! As we all know, they are gonna get at least one of them, and we can be sure that it will be someone in the Obysmal Administration.

Now then, all of us know that if a prosecutor wants to, they can indict a ham sandwich. With that being said, the problem for the Left is----------->if under REAL COURT rules a ham sandwich can be indicted, under those same rules unlike impeachment, it will take faaaaaaaaarrrrrrr longer to come to trial, culminating after the election, lol. So guess what folks---------->no acquittal is coming for the Left before November the 3rd, if one shows up even afterwards-) In essence, the Left is going to be SADDLED with being CHEATERS up to, and through this election.

Unless the GOP is dumber than we think, they got them right where they want them; the Leftist imbeciles on this board just don't realize it yet, lol. The Lefts hands are tied by their own actions, and Barr/Durham have the run of the field without any opposition.

Now we all know that at least 1 to 5 Leftist posters are going to come on here and proclaim, "any day now," then giggle. Sadly for them, unless they are politically stupid, even they know this is going to happen by March or April. Even if the case was reasonably weak, those in charge are going to hammer this after what they did with their impeachment fiasco. While I may not like a tit for tat scenario, if anyone deserves it, THEY DO, and if Trump has any sway, you KNOW it is going to happen.

So, the only question is----------->who are they going to drop it on? Brennan? Clapper? Or someone else? Or maybe they will go for a larger enchilada and do multiples!

Personally, I NEVER would have bet they would before, but after Trump has given the GOP a spine and they see that by standing up to the Socialists they are losing no ground at all, you gotta know they are going to do it! And when they do it, they will probably drive the Left out of power for 10 years as Reagan did.

Now if you knew the outcome was driving them out of power for 10 years, ham sandwich or not, wouldn't you do it!

EXACTLY! And that is why you need to relax, smile, and watch a show, that Leftist posters on here never believed would happen-) Of course, neither did we, but then, we never had Trump! And you wonder why they hate him so much!

If you are from Indiana, why is your avatar from South Dakota?

Because I travel the country. As I am writing this, I am sitting in Florida near Fort Myers.

As far as my avatar---------> upon that mountain in South Dakota resides the faces of some of the greatest Presidents. Notice if you will, that they are NOT from one party!

TRANSLATION------------>great ideas and Presidents do not reside in a party, they resided back then, today, and for the future, in America. What moniker they use to acquire the office is NOT Important! The only thing that IS important is that we recognize we have to elect them!
I am a pretty happy Deplorable...and I will be amazed if The Don doesn't get re-elected this fall.

Never seen a man work so hard to fulfill every single campaign promise.

This time I expect him to get elected on his own merit, personality disorders notwithstanding, this time, whereas he won by default last time---Hillary Clinton being singularly Depraved.

But, Trump would win by default this time too, if not by merit, because the Clown-Car full of Ass-Hat potential nominees are as bad as Hillary Clinton was---each for a different reason.

Yes Trump is caustic. But, if you've noticed, it's mostly to people who go after him first. He doesn't take any shit.

The oldest saying in Politics is that you don't take on "people who buy ink by the Jeff Bezos whose arrogant ass bought the Washington Post just to further his bogus Oligarchic political agenda...and of course "ink" is a little outmoded....those not educated in the public schools systems of places like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore; places run by Democrat for 50 years....they will know what I mean. He doesn't take any shit from the FAKE NEWS either.

Good Man. Brave man. Been through Hell for America which has it has been traditionally understood as the greatest country so far in the history of the planet.

He does what he says; he doesn't take any shit from anyone; and he is driving Liberal-Socialist-Bolsheviks absolutely Bat-Shit Crazy

What's not to like?

The Lefts party is over, and they won't dare try another hoax before the election, or it will become obvious to even their constituents how asinine they really are.

But that is not all!

While the Lefts quiver of arrows is empty, all they have to look forward to is Barr and Durham blowing their whole political lives up in smoke. In essence, from here to November, they have to worry what might come, and not relish anything they can dish out.

If Barr and Durham can indict not 10, not 9, not even 5, but 1 of them and tie it to the collusion/delusion, it is over; even if his name is Mike Rodent, AKA Mickey Mouse! As we all know, they are gonna get at least one of them, and we can be sure that it will be someone in the Obysmal Administration.

Now then, all of us know that if a prosecutor wants to, they can indict a ham sandwich. With that being said, the problem for the Left is----------->if under REAL COURT rules a ham sandwich can be indicted, under those same rules unlike impeachment, it will take faaaaaaaaarrrrrrr longer to come to trial, culminating after the election, lol. So guess what folks---------->no acquittal is coming for the Left before November the 3rd, if one shows up even afterwards-) In essence, the Left is going to be SADDLED with being CHEATERS up to, and through this election.

Unless the GOP is dumber than we think, they got them right where they want them; the Leftist imbeciles on this board just don't realize it yet, lol. The Lefts hands are tied by their own actions, and Barr/Durham have the run of the field without any opposition.

Now we all know that at least 1 to 5 Leftist posters are going to come on here and proclaim, "any day now," then giggle. Sadly for them, unless they are politically stupid, even they know this is going to happen by March or April. Even if the case was reasonably weak, those in charge are going to hammer this after what they did with their impeachment fiasco. While I may not like a tit for tat scenario, if anyone deserves it, THEY DO, and if Trump has any sway, you KNOW it is going to happen.

So, the only question is----------->who are they going to drop it on? Brennan? Clapper? Or someone else? Or maybe they will go for a larger enchilada and do multiples!

Personally, I NEVER would have bet they would before, but after Trump has given the GOP a spine and they see that by standing up to the Socialists they are losing no ground at all, you gotta know they are going to do it! And when they do it, they will probably drive the Left out of power for 10 years as Reagan did.

Now if you knew the outcome was driving them out of power for 10 years, ham sandwich or not, wouldn't you do it!

EXACTLY! And that is why you need to relax, smile, and watch a show, that Leftist posters on here never believed would happen-) Of course, neither did we, but then, we never had Trump! And you wonder why they hate him so much!

I want to agree. But I can't. It's not like they don't already have all the dirt they need. They could be prosecuting now if they wanted. Just like they don't have to go on Obamacare thanks to John Bhoner, they don't have to face the same justice system that we do. I hope I'm wrong though.
The Lefts party is over, and they won't dare try another hoax before the election, or it will become obvious to even their constituents how asinine they really are.

But that is not all!

While the Lefts quiver of arrows is empty, all they have to look forward to is Barr and Durham blowing their whole political lives up in smoke. In essence, from here to November, they have to worry what might come, and not relish anything they can dish out.

If Barr and Durham can indict not 10, not 9, not even 5, but 1 of them and tie it to the collusion/delusion, it is over; even if his name is Mike Rodent, AKA Mickey Mouse! As we all know, they are gonna get at least one of them, and we can be sure that it will be someone in the Obysmal Administration.

Now then, all of us know that if a prosecutor wants to, they can indict a ham sandwich. With that being said, the problem for the Left is----------->if under REAL COURT rules a ham sandwich can be indicted, under those same rules unlike impeachment, it will take faaaaaaaaarrrrrrr longer to come to trial, culminating after the election, lol. So guess what folks---------->no acquittal is coming for the Left before November the 3rd, if one shows up even afterwards-) In essence, the Left is going to be SADDLED with being CHEATERS up to, and through this election.

Unless the GOP is dumber than we think, they got them right where they want them; the Leftist imbeciles on this board just don't realize it yet, lol. The Lefts hands are tied by their own actions, and Barr/Durham have the run of the field without any opposition.

Now we all know that at least 1 to 5 Leftist posters are going to come on here and proclaim, "any day now," then giggle. Sadly for them, unless they are politically stupid, even they know this is going to happen by March or April. Even if the case was reasonably weak, those in charge are going to hammer this after what they did with their impeachment fiasco. While I may not like a tit for tat scenario, if anyone deserves it, THEY DO, and if Trump has any sway, you KNOW it is going to happen.

So, the only question is----------->who are they going to drop it on? Brennan? Clapper? Or someone else? Or maybe they will go for a larger enchilada and do multiples!

Personally, I NEVER would have bet they would before, but after Trump has given the GOP a spine and they see that by standing up to the Socialists they are losing no ground at all, you gotta know they are going to do it! And when they do it, they will probably drive the Left out of power for 10 years as Reagan did.

Now if you knew the outcome was driving them out of power for 10 years, ham sandwich or not, wouldn't you do it!

EXACTLY! And that is why you need to relax, smile, and watch a show, that Leftist posters on here never believed would happen-) Of course, neither did we, but then, we never had Trump! And you wonder why they hate him so much!
Hows it going?

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