Conservatives understand left wingers, left wingers don't understand conservatives...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard about this research on the Dan and Amy show this morning here in Chicago....a "progressive" who has seen the light put together a study to see which part of the political spectrum understands the other side of the spectrum is what he found..

Haidt: Conservatives Understand Liberals Better Than Liberals Understand Conservatives

In a study I did with Jesse Graham and Brian Nosek, we tested how well liberals and conservatives could understand each other. We asked more than two thousand American visitors to fill out the Moral Foundations Qyestionnaire. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out normally, answering as themselves. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as they think a “typical liberal” would respond. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a “typical conservative” would respond. This design allowed us to examine the stereotypes that each side held about the other. More important, it allowed us to assess how accurate they were by comparing people’s expectations about “typical” partisans to the actual responses from partisans on the left and the right)’ Who was best able to pretend to be the other?

The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the Care and Fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
ONE POST IN and OP's already whining about being challenged. :eusa_boohoo:

How is correcting his errors complaining about being challenged?......oh, that's right, it's you saying of the U.S.messageboard asshats....
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago. you asshats, freedom, justice, the rule of law, are all obsolete.... you want to go back to the rule of the few over the many...... that is why you embrace first socialism, then totalitarianism......
I heard about this research on the Dan and Amy show this morning here in Chicago....a "progressive" who has seen the light put together a study to see which part of the political spectrum understands the other side of the spectrum is what he found..

Haidt: Conservatives Understand Liberals Better Than Liberals Understand Conservatives

In a study I did with Jesse Graham and Brian Nosek, we tested how well liberals and conservatives could understand each other. We asked more than two thousand American visitors to fill out the Moral Foundations Qyestionnaire. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out normally, answering as themselves. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as they think a “typical liberal” would respond. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a “typical conservative” would respond. This design allowed us to examine the stereotypes that each side held about the other. More important, it allowed us to assess how accurate they were by comparing people’s expectations about “typical” partisans to the actual responses from partisans on the left and the right)’ Who was best able to pretend to be the other?

The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the Care and Fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives.

Constitutional conservatives generally are Republican and ARE a difficult bunch to figure out. Its all this yelling they do about "small government" while voting for the Big Government Patriot Act, for government regulation in against assisted suicide in end of life cases, and for regulations concerning people's sticks and holes.

Folks who are liberal are just "for" a smorgasboard (spelling?) of things because they think we'll be better off, right or wrong. They don't have to rationalize to appease a conservative ideology they pretend to adhere to.

FWIW, I will say it is nore difficult to be a Constitutionalist. All kinds of things reuire Ammendments to be legal.

So I agree with part of your post.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago. you asshats, freedom, justice, the rule of law, are all obsolete.... you want to go back to the rule of the few over the many...... that is why you embrace first socialism, then totalitarianism......
The few are currently ruling the many. Not for much longer though, inbred trash.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
Sorry OP you are mistaken or at the very least poorly spinning your rebutal of Rockets points.

The president himself called the NFL players unpatriotic, son of bitches, and said they should be fired, all while distorting the main message of their protest. That’s not promoting free speech. It’s political gamesmanship

Rocket’s point was “more guns and less background checks” which cops he knows don’t support. You tried to twist that one into a different direction by bringing up the black market.

As for the border we all know the effect Trumps zero tolerance directive had on the separation issue. Nothing even close to this happened under Obama so don’t even try to point the finger the other way. That talking point is old and stale.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.

Wanting to live free and peacefully without interference from government and special interest groups is obsolete?
Choosing who you like, don't like, want to associate with, conduct business with is obsolete?
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
Sorry OP you are mistaken or at the very least poorly spinning your rebutal of Rockets points.

The president himself called the NFL players unpatriotic, son of bitches, and said they should be fired, all while distorting the main message of their protest. That’s not promoting free speech. It’s political gamesmanship

Rocket’s point was “more guns and less background checks” which cops he knows don’t support. You tried to twist that one into a different direction by bringing up the black market.

As for the border we all know the effect Trumps zero tolerance directive had on the separation issue. Nothing even close to this happened under Obama so don’t even try to point the finger the other way. That talking point is old and stale.

Yes.....he had his opinion, as any American does.......... but no government action was you are wrong. He was exercising his free speech as they were, only you asshats didn't want him or their other critics to speak.

No..... he pulled that out of his ass, as the majority of police don't support what he thinks they do.... I also asked a side question as to why he clings to "background" checks as if they are magic pixie dust....

The "zero" tolerance was the law....obama ignored the law simply to allow more illegal aliens into the country so they could vote for democrats... obama broke the law, Trump didn't. And it was the left wing, 9th circuit that created the problem, stating that these children could not be held in protective custody longer than 20 days, even while knowing the parents and fake parents would be held much longer...... creating the problem
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.

Wanting to live free and peacefully without interference from government and special interest groups is obsolete?
Choosing who you like, don't like, want to associate with, conduct business with is obsolete?
Your new Supreme Court justices were selected from a list created by special interest groups. Your part of the country is supported by massive farming subsidies. You support an ongoing trade war wherein the big fed gubmint is executing massive tariffs and subsides on us. Trump’s cabinet is made up of special interest peddlers. The first budget Trump passed was larger than 7 of Obama’s 8 budgets. Republican voting states have the highest participation rates for food stamps and welfare. Should I go on?
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
Sorry OP you are mistaken or at the very least poorly spinning your rebutal of Rockets points.

The president himself called the NFL players unpatriotic, son of bitches, and said they should be fired, all while distorting the main message of their protest. That’s not promoting free speech. It’s political gamesmanship

Rocket’s point was “more guns and less background checks” which cops he knows don’t support. You tried to twist that one into a different direction by bringing up the black market.

As for the border we all know the effect Trumps zero tolerance directive had on the separation issue. Nothing even close to this happened under Obama so don’t even try to point the finger the other way. That talking point is old and stale.

Yes.....he had his opinion, as any American does.......... but no government action was you are wrong. He was exercising his free speech as they were, only you asshats didn't want him or their other critics to speak.

No..... he pulled that out of his ass, as the majority of police don't support what he thinks they do.... I also asked a side question as to why he clings to "background" checks as if they are magic pixie dust....

The "zero" tolerance was the law....obama ignored the law simply to allow more illegal aliens into the country so they could vote for democrats... obama broke the law, Trump didn't. And it was the left wing, 9th circuit that created the problem, stating that these children could not be held in protective custody longer than 20 days, even while knowing the parents and fake parents would be held much longer...... creating the problem
I never said that he took government action. Don’t put words in my mouth. But he did abuse the bully pulpit of the White House by lying and bullying the protestors for his own political gain
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
Sorry OP you are mistaken or at the very least poorly spinning your rebutal of Rockets points.

The president himself called the NFL players unpatriotic, son of bitches, and said they should be fired, all while distorting the main message of their protest. That’s not promoting free speech. It’s political gamesmanship

Rocket’s point was “more guns and less background checks” which cops he knows don’t support. You tried to twist that one into a different direction by bringing up the black market.

As for the border we all know the effect Trumps zero tolerance directive had on the separation issue. Nothing even close to this happened under Obama so don’t even try to point the finger the other way. That talking point is old and stale.

Yes.....he had his opinion, as any American does.......... but no government action was you are wrong. He was exercising his free speech as they were, only you asshats didn't want him or their other critics to speak.

No..... he pulled that out of his ass, as the majority of police don't support what he thinks they do.... I also asked a side question as to why he clings to "background" checks as if they are magic pixie dust....

The "zero" tolerance was the law....obama ignored the law simply to allow more illegal aliens into the country so they could vote for democrats... obama broke the law, Trump didn't. And it was the left wing, 9th circuit that created the problem, stating that these children could not be held in protective custody longer than 20 days, even while knowing the parents and fake parents would be held much longer...... creating the problem
I know many police officers and I can’t think of any that don’t want to see a proper background check and gun safety training performed on people who want to carry weapons.

You can’t possobly think they enjoy the thought of walking into an altercation with irresponsible armed individuals, can you?
I was expecting some sort of tie in with England's gun control laws. Did you forget?
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion/gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

GOP are also the Party of TODAY!! Why do you think that is?

They’re certainly not the party of tomorrow. “Today” is even a stretch, as what they work towards are policies and norms that became obsolete decades ago.

Wanting to live free and peacefully without interference from government and special interest groups is obsolete?
Choosing who you like, don't like, want to associate with, conduct business with is obsolete?
Your new Supreme Court justices were selected from a list created by special interest groups. Your part of the country is supported by massive farming subsidies. You support an ongoing trade war wherein the big fed gubmint is executing massive tariffs and subsides on us. Trump’s cabinet is made up of special interest peddlers. The first budget Trump passed was larger than 7 of Obama’s 8 budgets. Republican voting states have the highest participation rates for food stamps and welfare. Should I go on?

Trump's list of potential SC justices is fantastic list. I don't care who helped him with it.
As long as he keeps selecting from that list, he could shoot my mother in the middle of 5th ave.
Well duh.

I am an independent...but it's obvious what libs are for...bigger government, free healthcare for all, higher MW, free college, more green, more freedom of choice (drugs/abortion/etc). Almost everyone knows this.

But Reps? Other then a bigger military, no abortion, no/little gay marriage/LGBT rights, more guns and they are nuts about God...what else (basically, they are the party of the 1950's)?
They claim they want small government - yet they have never run a balanced budget in my lifetime (federally).
They claim they are for free speech - but the whole NFL kneeling nonsense shows that they are not.
They claim to be big on law enforcement - yet they want more and more guns with less and less background checks (something most cops I know are not ga ga about).
They claim they are big on family - yet they are the ones cheering like mad when children are ripped from their parents at the border.
Other than a few basics - reps are all over the map.

And, you are showing Haidt research was accurate.

Not one conservative said the NFL morons couldn't protest...they pointed out that the NFL was a private company and could set their own rules....and that the millionaire players were morons for kneeling.....since fans have free speech rights one called for the government to step in and stop them.

The police actually support people owning and carrying to background checks...could you please explain how background checks work to stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal the guns? What is the magic in background checks that you guys cling to?

The border thing? Really? Considering the law was the law all through obama's term, and that the law states that the kids can only be held 20 days while asylum seekers are held for months...they weren't ripped from their parents, they were placed in protective custody.....while the adult who claimed to be their parent went through a process......

You have no idea what you are talking about, showing how you would do on that test...
Sorry OP you are mistaken or at the very least poorly spinning your rebutal of Rockets points.

The president himself called the NFL players unpatriotic, son of bitches, and said they should be fired, all while distorting the main message of their protest. That’s not promoting free speech. It’s political gamesmanship

Rocket’s point was “more guns and less background checks” which cops he knows don’t support. You tried to twist that one into a different direction by bringing up the black market.

As for the border we all know the effect Trumps zero tolerance directive had on the separation issue. Nothing even close to this happened under Obama so don’t even try to point the finger the other way. That talking point is old and stale.

Yes.....he had his opinion, as any American does.......... but no government action was you are wrong. He was exercising his free speech as they were, only you asshats didn't want him or their other critics to speak.

No..... he pulled that out of his ass, as the majority of police don't support what he thinks they do.... I also asked a side question as to why he clings to "background" checks as if they are magic pixie dust....

The "zero" tolerance was the law....obama ignored the law simply to allow more illegal aliens into the country so they could vote for democrats... obama broke the law, Trump didn't. And it was the left wing, 9th circuit that created the problem, stating that these children could not be held in protective custody longer than 20 days, even while knowing the parents and fake parents would be held much longer...... creating the problem
Zero tolerance was not Obamas law, at least not in the way Trump had it enforced. Border enforcement is the responsibility of the executive and HS, so the directives come from the top. That’s how the system works. Trump ramped up zero tolerance and the separation shitshow happened.

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