Conservatives: Use this info to help smack down the Palin Bashers


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Conservatives: Use this info to help smack down the Palin Bashers

One of the biggest media failures in quite some time has been the spectacle of going through Sarah Palin’s e-mails from her time as Governor of Alaska. The media was so overjoyed at what they perceived as an opportunity to find all kinds of juicy stories about corruption, incompetence, and so on, they dropped all pretense of being actual journalists, and begged readers to help them sort through the 24,000 some odd e-mails and reporting on “the dirt.”

I haven’t seen something blow up in someone’s face this bad since Diane Oughton was making bombs for Obama’s best buddy Bill Ayers!

Instead of finding the incompetent boob our corrupt media had been telling their readers about for years, those going through Governor Palin’s e-mails found a solid CEO who worked long hours doing the people’s business. They found a Governor who was incredibly intelligent, and unlike our current president, almost fanatical about making sure there was transparency in her government.

The democrats, their corrupt media partners, and the GOP elites have assured us that Sarah Palin is stupid to the point of barely being able to tie her own shoe. They’ve also told us for years that her well written newspaper op-eds, and Facebook notes MUST have been written by someone else. So too her two NY Times best selling books.

Well, thanks to the media’s zeal, yet another lie about Sarah Palin has been shot down.

From the NY Daily News:

Continued at the link.

I'm tired of just going along and tolerating the lies and the smearing Sarah Palin gets from the MSM.

This thread will be for posting her many accomplishments.

It's time to stop lying down for the imbeciles who can barely read but who feel they are clever by putting her down.

Stop the lies about her by learning what she has accomplished and then confronting her detractors with the facts.

They will either fold and fade away or make fools of themselves.

Either way, you win.


She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?
What I love about Palin bashers?

Instead of having to go thru endless posts to find out who the true trolls are on any given board, all you have to do is put up a pro Palin thread and you have your DK and Wonkette professional trolls in a heart beat.

They can't control themselves. :lol:

My favorite lure for a true troll though is Ted Nugent. Rabid freaking dogs when you mention teddly.

You can flush them out in a heartbeat.
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

Misogynist. And you say we're waging a war on women? That's a woman you're trashing, you liberal hypocrite.
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

He can't tell you. He likes to post random charts and disjointed information in substitute of a real argument. She never cost anything with her "death panel lie." Quite interesting though, he needs to check himself before accusing her of lying. I remember a couple of weeks ago he tried to post bogus crap about Ronald Reagan, by posting doctored charts from and Nancy Pelosi.

Geez, no shame at all.
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She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

She's a hatemonger, pure and simple.

Oh bullshit. Telling the truth now makes one a hatemonger?


Cripes, can't you guys do better?

“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”

― George Orwell, A Collection of Essays
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

She's a hatemonger, pure and simple.

And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.
She's a hatemonger, pure and simple.

And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Stat, you weren't there when she attacked me for my viewpoints, were you? You weren't there when she spewed her vitriol at me for opposing gay marriage were you? She doesn't need to be influential to show her hatred of others. Oh, you won't notice how the majority of her friends are of the liberal Democrat affiliation. She is hateful of anyone who she disagrees with, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Not even I can forget the darkness which was seething from her. There will not for the life of me be cessation of hostilities between me and her. I've tried ceasing them. I tried being the peacemaker, to no avail. My acts of goodwill have gone unrequited. I'm done playing the nice guy, for her at least. However, as a result of that, I have already exposed her hypocrisy to a number of people on this board because of her unwillingness to accept my peace offerings.

Understand, I'm not attacking her for her opinion, I'm pointing out an irony. Anyone who questions my manhood for having an opinion is a hatemonger. Anyone who accuses me of hurting their family for simply having an opinion or belief is hateful. Anyone who trashes another human being for believing differently than they do, is a hate monger. I know she is your friend, but beware, if you so much as step out of line with her... don't say I didn't warn you.

As for Sarah Palin, from the moment she hit the spotlight she was being viciously attacked by the left. She didn't stir up any of the resentment or hatred being directed at her, or her family. Oh, and anyone who calls someone "scum" is also hateful. Whoever makes fun of mentally disable children is hateful. You have 2 years before this election. You have many issues working against Hillary leading up to 2016, Benghazi, Obamacare, (and her version of it) and others. The tide is turning, it will get so bad for her that you could run Ted Nugent and win (perhaps a bit much but hey).

You think about it. Don't lecture me Stat, I've seen more of Boop's dark side than you have. Naturally you won't, since you always stand up for here no matter what, you're pals.

This is not the right thread for this discussion, so that will be all.
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She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

You were saying @Bfgrn? :lmao:

[ame=]Paul Krugman admits Death Panels and value added tax is how we pay for health care - YouTube[/ame]
And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Stat, you weren't there when she attacked me for my viewpoints, were you? You weren't there when she spewed her vitriol at me for opposing gay marriage were you? She doesn't need to be influential to show her hatred of others. Oh, you won't notice how the majority of her friends are of the liberal Democrat affiliation. She is hateful of anyone who she disagrees with, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Not even I can forget the darkness which was seething from her. There will not for the life of me be cessation of hostilities between me and her. I've tried ceasing them. I tried being the peacemaker, to no avail. My acts of goodwill have gone unrequited. I'm done playing the nice guy, for her at least. However, as a result of that, I have already exposed her hypocrisy to a number of people on this board because of her unwillingness to accept my peace offerings.

Understand, I'm not attacking her for her opinion, I'm pointing out an irony. Anyone who questions my manhood for having an opinion is a hatemonger. Anyone who accuses me of hurting their family for simply having an opinion or belief is hateful. Anyone who trashes another human being for believing differently than they do, is a hate monger. I know she is your friend, but beware, if you so much as step out of line with her... don't say I didn't warn you.

As for Sarah Palin, from the moment she hit the spotlight she was being viciously attacked by the left. She didn't stir up any of the resentment or hatred being directed at her, or her family. Oh, and anyone who calls someone "scum" is also hateful. Whoever makes fun of mentally disable children is hateful. You have 2 years before this election. You have many issues working against Hillary leading up to 2016, Benghazi, Obamacare, (and her version of it) and others. The tide is turning, it will get so bad for her that you could run Ted Nugent and win (perhaps a bit much but hey).

You think about it. Don't lecture me Stat, I've seen more of Boop's dark side than you have. Naturally you won't, since you always stand up for here no matter what, you're pals.

This is not the right thread for this discussion, so that will be all.

And you are going to carry a disagreement from an old thread onto this one? Really?

That is juvenile.

If you think that bdboop is a hatemonger towards you, that is your thing and you are more than welcome to it, but I see no evidence of this toward you or toward other people.

Palin was attacked by the Left for being a bad candidate. She was an absolute disaster. Even GOP party uppers-ups, btw, admitted that she was in no way ready for prime time. McCain saw tits and ass and thought that would get him elected. He also knew that she could be a vicious bulldog when it came to rhetoric, and, ripping a page out of Nixon's playbook (Nixon picked Agnew because he knew "the sonofabitch is the only one out there nastier than me"), knew that he needed a big hail-mary pass to even have a chance and he needed a VP candidate who could be nasty. But an overwhelming majority of Americans, including Republicans, did not like the idea of her fingers being anywhere near the nuclear briefcase, thank you very much.

You make it all personal about Palin as if people hate her. I don't hate her, I have no reason to hate her. But she was a terrible candidate who has proven to be nothing more than opportunistic, money-making attention whore who constantly wants to be relevant again. It's not about hate. It's about her lack of qualifications.
She's a hatemonger, pure and simple.

And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Actually, that's exactly what BDBoop is - the poster child of a "hate monger".

Furthermore, there is "no reason" for the lies and the bullshit aimed at Sarah Palin. Other than the fact that very ugly people such as yourself and BDBoop are scared out of your minds that she's going to help restore constitutional government in this nation and repair the collapse created by the greedy, lazy liberals.
And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Actually, that's exactly what BDBoop is - the poster child of a "hate monger".

Furthermore, there is "no reason" for the lies and the bullshit aimed at Sarah Palin. Other than the fact that very ugly people such as yourself and BDBoop are scared out of your minds that she's going to help restore constitutional government in this nation and repair the collapse created by the greedy, lazy liberals.

It's your right to like Sarah Palin all you want. I don't dislike her. She was just a terrible candidate and an even worse spokesperson for your party. But hey, if you want to lose in an LBJ/Goldwateresque landslide in 2016, please, by all means, nominate her. Please, nominate her.

Finally, no reason to insult my person at all. I have never said anything about "you". Do you always have to get personal when your logic runs out? Tsk, tsk...
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'


PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels' | PolitiFact

Advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

It’s hard to imagine how a compassionate, family-friendly measure — a measure that ultimately respects individual rights — could be twisted so grossly into the erroneous phrase “death panels.”

But, prepare yourself for more lies and more nonsense, because President Barack Obama has decided to do the right thing — and his critics already have resorted to fear-mongering and name-calling.

The concept of advanced directives was pioneered in La Crosse, thanks to our two first-class health care institutions.

It’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Our view: Promoting advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

Sarah Palin is a MORON who cost America BILLIONS of dollars that could have been saved in Medicare costs...her ignorant twisting of advanced directives in 'death panels' is CRIMINAL.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs

30% of all Medicare expenditures are attributed to the 5% of beneficiaries that die each year, with 1/3 of that cost occurring in the last month of life.

It seems that no matter how much money you use during that last year/month, if the person is sick enough, the effort makes things worse. A lot of the money being spent is not only not helping, it is making that patient endure more bad experiences on a daily basis. The patient’s quality of life is being sacrificed by increasing the cost of death.

First, there is a certain amount of political hysteria associated with things like “death panels” and deliberate attempts to scare people about any change in health care.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs - Forbes
No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Stat, you weren't there when she attacked me for my viewpoints, were you? You weren't there when she spewed her vitriol at me for opposing gay marriage were you? She doesn't need to be influential to show her hatred of others. Oh, you won't notice how the majority of her friends are of the liberal Democrat affiliation. She is hateful of anyone who she disagrees with, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Not even I can forget the darkness which was seething from her. There will not for the life of me be cessation of hostilities between me and her. I've tried ceasing them. I tried being the peacemaker, to no avail. My acts of goodwill have gone unrequited. I'm done playing the nice guy, for her at least. However, as a result of that, I have already exposed her hypocrisy to a number of people on this board because of her unwillingness to accept my peace offerings.

Understand, I'm not attacking her for her opinion, I'm pointing out an irony. Anyone who questions my manhood for having an opinion is a hatemonger. Anyone who accuses me of hurting their family for simply having an opinion or belief is hateful. Anyone who trashes another human being for believing differently than they do, is a hate monger. I know she is your friend, but beware, if you so much as step out of line with her... don't say I didn't warn you.

As for Sarah Palin, from the moment she hit the spotlight she was being viciously attacked by the left. She didn't stir up any of the resentment or hatred being directed at her, or her family. Oh, and anyone who calls someone "scum" is also hateful. Whoever makes fun of mentally disable children is hateful. You have 2 years before this election. You have many issues working against Hillary leading up to 2016, Benghazi, Obamacare, (and her version of it) and others. The tide is turning, it will get so bad for her that you could run Ted Nugent and win (perhaps a bit much but hey).

You think about it. Don't lecture me Stat, I've seen more of Boop's dark side than you have. Naturally you won't, since you always stand up for here no matter what, you're pals.

This is not the right thread for this discussion, so that will be all.

And you are going to carry a disagreement from an old thread onto this one? Really?

That is juvenile.

If you think that bdboop is a hatemonger towards you, that is your thing and you are more than welcome to it, but I see no evidence of this toward you or toward other people.

Palin was attacked by the Left for being a bad candidate. She was an absolute disaster. Even GOP party uppers-ups, btw, admitted that she was in no way ready for prime time. McCain saw tits and ass and thought that would get him elected. He also knew that she could be a vicious bulldog when it came to rhetoric, and, ripping a page out of Nixon's playbook (Nixon picked Agnew because he knew "the sonofabitch is the only one out there nastier than me"), knew that he needed a big hail-mary pass to even have a chance and he needed a VP candidate who could be nasty. But an overwhelming majority of Americans, including Republicans, did not like the idea of her fingers being anywhere near the nuclear briefcase, thank you very much.

You make it all personal about Palin as if people hate her. I don't hate her, I have no reason to hate her. But she was a terrible candidate who has proven to be nothing more than opportunistic, money-making attention whore who constantly wants to be relevant again. It's not about hate. It's about her lack of qualifications.

Hey, if she's gonna call someone a hatemonger, she had better look herself in the mirror first.

I tried wishing her well in her illness, she accused me of a conspiracy. In the neg rep thread, she attacked me for opposing homosexuality, she automatically ended our friendship right there. I know where each instance happened.You can delude yourself if you wish, Stat. I have no reason to lie to you, a friend.

As for the left... as if they have never picked a bad candidate in their history? As far as Palin is concerned, there's nothing personal. I think she's inflammatory too. But to sit there and bash her repeatedly with "ugly" and "vindictive"? How juvenile! If it weren't about hate, why this slew of pejoratives? You referred to her as a(n):

opportunistic, money-making attention whore who constantly wants to be relevant again.

I hate to break it to you, it's always been about hate. Always will be. That proves it.
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You make it all personal about Palin as if people hate her. I don't hate her, I have no reason to hate her. But she was a terrible candidate who has proven to be nothing more than opportunistic, money-making attention whore who constantly wants to be relevant again. It's not about hate. It's about her lack of qualifications.

First of all, your entire side is about nothing but hate. Democrats opposed emancipation and the Civll Rights movement because the left hates black people and always has. The left pisses all over the Constitution because the left hates the Constitution and always has. The left demonizes wealth and success because the left hates anyone who has more than they do and always has. The left has waged a massive war on women because they hate women and always have (lucky for them their are women like Candycorn and BDBoop out there who are "useful idiots" for their cause). The left has waged a war on religion because the left hates God and always has. The Dumbocrats are the party of ugly.

Second, you want to talk about "terrible candiates" with Barack Hussein Obama sitting in the White House and Joe fuck'n Biden sitting as VP? Really?!?! Bwhahahahahah!!!! Lets see....

  • Obama is the third biggest liar in U.S. history (behind the Clintons)

  • Obama has expanded the unconstitutional government surveillance which he wailed against while GWB was in office to include all Americans

  • Obama has a hit list of American citizens

  • Obama has demanded raising the debt ceiling despite wailing against it while GWB was in office, calling it "irresponsible and unpatriotic". He also said it was a "sign of a failure of leadership that the U.S. cannot pay it's bills"

  • Obama was illegally running guns to Syria and through his State Department and left J. Christopher Stevens (and others) to die to cover it up.

  • Obama was running guns to Mexico and they have been used to kill Americans because the bumbling buffoon was too stupid to track them.

  • Obama sat in Jeremiah Wright's church listening to radical anti-American and anti-white messages for 20 years.

  • Obama reached out to Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Vladamir Putin, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (all of which humiliated him) because their radical communism aligns with his beliefs, while insulting our closet allies like England (sent back the bust of Winston Churchill - a major slap in their face) and Isreal.

  • Obama has destroyed the U.S. (and in effect, the world) economy with ignorant policies aimed at punishing success and rewarding failure to ensure people are desperate and dependent on the government plantation - thus ensuring a large Dumbocrat voting base.

  • Obama wants to expand that base by rewarding 20 million criminals with citizenship.

  • Obama has added more to the U.S. debt in hist first term than all U.S. presidents in history combined did in their first term.
  • Thanks
Reactions: FJO
No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Actually, that's exactly what BDBoop is - the poster child of a "hate monger".

Furthermore, there is "no reason" for the lies and the bullshit aimed at Sarah Palin. Other than the fact that very ugly people such as yourself and BDBoop are scared out of your minds that she's going to help restore constitutional government in this nation and repair the collapse created by the greedy, lazy liberals.

It's your right to like Sarah Palin all you want. I don't dislike her. She was just a terrible candidate and an even worse spokesperson for your party. But hey, if you want to lose in an LBJ/Goldwateresque landslide in 2016, please, by all means, nominate her. Please, nominate her.

Finally, no reason to insult my person at all. I have never said anything about "you". Do you always have to get personal when your logic runs out? Tsk, tsk...

Only a Dumbocrat could call facts "running out of logic"... :lol:

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