Conservatives: Use this info to help smack down the Palin Bashers

She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

Sorry chief - you do not have a "right" to self-terminate. Suicide is illegal.

Second, how funny is it that you people cannot call a spade a spade? You can't call abortion what it is - murder - so you call it "pro-choice" because you think choice sounds nice (as if you fuck'n people ever believe in choice). And you can't call a death panel what it is - so instead you call it "counseling".

I'm sorry, who is so fuck'n stupid about life and death that they need "counseling" on it, junior? :eusa_doh:

The fact is, when government controls healthcare there is a limited resource pool for an unlimited amount of healthcare problems. And that means decisions have to be made about who gets what. And deciding who gets what treatment is a death panel, dumb ass.
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She's a hatemonger, pure and simple.

And you aren't?

No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

almost as dumb as blankly calling a public figure a hate monger without any articulated argument or statements whatsoever.

Go WK somewhere else, she made a blanket claim that was unfounded and he called her on it. Besides, if that 'flame' upsets your sensibilities this board is going to be REALLY rough for you :D
In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

Sorry chief - you do not have a "right" to self-terminate. Suicide is illegal.

Second, how funny is it that you people cannot call a spade a spade? You can't call abortion what it is - murder - so you call it "pro-choice" because you think choice sounds nice (as if you fuck'n people ever believe in choice). And you can't call a death panel what it is - so instead you call it "counseling".

I'm sorry, who is so fuck'n stupid about life and death that they need "counseling" on it, junior? :eusa_doh:

The fact is, when government controls healthcare there is a limited resource pool for an unlimited amount of healthcare problems. And that means decisions have to be made about who gets what. And deciding who gets what treatment is a death panel, dumb ass.

WOW, you are a real fucking pea brain aren't you? Is there an adult in the trailer who can read and explain advance directives to you in a way your tiny little brain can comprehend?

Advance Directives are NOT suicide pacts you ignorant fucking MORON.

t’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?
No, TK, she is not. Furthermore, she is not a public figure like Sarah Palin, she has (most likely, and like me) very little sway on public opinion. You do understand the difference between the two, right?

Calling another member a hatemonger, directly or indirectly, just because he/she attacks a PUBLIC figure, is just plain old dumb. I personally think that Palin has stirred up a huge amount of hate and resentment (and racism, btw) with alot of her comments, most of which she issues either to somehow get back into public view or just to make $$$. Not very "Christian", if you ask me.

Sarah Palin is without a doubt the most disastrous Vice Presidential candidate since Eagleton, she is responsible for a lot of the Tea Party primary successes in 2010 that then turned out to be GE failures in the fall, ditto for 2012. She is a quitter - she quit her elected job in the middle of a term for no good reason other than wanting to go onto the private circuit and make oodles of money.

On the outside, she is a very attractive woman. On this inside, based on her actions, I find her ugly, vindictive and a danger to the GOP. But please, by all means, I hope the GOP nominates her in 2016. Really, I do. That should tell you something right there. There are only two candidates who would absolutely ensure a Clinton +20 or more landslide in 2016. One is Cruz. The other, without the shadow of a doubt, is Palin.

Think about it.

Now, stop this possible flame war with boop in it's tracks right now. There's no reason for this shit at all.

Actually, that's exactly what BDBoop is - the poster child of a "hate monger".

Furthermore, there is "no reason" for the lies and the bullshit aimed at Sarah Palin. Other than the fact that very ugly people such as yourself and BDBoop are scared out of your minds that she's going to help restore constitutional government in this nation and repair the collapse created by the greedy, lazy liberals.

It's your right to like Sarah Palin all you want. I don't dislike her. She was just a terrible candidate and an even worse spokesperson for your party. But hey, if you want to lose in an LBJ/Goldwateresque landslide in 2016, please, by all means, nominate her. Please, nominate her.

Finally, no reason to insult my person at all. I have never said anything about "you". Do you always have to get personal when your logic runs out? Tsk, tsk...

Obama was an excellent - albeit totally unqualified - candidate.
Biden was an excellent candidate.

They are absolutely terrible in office.
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

The return of ObamaCare's 'death panels'

Published July 30, 2013 | Hannity | Sean Hannity
With: Sarah Palin

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 30, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: There is new evidence to suggest the so-called ObamaCare death panels are in fact alive and well. But you don't have to take my word for it because now, even the former head of the Democratic Party, who also happens to be a medical doctor, he is sounding the alarm.

Now, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, 2004 presidential contender Howard Dean is screaming to high heaven about what he calls a quote, "major problem" with the law known as the independent payment advisory board.

Now, according to Dr. Dean, quote, "The IPAB is essentially a health care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare, and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them."

Now, there are few important reasons why this story is important to you and your family. Number one, a high profile Democrat, one time medical doctor is finally admitting this board is a quote, "health care rationing body."

Number two, he's also acknowledging that this body has the authority to quote, "stop certain treatments." That's scary.

And number three, and perhaps the most important reason of all, this developing story serves as yet another frightening reminder that we were all misled by ObamaCare.
Now, whether it's the president, Howard Dean or any other colleagues on the left, we were promised remember, we could keep our own doctors, we were promised our premiums would go down, and under no uncertain terms we were promised that death panels would never exist. You may remember this.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, AUG. 22, 2009: Every credible person who has looked into it has said there are no so called death panels. An offensive notion to me and the American people. These are phony claims meant to divide us. And we've all heard the charge that reform will somehow bring about a government takeover of health care. I know that sounds scary to many folks. It sounds scary to me too. But here's the thing, it's not true.

HOWARD DEAN, FORMER DNC CHAIR, AUG. 23, 2009: I think it's despicable. I think it's awful that the lies that have come out on this bill that are just designed to frighten the daylights out of people.


HANNITY: Now, given the fact that even Howard Dean the scream machine is now admitting that health care rationing bodies exist because of ObamaCare -- you know, tonight we're going to talk to, in just a couple minutes when we get her on the line here, we're going to be joined by Governor Sarah Palin.

Let me point out a of couple things. If you go back and you remember Obamacare, what did the president say? Well, every American was going to be insured. We now know because of the Congressional Budget Office that in fact 30 million Americans are not going to be insured, even paying 10 years for six years of so-called services.

The president said the average rate would go down $2500 for a family. We now know that in states like Ohio, those rates are going up 88 percent. In California, as high as 164 percent. That's not coming true.

Now, even when you have the three largest labor unions, led by Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. and he's out there saying that this is a bad deal, that this will literally ruin what we know as the 40 hour workweek in America, you know that's not working as well.

All right. Joining me now is former Alaska governor, Fox News contributor, Governor Sarah Palin. Governor, how are you? Welcome back.

SARAH PALIN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR (ON THE PHONE): I'm doing great, Sean, thank you.

HANNITY: I appreciate it. All right.
What do you make -- you took a lot of heat and a lot of fire for death panel, the comment you made. Maybe the case of Sarah Murnaghan, the 10-year-old little girl who wasn't allowed, because Kathleen Sebelius wouldn't sign off on the adult lung transplant? Does that sound like a death panel to you?

PALIN: Well, you know, it wasn't me just saying that there were death panels in ObamaCare back in 2010. Anybody who could read into that, it's a bureaucratic panel that will decide based on a human being's level of productivity, some subjective and political decisions being made as to whether they deserve a medical care or not. And yes, the little girl is a prime example of a bureaucrat being able to make that decision, which is a scary thing.

HANNITY: You know, and now even Howard Dean is acknowledging this. Howard Dean? What do you take of the op-ed that he had out there?

PALIN: Haven't read his op-ed. Haven't wasted my time on it because I think I and others waste too much time listening to the liberal pundits a few years ago, when they said that that was the biggest lie of the year was that my claim that death panels were a part of ObamaCare and the rationing of health care services.

But now, that's proven to be true. Well, I guess I could say (INAUDIBLE) that I appreciate Howard Dean acknowledging it finally.

HANNITY: Let's talk a little bit, we're going to have Senator Cruz on the program tonight, and he and Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and then a number of House Republicans. There's a big battle coming up here. Because conservatives, while they appreciate the symbolic votes to repeal ObamaCare in the House, none of them had any teeth. And Mike Lee is saying fund the rest of the government, but defund ObamaCare. They're meeting a lot of resistance, what's your reaction?

PALIN: That's common sense. Remember with our separation of powers. He who holds the purse strings is he who is in the legislature. So Congress holds the purse strings, they can un-fund anything they want to. That's how you stop something that is not right. It's not good. It's not economic for we the people. So, it's a wise decision for Mr. Lee and others to decide not to budget for something that's going to be so
burdensome to the American people.

HANNITY: I think, to me, it's a no brainer. Why do you think -- and what's your reaction to those that say this is bad politically. I mean, is this the establishment versus the Tea Party once again, Governor?

PALIN: Well, yes. Doggonit, Sean. You know, those within that machine, that hierarchy and the GOP that they're trying to go along to get along with Obama, because they want to ingratiate themselves with the liberal media which is the lapdog for Obama. It's unfortunate that they can't see what the end result of Obamacare is going to be. And that is again, such a burden on all of our small businesses. It's going to be resulting in that single payer system that Barack Obama admitted he wanted before he was a candidate even, and that's going to be the end result, and that's absolutely what we do not need.

Not only does it strip away our freedoms as Americans, but ObamaCare will bankrupt so many businesses and it will continue to add to the bankruptcy of our nation, already $17 trillion in debt.

The return of ObamaCare's 'death panels' | Interviews | Hannity | Fox News

That's like saying "Kardashian-bashers". Technically true, but so what? Ridiculous people are going to get ridiculed. It doesn't reflect badly on the people doing it.
Dear Bfgrn: If the media/politics can skew public perception this much off the track of what policies really say or do,

As long as there are limited resources manageable through govt, and there are going to be REGULATIONS from going through Govt, then you are going to have this mess, with conflicting beliefs and views.

This is WHY health care should remain closer to the people on a local level.

If people can't get a consensus going by state, I suggest organizing by party.
If people AGREE what is in bills and what they want, they dn't have to fight these fights.

She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'


PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels' | PolitiFact

Advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

It’s hard to imagine how a compassionate, family-friendly measure — a measure that ultimately respects individual rights — could be twisted so grossly into the erroneous phrase “death panels.”

But, prepare yourself for more lies and more nonsense, because President Barack Obama has decided to do the right thing — and his critics already have resorted to fear-mongering and name-calling.

The concept of advanced directives was pioneered in La Crosse, thanks to our two first-class health care institutions.

It’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Our view: Promoting advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

Sarah Palin is a MORON who cost America BILLIONS of dollars that could have been saved in Medicare costs...her ignorant twisting of advanced directives in 'death panels' is CRIMINAL.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs

30% of all Medicare expenditures are attributed to the 5% of beneficiaries that die each year, with 1/3 of that cost occurring in the last month of life.

It seems that no matter how much money you use during that last year/month, if the person is sick enough, the effort makes things worse. A lot of the money being spent is not only not helping, it is making that patient endure more bad experiences on a daily basis. The patient’s quality of life is being sacrificed by increasing the cost of death.

First, there is a certain amount of political hysteria associated with things like “death panels” and deliberate attempts to scare people about any change in health care.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs - Forbes
She cost the citizens of this country BILLIONS of dollars with her 'death panel' LIE. It was criminal. She is SCUM.

In Britain their "death panel" has a name. Its called the Liverpool Pathway. Death panels do exist :eusa_angel:

Its just that progressives just dont like it when you call it like you see it.

Now you crazy bitch, how did Palin cost the country BILLIONS? I'm dying to hear how the fiasco known as Obamacare is some how Sarah's fault?

The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'


PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels' | PolitiFact

Advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

It’s hard to imagine how a compassionate, family-friendly measure — a measure that ultimately respects individual rights — could be twisted so grossly into the erroneous phrase “death panels.”

But, prepare yourself for more lies and more nonsense, because President Barack Obama has decided to do the right thing — and his critics already have resorted to fear-mongering and name-calling.

The concept of advanced directives was pioneered in La Crosse, thanks to our two first-class health care institutions.

It’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Our view: Promoting advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

Sarah Palin is a MORON who cost America BILLIONS of dollars that could have been saved in Medicare costs...her ignorant twisting of advanced directives in 'death panels' is CRIMINAL.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs

30% of all Medicare expenditures are attributed to the 5% of beneficiaries that die each year, with 1/3 of that cost occurring in the last month of life.

It seems that no matter how much money you use during that last year/month, if the person is sick enough, the effort makes things worse. A lot of the money being spent is not only not helping, it is making that patient endure more bad experiences on a daily basis. The patient’s quality of life is being sacrificed by increasing the cost of death.

First, there is a certain amount of political hysteria associated with things like “death panels” and deliberate attempts to scare people about any change in health care.

Why 5% of Patients Create 50% of Health Care Costs - Forbes

Politifact is a left wing site that I wouldn't trust to trust to tell me what color my hair is.

There are death panels, there will be death panels. You are a moron.
The Affordable Healthcare Act originally had a provision to pay for 'advanced directives'. An advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES that should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions because of illness or incapacity.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment. Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Palin was NOT right about death panels. As a matter of FACT, advanced directives are the very essence of what conservatives SAY they stand for: rights of the individual, personal responsibility, and personal dignity.

Sorry chief - you do not have a "right" to self-terminate. Suicide is illegal.

Second, how funny is it that you people cannot call a spade a spade? You can't call abortion what it is - murder - so you call it "pro-choice" because you think choice sounds nice (as if you fuck'n people ever believe in choice). And you can't call a death panel what it is - so instead you call it "counseling".

I'm sorry, who is so fuck'n stupid about life and death that they need "counseling" on it, junior? :eusa_doh:

The fact is, when government controls healthcare there is a limited resource pool for an unlimited amount of healthcare problems. And that means decisions have to be made about who gets what. And deciding who gets what treatment is a death panel, dumb ass.

WOW, you are a real fucking pea brain aren't you? Is there an adult in the trailer who can read and explain advance directives to you in a way your tiny little brain can comprehend?

Advance Directives are NOT suicide pacts you ignorant fucking MORON.

t’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?

Advance Directives are not death panels, it is not what we are calling death panels you twit. You pick something that isn't a death panel and you say "Look, it isn't a death panel!"

How can you be that stupid and still be able to use a computer is what I want to know.
The left hates Sarah Palin because she's smarter than they are, prettier than they are, and she speaks the truth.

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