Constant MONUMENTAL Lying...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
So you get your news from a comedian. Or only when it suits you. Last week Stewart lambasted the GOP for shutting down the gov but now he's great, right?
So you get your news from a comedian. Or only when it suits you. Last week Stewart lambasted the GOP for shutting down the gov but now he's great, right?

It is not WHERE the lies are told or politicians decide to become evasive.. It's actually what they say... Stuart hasn't been great for about a decade now. Neither has Hannity.. It's not about them.. It's about the constant deflection and lies that is coming from the politicos..

Doesn't matter at all WHO is in the room when the lies are told now --- does it?
The monumental lying has continued for more than twenty years by both parties, but the GOP reactionary far righties have begun to believe their own lies.
How about SecTres Lew lying to Chris Matthews about Obama's dictatorial refusal to negotiate being "nothing new"

"Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like he won the game" -- Vlad Putin, current world leader
The monumental lying has continued for more than twenty years by both parties, but the GOP reactionary far righties have begun to believe their own lies.



From your friends at OFA
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”
Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying. ?

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
You don't remember the lead up to the Iraq war that cost us over $4 trillion dollars with nothing in return?

At least with the ACA, we whind up with health insurance.
The pigeon is at least straightforward about it. Which puts it one notch up on His Excremence.

and how stupid are you for attempting to play Chess with a pigeon in the 1st place??

The lying about who made the diplomatic moves to prevent the USA from tossing missiles into Syria is another example.. One in which Putin CLEARLY had the upper hand and the "gravitas"... Made US look like teen-age gangsters..

Not more than a couple months ago -- Obama claimed that Global Warming was happening FASTER THAN ANYONE HAD PREDICTED.... Contrary to the actual current scientific evidence.

EVERYTHING is a lie today.. Not just from the Admin either.. He has sold the concept of lying to folks who now know you can get away with it by example. He lied to me when he said "if you like your insurance and healthcare you can keep it".. And apparently, he's gonna get away with lie without feeling any angst about FIXING that lie...

It's getting to be unbearable. Both to me and to the future of this country..
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She was not lying.

The President is holding an extended presser right now.....and he is speaking truth.

The GOP is on the wrong side of this. It is not debatable.
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
You don't remember the lead up to the Iraq war that cost us over $4 trillion dollars with nothing in return?

At least with the ACA, we whind up with health insurance.

HoooohBoy.. You touched a nerve there.. OF COURSE -- I remember the run-up to the Iraq war.. Where we had freaking AWFUL policy for 13 yrs before the Bush invasion.. Where we bombed Iraq DAILY, closed their economy, left them lock up with a madman and let the UN STEAL food from their "Oil for Food" program..

That problem my bud --- needed to be resolved. Containment was a failure in terms of cost and performance. When Mad Albright said that 250,000 Iraqi citizen deaths due to the embargo was ACCEPTABLE --- THAT should have been more disturbing to you than the WMD lies..

So does THIS problem. That's causing a complete frontal attack on low wage labor and Americans that HAD healthcare and now do not.. Or are working 3 part time jobs instead of having one full time job. And Sebelius lies her ass off about the consequences..

THAT'S in the class of the Albright, Bush lies for sure..
You don't remember the lead up to the Iraq war that cost us over $4 trillion dollars with nothing in return?

By that logic, I could say that Obama's war on the middle class cost us over $7 trillion dollars with only misery in store....

At least with the ACA, we whind up with health insurance.

Have you read this law? Do you know everything that is in it?
The pigeon is at least straightforward about it. Which puts it one notch up on His Excremence.

and how stupid are you for attempting to play Chess with a pigeon in the 1st place??

The lying about who made the diplomatic moves to prevent the USA from tossing missiles into Syria is another example.. One in which Putin CLEARLY had the upper hand and the "gravitas"... Made US look like teen-age gangsters..

Not more than a couple months ago -- Obama claimed that Global Warming was happening FASTER THAN ANYONE HAD PREDICTED.... Contrary to the actual current scientific evidence.

EVERYTHING is a lie today.. Not just from the Admin either.. He has sold the concept of lying to folks who now know you can get away with it by example. He lied to me when he said "if you like your insurance and healthcare you can keep it".. And apparently, he's gonna get away with lie without feeling any angst about FIXING that lie...

It's getting to be unbearable. Both to me and to the future of this country..

The first reaction to literally everything is to lie, even something as irrelevant as Kerry on his yacht, lie first. :eusa_liar:
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”
Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!

Not at all.. The number of ALL jobs an workers in the workforce have been taking a dive --- INCLUDING part-time workers. ((Despiite about 10K oldfarts a day retiring -- that should tell you how bad the situation REALLY is))..

So you look at the percentage of NEW JOBS that are part-time SKYROCKETING prior to the announcement that Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandate. IN FACT, one of the principle reasons for that move WAS the flood of conversions to part-time work being announced daily and weekly.. Since then --- things have somewhat lost crisis proportions, but the truth is -- as anyone in that market knows -- that full-time to part time conversions SPIKED because of ACA..

You can also look at the number of part-time seeking full-time.
Anyone can lie by using the wrong metrics.. Still actually a lie..

ACA IS affecting hiring and employment. Democrats deny that at their peril..
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Here's a real whopper:
And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.

Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care | The White House

That lie should be played on continuous loop at the top of every news broadcast.

You can see into the future? Cool!

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