Constitution Means Nothing To This Administration

Obama has more knowledge than this entire board X10

Only because he gets 100 briefings a day, with info supplied by 1000 different people. He's not all that smart or he would have quit smoking years ago. And never would have smoked that crack.
Yurt, you have posted deliberately misconstrued data. If it were not, you would not be in a despised minority. Go to, fellow, go to.

just as i thought, absolute no debate, no sources explaining how anything i said was wrong....just your opinion....

you're a worthless hack

Yurt, I don't have to smoke crack to know it is bad for me.

I don't have to debate your unfactual misconstruction to know that it is false, and that your image of America is false. Go to, fellow, go to.
And now back to the OP:

:drillsergeant: "I will Give up my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers!"

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