Constitutional Rights Under Attack

There are no absolute rights, all rights have restrictions, including classrooms. If the teacher belongs to a union the union will stand up for his rights.
Had he posted the same type of picture with a story line about an Christians killing Muslims, some Christians would have acted much the same.
Had he posted the same type of picture with a story line about an Christians killing Muslims, some Christians would have acted much the same.

A.) Christians don't kill Muslims
B.) Bullshit, it would be protected speech
Nope didn't read the case, I'm not involved in the case, but I repeat my statement that rights are not absolute, in fact, they have been known to clash with the government's police powers.

Read the OP before you tell us what it says.

At this point, I'm not interested in the details of the case, only that there are limits to our rights, including a teacher's rights in the classroom. I thought it ironic with the antiteacher- union stand of so many on these boards that a union might end up defending the teacher.
So if you have tried the case some posters would be interested in your decision.

Looks like you've already made up your mind without finding out what was going on.
Besides having to put up with ignorant union govt indoctrinators bullying our children, we have to put up with ignorant Islamist indoctrinators bullying teachers and violating our right to free speech. The USA is under attack.

The complaint has nothing to do with any of that:

In essence Eisenstein is alleging that a number of professors and the university’s administration entered into a ‘conspiracy’ of complaints and counter-complaints intended to intimidate the plaintiff.

There is no evidence that the defendants are ‘ignorant Islamist indoctrinators’ and the notion that the harassment complaints against Eisenstein would constitute a First Amendment violation is problematic at best.

In any event, the idea that the ‘USA is under attack’ is hyperbolic idiocy.

I blame the schools, not the Islamicists for trying to get their agenda heard. We've seen the same at Yale, Harvard, and a myriad of state schools. The fault is with the administrations caving to select students and pro-Islamic professors. When they pay through their pockets, they'll be more discerning.

Another ignorant rightist, jumping to conclusions, having not read the complaint.
Nope didn't read the case, I'm not involved in the case, but I repeat my statement that rights are not absolute, in fact, they have been known to clash with the government's police powers.

Do you believe that insulting Muhammad should be a criminal offense in the USA?

That is not the issue of the case.

No, the issue is that the University violated their own written policies, that they shared private information on a professor with other faculty and student organizations and that they fabricated complaints.
No, the issue is that the University violated their own written policies, that they shared private information on a professor with other faculty and student organizations and that they fabricated complaints.
And yet another rightist exhibits his ignorance.

Not that it makes any difference what the facts are, conservatives will twist and contort the facts to fit their inane, hateful agenda.
No, the issue is that the University violated their own written policies, that they shared private information on a professor with other faculty and student organizations and that they fabricated complaints.
And yet another rightist exhibits his ignorance.

Not that it makes any difference what the facts are, conservatives will twist and contort the facts to fit their inane, hateful agenda.

The only idiot here is you, I read the article, his three complaints are that the School violated his first amendment rights by not following their own written policy on complaints.

That they shared private information obtained in their unwarranted investigation ( again against their own written policies) with faculty not part of the Governing body and also shared information with Student organizations.

That they fabricated complaints that he retaliated and then punished him for said fabrications.
Besides having to put up with ignorant union govt indoctrinators bullying our children, we have to put up with ignorant Islamist indoctrinators bullying teachers and violating our right to free speech. The USA is under attack.

The complaint has nothing to do with any of that:

In essence Eisenstein is alleging that a number of professors and the university’s administration entered into a ‘conspiracy’ of complaints and counter-complaints intended to intimidate the plaintiff.

There is no evidence that the defendants are ‘ignorant Islamist indoctrinators’ and the notion that the harassment complaints against Eisenstein would constitute a First Amendment violation is problematic at best.

In any event, the idea that the ‘USA is under attack’ is hyperbolic idiocy.

I blame the schools, not the Islamicists for trying to get their agenda heard. We've seen the same at Yale, Harvard, and a myriad of state schools. The fault is with the administrations caving to select students and pro-Islamic professors. When they pay through their pockets, they'll be more discerning.

Another ignorant rightist, jumping to conclusions, having not read the complaint.

The American people are under attack by the left. The left is attacking traditional Christian Americans. We're not as stupid as you think.
No, the issue is that the University violated their own written policies, that they shared private information on a professor with other faculty and student organizations and that they fabricated complaints.
And yet another rightist exhibits his ignorance.

Not that it makes any difference what the facts are, conservatives will twist and contort the facts to fit their inane, hateful agenda.

I notice you didn't speak to the post, but tossed some more rhetoric on top of your pile of BS.
The complaint has nothing to do with any of that:

In essence Eisenstein is alleging that a number of professors and the university’s administration entered into a ‘conspiracy’ of complaints and counter-complaints intended to intimidate the plaintiff.

There is no evidence that the defendants are ‘ignorant Islamist indoctrinators’ and the notion that the harassment complaints against Eisenstein would constitute a First Amendment violation is problematic at best.

In any event, the idea that the ‘USA is under attack’ is hyperbolic idiocy.

You're a stupid guy Clayton, you truly are; the article directly states that the attack on Eisenstein was orchestrated and carried out because he had "Insulted Muhammad."

Look, you of the left seek to establish a theocracy, we get it - but at least read the source documents before spewing your idiocy.

Another ignorant rightist, jumping to conclusions, having not read the complaint.

Do you believe that an Islamic theocracy will ensure that your party has ultimate power? Or are you just yearning for any totalitarian dictatorship, regardless of form?
Besides having to put up with ignorant union govt indoctrinators bullying our children, we have to put up with ignorant Islamist indoctrinators bullying teachers and violating our right to free speech. The USA is under attack.

The complaint has nothing to do with any of that:

In essence Eisenstein is alleging that a number of professors and the university’s administration entered into a ‘conspiracy’ of complaints and counter-complaints intended to intimidate the plaintiff.

There is no evidence that the defendants are ‘ignorant Islamist indoctrinators’ and the notion that the harassment complaints against Eisenstein would constitute a First Amendment violation is problematic at best.

In any event, the idea that the ‘USA is under attack’ is hyperbolic idiocy.

I blame the schools, not the Islamicists for trying to get their agenda heard. We've seen the same at Yale, Harvard, and a myriad of state schools. The fault is with the administrations caving to select students and pro-Islamic professors. When they pay through their pockets, they'll be more discerning.

Another ignorant rightist, jumping to conclusions, having not read the complaint.

Muslims said he insulted Mohammed. That's when the crap hit the fan. Period.
Insulting mohammed should be done on a daily basis, with weekly koran bonfires on Saturday night. Repeat as necessary until muslims learn to keep their place.
Insulting mohammed should be done on a daily basis, with weekly koran bonfires on Saturday night. Repeat as necessary until muslims learn to keep their place.
I can assure you doing that won't achieve the effect you desire or out come you want. :cool:
Insulting mohammed should be done on a daily basis, with weekly koran bonfires on Saturday night. Repeat as necessary until muslims learn to keep their place.
I can assure you doing that won't achieve the effect you desire or out come you want. :cool:

We don't want to achieve anything. What we want is for you and your pals to mind your own business.
Insulting mohammed should be done on a daily basis, with weekly koran bonfires on Saturday night. Repeat as necessary until muslims learn to keep their place.
I can assure you doing that won't achieve the effect you desire or out come you want. :cool:

We don't want to achieve anything. What we want is for you and your pals to mind your own business.
When you insult Muhammad and invade muslim countries to murder muslims.

Then yes, it becomes our business. :cool:
I can assure you doing that won't achieve the effect you desire or out come you want. :cool:

We don't want to achieve anything. What we want is for you and your pals to mind your own business.
When you insult Muhammad and invade muslim countries to murder muslims.

Then yes, it becomes our business. :cool:

That's your problem. We can correct that any time you want to do something about it. We have no law preventing anyone from insulting Mohammed. We also will defend ourselves from Islamist murdering thugs. Live and let live or die. We really don't care. You're betting on a losing hand. Keep raising the pot.
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Nope didn't read the case, I'm not involved in the case, but I repeat my statement that rights are not absolute, in fact, they have been known to clash with the government's police powers.

Do you believe that insulting Muhammad should be a criminal offense in the USA?

Not any more than insulting any other religious denomination. Why do muslims consider themselves to be outside the law of this nation? If they don't like being treated equally, then they are most welcome to slither off to some place where they can celebrate their perverse and repulsive religion among their peers.
We also will defend ourselves from Islamist murdering thugs. Live and let live or die. We really don't care.

Your just another gay internet Rambo :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

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