Consumer confidance spikes, hurry cons you have to do something to distroy this trend

this isnt about any right or left thing .

CC is a very big future indicator.
Consumer Confidence Index rises in November - Nov. 29, 2011

The Present Situation Index, which reflects consumers' attitude toward the current state of the economy, rose 11.2 points to 38.3 --- the largest monthly gain since June 2004.

Another bit of positive news: consumers appear to be more optimistic about the future. The Expectations Index, an outlook on the economy for the next six months, rose to 67.8 from 50.0 in October and marked the biggest jump since May 2009.

Even attitudes toward the job market seem to be perking up. Respondents claiming jobs are "plentiful" increased to 5.8 %, while those who say jobs are "hard to get" dropped to 42.1%. Those expecting growth in job market improved slightly to 12.9%, while those who anticipate an increase in their incomes rose to 14.9%.

The right is screwed UNLESS they pull another Debt Ceiling stunt like thingy.

Its what you did last summer when things started to look good
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If consumer confidence stays up, I will be happy.

I won't try to talk it down the way the media did during Bush's years.

I won't give Obama credit for the turn around. The turn around would have been more robust if he hadn't thrown water on it with his healthcare legislation and general uninspiring incompetence.

But I won't talk it down. We need some good news.
Bush had the media on his side , hell they helped him sell the lies about yellow cake and mushroom clouds.

Its why 70% of Americans though sadam did 911 at the time
This is a very good resaon why the right will NOT win this next election.

The Obama stimulus worked and you can not longer pull stunts to try and harm the American people for your own partys poltical gain.
Bush had the media on his side , hell they helped him sell the lies about yellow cake and mushroom clouds.

Its why 70% of Americans though sadam did 911 at the time

The media were talking down the economy ALL the time.

Apparently there was one tiny little blip where the media supported the war effort. Ya'll say it happened. I don't remember it but I'll take your word for it.

After that they gave the beheaders all the attention they wanted. They gave all the attention Dems in the legislature craved in their efforts to bring doubt to the Iraqis.

And they did their level best to suppress consumer confidence. Wouldn't report good news. Hyped bad news.

This is a very good resaon why the right will NOT win this next election.

The Obama stimulus worked and you can not longer pull stunts to try and harm the American people for your own partys poltical gain.


Thanks for the good laugh, TM.
How about 9/2007 when Bush announced he had crashed the world wide economy?
Still not one shred of proof that the media was down talking the economy under Bush
this is the key to recovery people .

SPENDING by the consumer will change this whole economy in very short order.

The right will commit suicide if they pull another debt ceiling type stunt.

If they do nothing it will continue to improve and Obama will win hands down.

If they Help the economy and the American people they will only get part of the credit and the other half will go to Obama and that will be enough to win the election.

You guys are fucked.

Obama is going to win.

He out played your team.
Oh my appologies I meant jan 20 2001.

Bush was sworn in and then the CC number plunged
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