Consumers create jobs.

Employers create jobs, not consumers (or they do if they are also employers).

This really should not be so hard.
So, what a profound statement. Then what would you suggest to decrease unemployment?? Can you show that what you may suggest, if you are capable, has ever worked before in a bad economy. My guess is you can not, and that you do not have a clue.

If demand creates jobs, then maybe the unemployed can just want for shit, and jobs will appear.
The sad thing is that I took two entry level econ courses in college yet I know more about the subject than someone who supposedly was an econ major. Really, oldstyle. And you accused me of not knowing about keynsian econ, because of somethiething that you say that I said. But you have never said what it was that you believe I said. Can not do it, can you oldstyle, because though I have challenged you to do so, you are unable. Your belief about your expertise about econ shows that you are delusional. I'd still liutke to know what college let's undergrads teach other undergrads, especially one like yourself! Talk about getting screwed on receiving value for your tuition dollar! Again, accusations without proof. You are a typical con.

Your "story"Not a story, oldstyle me boy, simply the truth, and not at all a big deal, except to small minds like yours. may not have changed...but that doesn't make it any more believable now than it did when you FIRST claimed to have taught economics in college. I'm amazed that someone could take economics as a major and be as uninformed about it as a topic as you are.More accusations, but you are afraid to answer my questions, because under all the bluster, you know you are ignorant. It would be like me not knowing the causes of WWII after graduating with a degree in history with a concentration in European history. But then, oldstyle, me boy. You got a degree in history, you say, but now you wait tables. And you are too stupid to know that what you are saying is stupid.
I know that you love making accusations, because it is simple. But, did you ever consider what this thread was supposed to be about?? You are a total waste of time. No one cares about your accusations about me. That is not relevant to the thread. Maybe this kind of thinking is why you went to college and ended up with a menial job.

Gee, what a mature comeback. Freudian slip.

Unless you're going to try to regain some credibility here by telling me what college it is that lets undergraduates teach other undergrads then why are you even wasting your time posting to me? I've made it quite clear that I think you're a liar and I've given the reasons WHY I think that. The smart thing to do at this point would be to cut your losses and move on...hopefully having learned that pretending to be something you're not will generally get you in hot water.See above. You are a true little person, dipshit. If you think that teaching an undergrad econ class for a prof for a year is some big deal. Which you apparently do. You see, dipshit, I do not lie. I do not call others liars. Because I prefer to deal with people who have class. You, on the other hand, think it would be quite impressive to do something like that. What a little person you must be. Try to get this correct, oldstyle, you are not a match for me in economics. You do not even try. You simply post dogma, with no data. So, you expect that I give a damn about what YOU think, little man. Try getting back to the subject of this string, if you can. I think it is obvious that when it comes to this threat, you have no game. Do you now, little man? Maybe back to your table waiting, eh, small person. You try to take people down by playing games, evidence free, of course, so that you can look as important as others. I am not important, little man, but more important than you.
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Employers create jobs, not consumers (or they do if they are also employers). This really should not be so hard.
So, what a profound statement. Then what would you suggest to decrease unemployment?? Can you show that what you may suggest, if you are capable, has ever worked before in a bad economy. My guess is you can not, and that you do not have a clue.
If demand creates jobs, then maybe the unemployed can just want for shit, and jobs will appear.
Demand doesn't make jobs. There's more demanding poor Americans than before but purchasing won't start if those in need lack money. So let's get this straight, consumers can't create jobs.

More money in people's hands isn't creating jobs either. Since Jan. 2009, Americans as a whole have created about $2 trillion in wealth (blue line) --

---and have laid off 3% of the population, about 7 million workers. People with money aren't hiring for two reasons. One is that they need the money to pay rising taxes, and the other is because Washington hates employers. Nobody wants to be on Washington's bad side.
The sad thing is that I took two entry level econ courses in college yet I know more about the subject than someone who supposedly was an econ major. Really, oldstyle. And you accused me of not knowing about keynsian econ, because of somethiething that you say that I said. But you have never said what it was that you believe I said. Can not do it, can you oldstyle, because though I have challenged you to do so, you are unable. Your belief about your expertise about econ shows that you are delusional. I'd still liutke to know what college let's undergrads teach other undergrads, especially one like yourself! Talk about getting screwed on receiving value for your tuition dollar! Again, accusations without proof. You are a typical con.

Your "story"Not a story, oldstyle me boy, simply the truth, and not at all a big deal, except to small minds like yours. may not have changed...but that doesn't make it any more believable now than it did when you FIRST claimed to have taught economics in college. I'm amazed that someone could take economics as a major and be as uninformed about it as a topic as you are.More accusations, but you are afraid to answer my questions, because under all the bluster, you know you are ignorant. It would be like me not knowing the causes of WWII after graduating with a degree in history with a concentration in European history. But then, oldstyle, me boy. You got a degree in history, you say, but now you wait tables. And you are too stupid to know that what you are saying is stupid.
I know that you love making accusations, because it is simple. But, did you ever consider what this thread was supposed to be about?? You are a total waste of time. No one cares about your accusations about me. That is not relevant to the thread. Maybe this kind of thinking is why you went to college and ended up with a menial job.

Gee, what a mature comeback. Freudian slip.

Unless you're going to try to regain some credibility here by telling me what college it is that lets undergraduates teach other undergrads then why are you even wasting your time posting to me? I've made it quite clear that I think you're a liar and I've given the reasons WHY I think that. The smart thing to do at this point would be to cut your losses and move on...hopefully having learned that pretending to be something you're not will generally get you in hot water.See above. You are a true little person, dipshit. If you think that teaching an undergrad econ class for a prof for a year is some big deal. Which you apparently do. You see, dipshit, I do not lie. I do not call others liars. Because I prefer to deal with people who have class. You, on the other hand, think it would be quite impressive to do something like that. What a little person you must be. Try to get this correct, oldstyle, you are not a match for me in economics. You do not even try. You simply post dogma, with no data. So, you expect that I give a damn about what YOU think, little man. Try getting back to the subject of this string, if you can. I think it is obvious that when it comes to this threat, you have no game. Do you now, little man? Maybe back to your table waiting, eh, small person. You try to take people down by playing games, evidence free, of course, so that you can look as important as others. I am not important, little man, but more important than you.

What I "think" is that an undergraduate teaching college level classes only happens in your fantasy the REAL WORLD teaching assistants are grad students and PhD candidates. If you'd ever attended'd know that.

As for who you are a "match" for in economics? Sorry to break this to you but you're not really a match for ANYONE when it comes to economics. You're one of the most uninformed people on the subject that I've ever seen...yet you THINK that you're an authority because...wait for it....YOU SAY YOU ARE!!!

What's the deal with the whole "little" thing? Am I supposed to be annoyed or intimidated by that? Quite frankly, it's a rather lame insult. I've called you a liar because your story about teaching college level classes in economics as an undergraduate is so far fetched. You calling me "little" in response is amusing.

I don't have to"take down people"like you, Rshermr...people like you take yourselves down.
Gov't could "hire" people to sit around all day and do nothing. That would get millions of dollars in the hands of consumers. According to Little Old Fraud that would grow the economy massively.
In real life it matters what kind of job people do. People employed in the private sector are contributing to the economy. People employed in the public sector are a drag on the economy.

All of that is truth.

J.M.Keynes did point out the demand factor n an economy: like a supercharger, it drains power to create a net gain in an economy. By paying people to sit around or deliver mail (as long as they get up and shop every once in a while), modern economies outperform the old-fashioned pre-supercharger economies like Nepal and Congo.
The sad thing is that I took two entry level econ courses in college yet I know more about the subject than someone who supposedly was an econ major. Really, oldstyle. And you accused me of not knowing about keynsian econ, because of somethiething that you say that I said. But you have never said what it was that you believe I said. Can not do it, can you oldstyle, because though I have challenged you to do so, you are unable. Your belief about your expertise about econ shows that you are delusional. I'd still liutke to know what college let's undergrads teach other undergrads, especially one like yourself! Talk about getting screwed on receiving value for your tuition dollar! Again, accusations without proof. You are a typical con.

Your "story"Not a story, oldstyle me boy, simply the truth, and not at all a big deal, except to small minds like yours. may not have changed...but that doesn't make it any more believable now than it did when you FIRST claimed to have taught economics in college. I'm amazed that someone could take economics as a major and be as uninformed about it as a topic as you are.More accusations, but you are afraid to answer my questions, because under all the bluster, you know you are ignorant. It would be like me not knowing the causes of WWII after graduating with a degree in history with a concentration in European history. But then, oldstyle, me boy. You got a degree in history, you say, but now you wait tables. And you are too stupid to know that what you are saying is stupid.
I know that you love making accusations, because it is simple. But, did you ever consider what this thread was supposed to be about?? You are a total waste of time. No one cares about your accusations about me. That is not relevant to the thread. Maybe this kind of thinking is why you went to college and ended up with a menial job.

Gee, what a mature comeback. Freudian slip.

Unless you're going to try to regain some credibility here by telling me what college it is that lets undergraduates teach other undergrads then why are you even wasting your time posting to me? I've made it quite clear that I think you're a liar and I've given the reasons WHY I think that. The smart thing to do at this point would be to cut your losses and move on...hopefully having learned that pretending to be something you're not will generally get you in hot water.See above. You are a true little person, dipshit. If you think that teaching an undergrad econ class for a prof for a year is some big deal. Which you apparently do. You see, dipshit, I do not lie. I do not call others liars. Because I prefer to deal with people who have class. You, on the other hand, think it would be quite impressive to do something like that. What a little person you must be. Try to get this correct, oldstyle, you are not a match for me in economics. You do not even try. You simply post dogma, with no data. So, you expect that I give a damn about what YOU think, little man. Try getting back to the subject of this string, if you can. I think it is obvious that when it comes to this threat, you have no game. Do you now, little man? Maybe back to your table waiting, eh, small person. You try to take people down by playing games, evidence free, of course, so that you can look as important as others. I am not important, little man, but more important than you.

What I "think" is that an undergraduate teaching college level classes only happens in your fantasy the REAL WORLD teaching assistants are grad students and PhD candidates. If you'd ever attended'd know that.

As for who you are a "match" for in economics? Sorry to break this to you but you're not really a match for ANYONE when it comes to economics. You're one of the most uninformed people on the subject that I've ever seen...yet you THINK that you're an authority because...wait for it....YOU SAY YOU ARE!!!

What's the deal with the whole "little" thing? Am I supposed to be annoyed or intimidated by that? Quite frankly, it's a rather lame insult. When is the truth an insult? When it describes oldstyle's life experience. You spent 4 years or so getting an undergraduate degree in History, then admit that you are in the "restaurant industry" in a job that is on and off depending on the economy, and which sees you as unimportant enough that you can spend your time on a blog. Excuse me, but that is by definition an example of how to be a looser. I've called you a liar because your story about teaching college level classes in economics as an undergraduate is so far fetched. Not at all far fetched. Had been going on for years before me, me boy. Not unusual elsewhere. Just your opinion, clouded as it is by the need to make others as unimportant as you. You calling me "little" in response is amusing.Yes, well, if I were you I would be ashamed, not amused. All a matter of perspective.

I don't have to"take down people"like you, Rshermr...people like you take yourselves down.
Right, oldstyle. As I thought. You want to insult personally, but have no economic game. Why do you mess around with economic threads asking real questions, then run when you are crushed to perform personal attacks. You are a little man, oldstyle. Back to waiting tables. Only you take yourself seriously. Restaurant business?? Really, oldstyle. Get a grip.
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Innovation makes demand. After all there was no demand for cell phones, microwaves, DVD players or pet rocks.
The sad thing is that I took two entry level econ courses in college yet I know more about the subject than someone who supposedly was an econ major. Really, oldstyle. And you accused me of not knowing about keynsian econ, because of somethiething that you say that I said. But you have never said what it was that you believe I said. Can not do it, can you oldstyle, because though I have challenged you to do so, you are unable. Your belief about your expertise about econ shows that you are delusional. I'd still liutke to know what college let's undergrads teach other undergrads, especially one like yourself! Talk about getting screwed on receiving value for your tuition dollar! Again, accusations without proof. You are a typical con.

Your "story"Not a story, oldstyle me boy, simply the truth, and not at all a big deal, except to small minds like yours. may not have changed...but that doesn't make it any more believable now than it did when you FIRST claimed to have taught economics in college. I'm amazed that someone could take economics as a major and be as uninformed about it as a topic as you are.More accusations, but you are afraid to answer my questions, because under all the bluster, you know you are ignorant. It would be like me not knowing the causes of WWII after graduating with a degree in history with a concentration in European history. But then, oldstyle, me boy. You got a degree in history, you say, but now you wait tables. And you are too stupid to know that what you are saying is stupid.
I know that you love making accusations, because it is simple. But, did you ever consider what this thread was supposed to be about?? You are a total waste of time. No one cares about your accusations about me. That is not relevant to the thread. Maybe this kind of thinking is why you went to college and ended up with a menial job.

Gee, what a mature comeback. Freudian slip.

Unless you're going to try to regain some credibility here by telling me what college it is that lets undergraduates teach other undergrads then why are you even wasting your time posting to me? I've made it quite clear that I think you're a liar and I've given the reasons WHY I think that. The smart thing to do at this point would be to cut your losses and move on...hopefully having learned that pretending to be something you're not will generally get you in hot water.See above. You are a true little person, dipshit. If you think that teaching an undergrad econ class for a prof for a year is some big deal. Which you apparently do. You see, dipshit, I do not lie. I do not call others liars. Because I prefer to deal with people who have class. You, on the other hand, think it would be quite impressive to do something like that. What a little person you must be. Try to get this correct, oldstyle, you are not a match for me in economics. You do not even try. You simply post dogma, with no data. So, you expect that I give a damn about what YOU think, little man. Try getting back to the subject of this string, if you can. I think it is obvious that when it comes to this threat, you have no game. Do you now, little man? Maybe back to your table waiting, eh, small person. You try to take people down by playing games, evidence free, of course, so that you can look as important as others. I am not important, little man, but more important than you.

What I "think" is that an undergraduate teaching college level classes only happens in your fantasy the REAL WORLD teaching assistants are grad students and PhD candidates. If you'd ever attended'd know that.

As for who you are a "match" for in economics? Sorry to break this to you but you're not really a match for ANYONE when it comes to economics. You're one of the most uninformed people on the subject that I've ever seen...yet you THINK that you're an authority because...wait for it....YOU SAY YOU ARE!!!

What's the deal with the whole "little" thing? Am I supposed to be annoyed or intimidated by that? Quite frankly, it's a rather lame insult. When is the truth an insult? When it describes oldstyle's life experience. You spent 4 years or so getting an undergraduate degree in History, then admit that you are in the "restaurant industry" in a job that is on and off depending on the economy, and which sees you as unimportant enough that you can spend your time on a blog. Excuse me, but that is by definition an example of how to be a looser. I've called you a liar because your story about teaching college level classes in economics as an undergraduate is so far fetched. Not at all far fetched. Had been going on for years before me, me boy. Not unusual elsewhere. Just your opinion, clouded as it is by the need to make others as unimportant as you. You calling me "little" in response is amusing.Yes, well, if I were you I would be ashamed, not amused. All a matter of perspective.

I don't have to"take down people"like you, Rshermr...people like you take yourselves down.
Right, oldstyle. As I thought. You want to insult personally, but have no economic game. Why do you mess around with economic threads asking real questions, then run when you are crushed to perform personal attacks. You are a little man, oldstyle. Back to waiting tables. Only you take yourself seriously. Restaurant business?? Really, oldstyle. Get a grip.

The personal insult thing is all you, my friend. I've called you on what appears to be a complete fabrication (undergraduates teaching college classes) but rather than back up your "claims", you've decided to insult my THAT proves you aren't a liar. I've been a night club and restaurant manager for over thirty years, running some of the most high profile and high volume operations in Boston, Aspen, Las Vegas, North Carolina and now Florida. I happen to love my profession and do it well.

Now did you want to tell us what college allows undergrads to teach it's courses? Or are you going to continue to duck and weave as you have for the past six or seven posts?
What I "think" is that an undergraduate teaching college level classes only happens in you fantasy the REAL WnORLD teaching assistants are grad students and PhD candidates. If you'd ever attended'd know that. yup, got that, oldstyle me boy. But why would I believe anything that you have said. You have stayed away from saying what you really do for a long time, me boy. And I pretty much learned long ago that on this type of conversation, neither you or I can prove anything. And of course, you know that. So you attack and attack with no proof of anything. Low class. I do not talk with people who call me a liar. If you are calling me a liar about that little occurance, I know you would call me a liar if I said anything about my real life. So, why would I talk to you about my personal life, oldstyle?? You are a con attack dog. Look around. They are everywhere on this blog.

As for who you are a "match" for in economics? Sorry to break this to you but you're not really a match for ANYONE ut when it comes to economics. You're one of the most uninformed people on the subject that I've ever seen...yet you THINK that you're an authority because...wait for it....YOU SAY YOU ARE!!! And I so respect your opinion, oldstyle. Your actions, of course, say otherwise. You are trying to avoid the subject of this thread as hard as you can. So, lets see your great economic effort, oldstyle me boy. I have challenged you over and over, but you never get back to the issue. do you, oldstyle. You have no game, and you know it. You just want to post con dogma, and you know I will nail you with actual data.

What's the deal with the whole "little" thing? Am I supposed to be annoyed or intimidated by that? Quite frankly, it's a rather lame insult. When is the truth an insult? When it describes oldstyle's life experience. You spent 4 years or so getting an undergraduate degree in History, then admit that you are in the "restaurant industry" in a job that is on and off depending on the economy, and which sees you as unimportant enough that you can spend your time on a blog. Excuse me, but that is by definition an example of how to be a looser. I've called you a liar because your story about teaching college level classes in economics as an undergraduate is so far fetched. Not at all far fetched. Had been going on for years before me, me boy. Not unusual elsewhere. Just your opinion, clouded as it is by the need to make others as unimportant as you. You calling me "little" in response is amusing.Yes, well, if I were you I would be ashamed, not amused. All a matter of perspective.

I don't have to"take down people"like you, Rshermr...people like you take yourselves down.
Right, oldstyle. As I thought. You want to insult personally, but have no economic game. Why do you mess around with economic threads asking real questions, then run when you are crushed to perform personal attacks. You are a little man, oldstyle. Back to waiting tables. Only you take yourself seriously. Restaurant business?? Really, oldstyle. Get a grip.

The personal insult thing is all you, my friend. I've called you on what appears to be a complete fabrication (undergraduates teaching college classes) but rather than back up your "claims", you've decided to insult my THAT proves you aren't a liar. I've been a night club and restaurant manager for over thirty years, running some of the most high profile and high volume operations in Boston, Aspen, Las Vegas, North Carolina and now Florida. I happen to love my profession and do it well. And why should I believe that, oldstyle, me boy. Here is the thing. You have avoided answering what you did for a number of posts, you say that you work part time because of your location (got to admit,I've been to fla many times, and been in a number or quality restaurants, never saw on that closed down part of the year) and never saw a higher level restaurant mgr who had the time to post to some blog. But what the hell, if you are happy with your career, good for you. Got to admit that I know little about your chosen profession. Or your life. Unlike you, I will not continue to attack you about something that I do not actually know about.

Now did you want to tell us what college allows undergrads to teach it's courses? Why, Oldstyle, do you care?? What would you like to do with the information?? What does it have to do with the subject of this string?? Or are you going to continue to duck and weave as you have for the past six or seven posts?As I have said, oldstyle, me boy, I do not talk about my personal life with someone who would call me a liar. And yes, oldstyle, you are incapable of discussion relative to economics, or you would defend your statement.
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There are certain items that the law of syupply and demand do not work very well on.
Medical care.
Right, oldstyle. As I thought. You want to insult personally, but have no economic game. Why do you mess around with economic threads asking real questions, then run when you are crushed to perform personal attacks. You are a little man, oldstyle. Back to waiting tables. Only you take yourself seriously. Restaurant business?? Really, oldstyle. Get a grip.

The personal insult thing is all you, my friend. I've called you on what appears to be a complete fabrication (undergraduates teaching college classes) but rather than back up your "claims", you've decided to insult my THAT proves you aren't a liar. I've been a night club and restaurant manager for over thirty years, running some of the most high profile and high volume operations in Boston, Aspen, Las Vegas, North Carolina and now Florida. I happen to love my profession and do it well.

Now did you want to tell us what college allows undergrads to teach it's courses? Or are you going to continue to duck and weave as you have for the past six or seven posts?

Pretty simple question to answer...yet you're still avoiding doing so...which says VOLUMES about your credibility. "Wow"? More like "Pathetic".
The personal insult thing is all you, my friend. I've called you on what appears to be a complete fabrication (undergraduates teaching college classes) but rather than back up your "claims", you've decided to insult my THAT proves you aren't a liar. I've been a night club and restaurant manager for over thirty years, running some of the most high profile and high volume operations in Boston, Aspen, Las Vegas, North Carolina and now Florida. I happen to love my profession and do it well.

Now did you want to tell us what college allows undergrads to teach it's courses? Or are you going to continue to duck and weave as you have for the past six or seven posts?

Pretty simple question to answer...yet you're still avoiding doing so...which says VOLUMES about your credibility. "Wow"? More like "Pathetic".
I responded with more than wow. I thought that since you had such an important job, you would not be posting again in less than 30 minutes. Guess you must be a really really low level manager, to be able to post so often during your work day, eh. Or, for that matter, to keep asking stupid questions about my personal life, me boy.
Once again, get back to the subject of the thread, for we are done with personal discussions as far as I am concerned.

Pretty simple question to answer...yet you're still avoiding doing so...which says VOLUMES about your credibility. "Wow"? More like "Pathetic".
I responded with more than wow. I thought that since you had such an important job, you would not be posting again in less than 30 minutes. Guess you must be a really really low level manager, to be able to post so often during your work day, eh. Or, for that matter, to keep asking stupid questions about my personal life, me boy.
Once again, get back to the subject of the thread, for we are done with personal discussions as far as I am concerned.

Meaning you refuse to answer a very simple question about a claim that YOU made in the course of this thread...

Easy stuff...what college is it that let's it's undergrads teach classes?

I'm actually off to work keep right on trying to bullshit your way out of the corner you painted yourself into.
There are certain items that the law of syupply and demand do not work very well on.
Medical care.

Supply and demand works with just about everything. It definitely works with the above 3 examples. The challenge is to find how the relationships play out in order to convert need into demand and capability into supply.
There are certain items that the law of syupply and demand do not work very well on.
Medical care.
Supply and demand works with just about everything...
Things with buying and selling belong in free markets, and that includes food, energy, and medicine. Any time governments try to manage food, energy, and medicine end up ruining them. Governments are for order, justice, and protecting the community. We don't ever want to buy and sell those. Both governments and markets must be guided but not be controlled by religions that provide charity and tell us right from wrong.

Three separate institutions.
There are certain items that the law of syupply and demand do not work very well on.
Medical care.
Supply and demand works with just about everything...
Things with buying and selling belong in free markets, and that includes food, energy, and medicine. Any time governments try to manage food, energy, and medicine end up ruining them. Governments are for order, justice, and protecting the community. We don't ever want to buy and sell those. Both governments and markets must be guided but not be controlled by religions that provide charity and tell us right from wrong.

Three separate institutions.

I'd agree that some barbed wire and mines should be put up between those three.

My point is that the supply and demand for food, energy and healthcare are inescapable factors for the government, charities and private businesses to attend to. Gather a crowd of people and supply and demand starts playing out. I couldn't fathom any situation involving a population of humans where these basic factors can be ignored.
Pretty simple question to answer...yet you're still avoiding doing so...which says VOLUMES about your credibility. "Wow"? More like "Pathetic".
I responded, with more than wow. I thought that since you had such an important job, you would not be posting again in less than 30 minutes. Guess you must be a really really low level manager, to be able to post so often during your work day, eh. Or, for that matter, to keep asking stupid questions about my personal life, me boy.
Once again, get back to the subject of the thread, for we are done with personal discussions as far as I am concerned.

Meaning you refuse to answer a very simple question about a claim that YOU made in the course of this thread...

Easy stuff...what college is it that let's it's undergrads teach classes?

I'm actually off to work keep right on trying to bullshit No bullshit, just the simple truth.your way out of the corner you painted yourself intoActually, the corner you keep trying to paint me into. And then, as the fool you truly are, you want me to post more for you to attack. That is what you do, oldstyle, because you are not capable of rational discussion..
No bullshit. No corner. As I told you, oldstyle, and as you can not seem to understand, I do not have discussions about my personal life with clowns who call me a liar. You are just a con who comes to an economic board, but can not post to the subject. You are a simple con, oldstyle. About 40 posts on this thread from you, and you refuse to discuss the subject, because you are unable to make a rational argument. Instead, you spend your time making personal attacks. In those 40 posts, we got only your opinion. One of 40 posts had a link to "proof" of your statement, but led to a right wing writer who ONLY posts to far right sites, and the link is to a op ed of this individual. No integrity. No ability to utilize impartial sources, or even economic theory that you can reference. Waste of time.
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I responded, with more than wow. I thought that since you had such an important job, you would not be posting again in less than 30 minutes. Guess you must be a really really low level manager, to be able to post so often during your work day, eh. Or, for that matter, to keep asking stupid questions about my personal life, me boy.
Once again, get back to the subject of the thread, for we are done with personal discussions as far as I am concerned.

Meaning you refuse to answer a very simple question about a claim that YOU made in the course of this thread...

Easy stuff...what college is it that let's it's undergrads teach classes?

I'm actually off to work keep right on trying to bullshit No bullshit, just the simple truth.your way out of the corner you painted yourself intoActually, the corner you keep trying to paint me into. And then, as the fool you truly are, you want me to post more for you to attack. That is what you do, oldstyle, because you are not capable of rational discussion..
No bullshit. No corner. As I told you, oldstyle, and as you can not seem to understand, I do not have discussions about my personal life with clowns who call me a liar. You are just a con who comes to an economic board, but can not post to the subject. You are a simple con, oldstyle. About 40 posts on this thread from you, and you refuse to discuss the subject, because you are unable to make a rational argument. Instead, you spend your time making personal attacks. In those 40 posts, we got only your opinion. One of 40 posts had a link to "proof" of your statement, but led to a right wing writer who ONLY posts to far right sites, and the link is to a op ed of this individual. No integrity. No ability to utilize impartial sources, or even economic theory that you can reference. Waste of time.

What I understand is that you were perfectly willing to discuss your "private life" when you were telling us all that you were an authority on economics because you taught economics at the college's only when it was pointed out to you that undergraduates don't teach at the college level that you decided your "private life" was suddenly off limits.

What's amusing is that you actually have the gall to come on here and talk about "integrity". You're a liar. You know it...I know it...and anyone who's followed this string knows it.

As for personal attacks? That's all you've done SINCE you got caught telling your lie.
Supply and demand works with just about everything...
Things with buying and selling belong in free markets, and that includes food, energy, and medicine. Any time governments try to manage food, energy, and medicine end up ruining them. Governments are for order, justice, and protecting the community. We don't ever want to buy and sell those. Both governments and markets must be guided but not be controlled by religions that provide charity and tell us right from wrong.

Three separate institutions.

I'd agree that some barbed wire and mines should be put up between those three.

My point is that the supply and demand for food, energy and healthcare are inescapable factors for the government, charities and private businesses to attend to. Gather a crowd of people and supply and demand starts playing out. I couldn't fathom any situation involving a population of humans where these basic factors can be ignored.
So those three items, health care, food and energy all share the characteristic of having inelastic demand. By definition, if the price of food goes up, you still will buy food. Maybe less expensive food, or less of it, but in general supply and demand change little with changes in price.
Then, you have the issue of monopoly power of suppliers of these goods. As consumers have fewer options in a market, suppliers can increase price without big changes in demand. Profit increases, price increases. Suppliers make more, consumers pay more. All three fit perfectly in into this category of the market.
Over the past year, prices of oil have gone up, then down, and now up again. As the prices went up the first time, about a year ago, supply was higher than it had been for years, and demand was lower than it had been for years. So, prices should have been going down, but the opposition was happening. Because monopoly power with inelastic demand was in place. And we have the highest health care cost in the world. And food prices keep rising.

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