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Sep 23, 2010
Listening to talking heads, and reading all of the stuff about the NSA PRISIM Scandal, is dangerous to one’s mental well-being. After reading that Nancy Pelosi’s pet monkey, Steny Hoyer, is defending civil liberties I made an appointment with a local shrink:

Hoyer cited a recent poll indicating that most Americans appear willing to sacrifice some privacy for the sake of security.

"While they're concerned about their privacy, they're more concerned about their security. And they see the benefit of making sure that authorities have enough information to interdict and to prevent terrorist acts," Hoyer said. "Having said that, Americans feel very strongly about their civil liberties and privacy, as do I, and we need to ensure the proper oversight."

Hoyer: No comparison between Obama, Bush secret surveillance
By Mike Lillis - 06/11/13 01:21 PM ET

Hoyer: No comparison between Obama, Bush on secret NSA surveillance - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

I am not certain how taking liberty away from Americans increases their security. Loss liberty might even diminish security if enough free Americans figure out that fighting for the current scum in government is not the same as fighting for their country:

Remember this, take it to heart, live by it, die for it if necessary: that our patriotism is medieval, outworn, obsolete; that the modern patriotism, the true patriotism, the only rational patriotism, is loyalty to the Nation ALL the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it. Mark Twain

Also, one assumes that Hoyer’s definition of the general welfare justifies everything Democrats do:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Since tax dollars pay for the NSA program in question, lost liberty must fall under Hoyer’s definition of general welfare. I only wish Democrat sneaks would worry less about my welfare and more about my constitutional Rights.

Hoyer is right about one thing. There is no comparison between Hussein’s attack on Americans, and the way Bush used the Patriotic Act.

NOTE: It all began with FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) the 1977 brainchild of the filthiest bum that ever served in the US Senate —— Ted Kennedy. It was signed in 1978 by another disaster —— Jimmy Carter. FOREIGN was the key word. The Patriot Act came after 9-11-2001. As far as I know, NSA intelligence gathering is restricted to foreign communications.

Bottom line: As soon as Democrats saw that technology was available they used it against Americans under the pretext of national security.

Here’s one thing that astounds me. The Russians told the FBI about the Boston bombers:

Yet Joe Car and his dead brother succeeded; so I don’t know how the hell anybody can believe that collecting millions of telephone calls and e-mails every day is going to provide more security. I do know that the whole thing smells like the bums in government are creating more well-paying jobs for parasites.

On an offbeat note, Americans are still paying a telephone tax/fee to fight the Spanish-American War. Check your phone bill. I can’t prove it, but I have a feeling there is a philosophical connection to the NSA’s telephone skullduggery and Teddy Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill. After watching government officials testify I can only paraphrase a bunch of people “Truth is still the first casualty of war.”

I’ll close with a question and answer: Why is it that Democrats always claim they are defending this country whenever they shred the Constitution? Answer: Because in order to advance worldwide socialism the Constitution stands in their way.
Those fucking Democrats are always tearing apart the constitution!!! Just look at them!!!

House Speaker John Boehner: NSA Leaker a ?Traitor? - ABC News


To TheOldSchool: Ditto Democrat Di FI:

You’re missing the point. Never let UN-loving Democrats come anywhere near the intelligence community. Reason: They will always use intelligence agencies to advance socialism’s global agenda rather than protect and defend the Constitution. That’s the very essence of treason.
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How many Americans realize that the IRS, NSA and the press scandals, would never have happened when J. Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972) was running the FBI. You can be certain that the liars covering up the government’s abuses would have thought twice before they lied to Congress when Mr. Hoover was FBI Director. He had something on every douche bag in Washington, and he used it to keep them in line; i.e., loyal to this country and the Constitution. Americans benefitted from his methods, while they are being severely punished by the methods the government is using against them today.

Contrary to what the Left says about Hoover he never did anything to harm the American people. He stood up for this country against foreign enemies as well as the traitors in the federal government. Just about everybody in Washington hated him because he would not stand still for the things the government is doing today. It’s fair to say that Mr. Hoover’s death removed a major roadblock standing in the way of big government advocates.

Bottom line: I’ll take Hoover over characters like this every time:


FBI hasn’t contacted a single tea party group in IRS probe, groups say
10:32 PM 06/13/2013

FBI hasn't contacted a single tea party group in IRS probe | The Daily Caller
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Those fucking Democrats are always tearing apart the constitution!!! Just look at them!!!

House Speaker John Boehner: NSA Leaker a ?Traitor? - ABC News


To TheOldSchool: Ditto Democrat Di FI:

You’re missing the point. Never let UN-loving Democrats come anywhere near the intelligence community. Reason: They will always use intelligence agencies to advance socialism’s global agenda rather than protect and defend the Constitution. That’s the very essence of treason.

I think the greater question here is why does a 29 year old have access to all our secrets :confused::confused:

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