Contagious pink eye superbug spreading around Houston


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Think before you touch your eyes! A new “superbug” pink eye is torturing Houstonians. Patients say it hurts twice as bad and lasts twice as long as the typical pink eye. Doctors’ offices in Houston are full of patients infected by this bug. One Houston doctor, Dr. Allan Panzer, tells us he usually sees pink eye once or twice a month, but lately, he’s seen as many as four patients a day with this unusual strain of

Contagious pink eye ‘superbug’ spreading around Houston

Oh isn't that special aren't you excited about Pink eye? All these bugs that can't be fought with regular meds and the stupid can't figure out why they want to do away with Organic at the same time. Since organic about the only thing that is beginning to work .
Goldenseal eyedrops 4x a day in addition to regular medical care? Been using it on the farm for decades in all types of critters eye infections. Works like a charm. But only in animals of all types.
Superbugs usually come about by overtreating patients with compromised immune systems with antibiotics. There is a certain sector of the population that suffers from chronic immune issues co-morbid with drug addiction. Drug addiction leaves the addict addled and forgetful. When they forget to take antibiotics at precise regular intervals, this creates perfect conditions for bugs to mutate and grow resistance to medications.

So that would be my first suspect of the problem.
Think before you touch your eyes! A new “superbug” pink eye is torturing Houstonians. Patients say it hurts twice as bad and lasts twice as long as the typical pink eye. Doctors’ offices in Houston are full of patients infected by this bug. One Houston doctor, Dr. Allan Panzer, tells us he usually sees pink eye once or twice a month, but lately, he’s seen as many as four patients a day with this unusual strain of

Contagious pink eye ‘superbug’ spreading around Houston

Oh isn't that special aren't you excited about Pink eye? All these bugs that can't be fought with regular meds and the stupid can't figure out why they want to do away with Organic at the same time. Since organic about the only thing that is beginning to work .
If I can't blame this outbreak on messicans -- I am not interested.
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Think before you touch your eyes! A new “superbug” pink eye is torturing Houstonians. Patients say it hurts twice as bad and lasts twice as long as the typical pink eye. Doctors’ offices in Houston are full of patients infected by this bug. One Houston doctor, Dr. Allan Panzer, tells us he usually sees pink eye once or twice a month, but lately, he’s seen as many as four patients a day with this unusual strain of

Contagious pink eye ‘superbug’ spreading around Houston

Oh isn't that special aren't you excited about Pink eye? All these bugs that can't be fought with regular meds and the stupid can't figure out why they want to do away with Organic at the same time. Since organic about the only thing that is beginning to work .
If I can't blame this outbreak on messicans -- I am not interested.

I prefer to blame it all on you. Bhahahhah
So far I have had pink eye only once in my life and I was six. I don't remember it ever once being a painful experience unless you count each time the drops had to be put on my eyes which of course never feels good anyway.

God bless you always!!!

I've never seen pink eye personally. I recall that some kid at my sons elementary school had lice once, the school let us all keep our kids home while they bleached everything.
Ummmm ... Pink Eye isn't airborne.

Keep your hands and eyes out of other people's rectums and you'll be just fine.
Ummmm ... Pink Eye isn't airborne.

Keep your hands and eyes out of other people's rectums and you'll be just fine.

I hear what you're saying, but germs spread to objects pretty damn easy, they can be spread by water (aka pools, sinks, toilet handles, door knobs), hand shakes, etc.

Pack the Clorox wipes!
Gee....wonder where it came from?

Eating Out Bad Gash?

Think before you touch your eyes! A new “superbug” pink eye is torturing Houstonians. Patients say it hurts twice as bad and lasts twice as long as the typical pink eye. Doctors’ offices in Houston are full of patients infected by this bug. One Houston doctor, Dr. Allan Panzer, tells us he usually sees pink eye once or twice a month, but lately, he’s seen as many as four patients a day with this unusual strain of

Contagious pink eye ‘superbug’ spreading around Houston

Oh isn't that special aren't you excited about Pink eye? All these bugs that can't be fought with regular meds and the stupid can't figure out why they want to do away with Organic at the same time. Since organic about the only thing that is beginning to work .

Wrong. The link you provided defeats your claim it actually names regular meds which work. It does not mention organics at all and there is no evidence to support your claim about them.

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