contrast the two marches

cleaner then last events

my ass


maybe cleaner then obamas wasteland

leaving a mess for others to pick up is a libtard trait


This is the street in front of the Trump Hotel.

Some facts:

1) The signs in the picture weren't just tossed willy-nilly onto the ground; they were deliberately abandoned at that location — outside one of the entrances to the Trump International Hotel in Washington — as part of the protest:

Thousands of signs were left in front of the Trump International Hotel near the White House as demonstrators walked.

Holly Willebrand took a photo of herself in front of the sea of hand-crafted messages.

“It a good sign of solidarity,” Willebrand said.

2) The hotel site was already politically controversial for reasons independent of the Women's March on Washington:

The 263-room luxury hotel opened in November 2016, in a century-old post office building which is part of the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site. The minimum nightly rate is $735, while one top-end suite was reportedly available for $500,000 during inauguration week.

There were protests when Trump won the lease, given his track record of bankruptcies and his lack of experience in preserving or caring for historic buildings. Renovation works cost around $2m, and the Trump Organization is believed to pay around $3m a year in rent.

The hotel was the location of inauguration events such as a prayer breakfast at the hotel, and is currently hosting various members of Mr Trump's new cabinet, along with donors and foreign officials hoping to win the favour of the new President.

Since being sworn in as president, Mr Trump may now be in violation of a provision that no federal official may rent the building, theoretically opening him to litigation. He is certainly making money from the foreign diplomats currently staying in the hotel, in a further economic conflict of interest.

Michelin-starred Spanish-American chef and philanthropist José Andrés was supposed to be providing catering for the hotel, but pulled out after Mr. Trump disparaged Mexicans and immigrants during his electoral campaign, implying they were criminals, rapists and killers.

3) Piling refuse in one location generally makes it easier for clean-up crews to do their job (although that factor wasn't why the protesters were dumping their signs outside the Trump hotel).

Regardless, one might fairly argue that a form of protest involving the dumping of litter on the ground for others to clean up is an unseemly one. However, the National Park Service noted that, overall, the crowds at both events (i.e., the inauguration and the Women's March) were "tidier" than those of previous years:

The cleanup continues on the National Mall following the inauguration and the Women’s March on Washington Saturday.

The National Park Service has been working to get the area back to its original condition, removing trash, taking down the fencing and pulling up the decking for the recent activities.

“We’ve had our maintenance team out there since last night when they already did a pass,” National Park Service spokeswoman Emily Linroth said Saturday. “Today, they are really going through with a fine tooth comb and picking up what’s left. They do this every July Fourth, so they are pros at it.”

This time around, officials say, visitors were tidier than prior years. Linroth says so far, the cleanup is going well.

“Fortunately, a lot of people, even though, the trash cans were full, have stacked the trash neatly as close to the trash cans as they could get them, so that is making our job easier,” Linroth said.

Women's March Protesters Dumped Their Signs?

so what one place

garbage was left where ever they went

i understand you need to protect filthy pigs

however true to liberal nature they left a mess for others to pick up

you dont win a lot of hearts and minds sending messages like that
Pillars, I'm very sorry for that 16 yr.old. His mother is a very cruel, sick person. If she's still living I hope it's in prison. Unfortunately, even abortion being legal all these years, I still read or hear about horrible things happening to babies and children. I don't know what the answer is to all the evil in this world. I know I'll never change your view on abortion, and you won't change mine. I actually would just like for Peabody to post honest data, say the number of conservatives in the United States and the number of conservatives that are inbred in the United States. He went from just conservatives, to most conservatives, then the last thing I read he posted was on a whole conservatives are inbred. Honestly, I don't find those type of lies funny. BTW, I'm not inbred and neither are any of my family, so he's not insulting me with his lies. I'll just skip over his posts from now on because I know he's dishonest.

Peabody is an obvious troll with no intention of discussing the subject. I'd advise that you just put people like that on ignore. His comments were humorous to me because they are so over the top.

You seem like a nice lady. I used to believe much as you do about abortion. My job has pretty much disabused me of the notion that abortion is worse than the alternative. It's not.

We will never get rid of abortion, and to be honest, that is probably a good thing. Yes, horrible things still happen to babies and children. But, abortion at least provides an outlet for women who are not capable of being mothers. I am grateful for that outlet. It probably keeps us from dealing with more abused and unwanted kids.
Then only the funds needed to pay the police were wasted. Good to know.
I would not characterize paying police as a waste, given that protest is a very American activity. Protest is people engaging democratically and hopefully peacefully. We should applaud that.

I disagree with a lot of the entities that participate in the Walk for Life, and their opposition to contraception is baffling. But, I support 100% their right to protest, express themselves, and engage with the democratic process. That is what Americans should do.
so what one place

garbage was left where ever they went

i understand you need to protect filthy pigs

however true to liberal nature they left a mess for others to pick up

you dont win a lot of hearts and minds sending messages like that

No. It was not. This is misinformation. the picture you have posted is specifically in front of the Trump Hotel.

You are wrong. I posted a link to an article that debunks your claims.
That's because those that murder their unborn children and those like you that justify it don't want to be united or healed. You are a lying bitch if you say you do.

Are you actually accusing OldLady of murdering her unborn children?
Comprehension issues? Read it again, please.

Seems pillars has none only what pillars wants to see.

We ALL belong to the family of man and therefore responsible for one another. That is the basis of Christianity.

From a strictly practical point of view, those countries where they have government funded universal health care, have better, cheaper healthcare than the United States - and a longer life expectancy. Americans seem clueless that the "medically indigent" will still receive treatment and they will still be paying for it, at the highest possible rates in the world, and that if they really want a cheaper, better health care system, single payer is the way to go.

Where does the basis of Christianity say you get to make the determination for me on how I should do for another? It doesn't yet you continue to try.

When are all these we're supposed to be responsible for going to start doing something for themselves? The Bible teaches about that yet you ignore it completely.
The march was nothing more than a bunch of whiners showing their ass. What did it accomplish, other than increasing the carbon foot print? The money wasted on going and cleaning up afterwards could have been spent on something worthwhile...instead of a bitch fest.
The going was free Pupps. The cleanup and security costed money.

The going was not free unless people were bused in, fed and housed from other peoples pockets. Even then, someone footed a bill for each attendee. The government had expenses as did the attendees. Each groups bread is still green.

Much money was spent on a shit show that could have been deployed for a greater good.
The march was nothing more than a bunch of whiners showing their ass. What did it accomplish, other than increasing the carbon foot print? The money wasted on going and cleaning up afterwards could have been spent on something worthwhile...instead of a bitch fest.
The going was free Pupps. The cleanup and security costed money.

The going was not free unless people were bused in, fed and housed from other peoples pockets. Even then, someone footed a bill for each attendee. The government had expenses as did the attendees. Each groups bread is still green.

Much money was spent on a shit show that could have been deployed for a greater good.
Soros doesn't care for the greater good, he is working on destroying the U.S. from within and he paid for their trip. They may have had to pay their own food unless Sorso paid per diem to make sure a lot of them would show up. Other than that, of course, you are right on the money.
cleaner then last events

my ass


maybe cleaner then obamas wasteland

leaving a mess for others to pick up is a libtard trait


This is the street in front of the Trump Hotel.

Some facts:

1) The signs in the picture weren't just tossed willy-nilly onto the ground; they were deliberately abandoned at that location — outside one of the entrances to the Trump International Hotel in Washington — as part of the protest:

Thousands of signs were left in front of the Trump International Hotel near the White House as demonstrators walked.

Holly Willebrand took a photo of herself in front of the sea of hand-crafted messages.

“It a good sign of solidarity,” Willebrand said.

2) The hotel site was already politically controversial for reasons independent of the Women's March on Washington:

The 263-room luxury hotel opened in November 2016, in a century-old post office building which is part of the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site. The minimum nightly rate is $735, while one top-end suite was reportedly available for $500,000 during inauguration week.

There were protests when Trump won the lease, given his track record of bankruptcies and his lack of experience in preserving or caring for historic buildings. Renovation works cost around $2m, and the Trump Organization is believed to pay around $3m a year in rent.

The hotel was the location of inauguration events such as a prayer breakfast at the hotel, and is currently hosting various members of Mr Trump's new cabinet, along with donors and foreign officials hoping to win the favour of the new President.

Since being sworn in as president, Mr Trump may now be in violation of a provision that no federal official may rent the building, theoretically opening him to litigation. He is certainly making money from the foreign diplomats currently staying in the hotel, in a further economic conflict of interest.

Michelin-starred Spanish-American chef and philanthropist José Andrés was supposed to be providing catering for the hotel, but pulled out after Mr. Trump disparaged Mexicans and immigrants during his electoral campaign, implying they were criminals, rapists and killers.

3) Piling refuse in one location generally makes it easier for clean-up crews to do their job (although that factor wasn't why the protesters were dumping their signs outside the Trump hotel).

Regardless, one might fairly argue that a form of protest involving the dumping of litter on the ground for others to clean up is an unseemly one. However, the National Park Service noted that, overall, the crowds at both events (i.e., the inauguration and the Women's March) were "tidier" than those of previous years:

The cleanup continues on the National Mall following the inauguration and the Women’s March on Washington Saturday.

The National Park Service has been working to get the area back to its original condition, removing trash, taking down the fencing and pulling up the decking for the recent activities.

“We’ve had our maintenance team out there since last night when they already did a pass,” National Park Service spokeswoman Emily Linroth said Saturday. “Today, they are really going through with a fine tooth comb and picking up what’s left. They do this every July Fourth, so they are pros at it.”

This time around, officials say, visitors were tidier than prior years. Linroth says so far, the cleanup is going well.

“Fortunately, a lot of people, even though, the trash cans were full, have stacked the trash neatly as close to the trash cans as they could get them, so that is making our job easier,” Linroth said.

Women's March Protesters Dumped Their Signs?

so what one place

garbage was left where ever they went

i understand you need to protect filthy pigs

however true to liberal nature they left a mess for others to pick up

you dont win a lot of hearts and minds sending messages like that

That's what LIB snowflakes do. They leave a mess wherever they go.
The garbage they left is a perfect metaphor for who they are and how they are living their lives.
The only thing missing after the 'march' were a couple of hundred pounds of dead fetus parts among what they consider their 'garbage'.
In other words, you consider compassion as seeing how much someone else has to pay for what you support. If you cared, you'd provide it with your money and not have to be told.

I haven't contributed anything to ensure it. It's not my responsibility and that outlook comes from women telling me that what they do with their bodies is their choice. Why do you think it's the responsibility of someone told to butt out of the choice to do anything related to that choice? If women want it, they can have it. If that choice produces a result they can't afford, do without as far as I'm concerned.

Actually, I live in a county where we have elected government officials to enact the will of the people, which is overwhelmingly in support of paying for poor people to have access to healthcare.

My county voted 90% democratic. People who don't share those values typically opt to live in a different county where the tax rates are cheaper.

So, it's not me imposing my will on other people, but it's me actively choosing to live in a county where the majority of citizens have prioritized taking care of the needs of poor people, often out of enlightened self-interest. There are easily 6 nearby counties with a 20-30 minute commute to our downtown in which people who have different values can choose to locate themselves where they won't be forced to pay for these things.

You seem to be under the misguided perception that 1) the poor choices of other people don't affect you and 2) you will never need anyone's help.

Neither of those things are likely to be true.
We all know you live in a socialist county, Catz. THAT'S why you choose to live there. It's a welfare county - that's why it votes 90% RaT.

So, do you have anything that pertains to the march or are you just going to continue to try and derail the thread?
With YOUR support of them doing it. No difference.

If you're going to support imposing it, at least have the guts to admit it. No one expect a lefty to have the guts.

Untrue, because I don't support a non-democratic imposition. I think it's interesting how you snowflakes think that the left should follow you in lock step, but feel you are exempt from democracy when you lose.

I guess that explains your anger issues.
We all know you live in a socialist county, Catz. THAT'S why you choose to live there. It's a welfare county - that's why it votes 90% RaT.

So, do you have anything that pertains to the march or are you just going to continue to try and derail the thread?

^thread derail & ad hominem.

Nice try. :)
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?
They have had the right to life March for 40 years
Haven't seen them draw two million people yet
The march was nothing more than a bunch of whiners showing their ass. What did it accomplish, other than increasing the carbon foot print? The money wasted on going and cleaning up afterwards could have been spent on something worthwhile...instead of a bitch fest.
The going was free Pupps. The cleanup and security costed money.

The going was not free unless people were bused in, fed and housed from other peoples pockets. Even then, someone footed a bill for each attendee. The government had expenses as did the attendees. Each groups bread is still green.

Much money was spent on a shit show that could have been deployed for a greater good.
Soros doesn't care for the greater good, he is working on destroying the U.S. from within and he paid for their trip. They may have had to pay their own food unless Sorso paid per diem to make sure a lot of them would show up. Other than that, of course, you are right on the money.

There is no evidence that Soros paid for women to go to the women's march. Women in different areas collaborated on facebook to rent buses, set up affordable bus tickets, and women paid for themselves to go.

My daughter and I went for the whole weekend. We stayed in a Westin in Arlington and celebrated my birthday dinner at the Kingbird at the Watergate hotel on Friday. My neighbor paid for herself and her daughter. This was a bunch of mostly middle and upper class women.
The going was not free unless people were bused in, fed and housed from other peoples pockets. Even then, someone footed a bill for each attendee. The government had expenses as did the attendees. Each groups bread is still green.

Much money was spent on a shit show that could have been deployed for a greater good.

Do you have this same feeling about the March for Life and Tea Party protests?
It really is a shame that so many women are defined by their defense of abortion. Is that really the biggest issue facing women? Really? The sad thing is that even being pro-life when I see these women sometime I think that abortion might be the right thing, if it weren't for the killing part.
Question of the Week: Why is it always the Pro-Lifers who wish lefties dead, when Pro-Lifers are supposedly so angry that lefties are killing humans?
I don't hear the Pro-Choice crowd saying "I wish you'd been an abortion," but it is pretty routine in the Pro-Life crowd. Why is that?
It really is a shame that so many women are defined by their defense of abortion. Is that really the biggest issue facing women? Really? The sad thing is that even being pro-life when I see these women sometime I think that abortion might be the right thing, if it weren't for the killing part.
Question of the Week: Why is it always the Pro-Lifers who wish lefties dead, when Pro-Lifers are supposedly so angry that lefties are killing humans?
I don't hear the Pro-Choice crowd saying "I wish you'd been an abortion," but it is pretty routine in the Pro-Life crowd. Why is that?
Because the world would be better off without the subjects in question from the perspectives of those to whom you addressed your question.
The going was not free unless people were bused in, fed and housed from other peoples pockets. Even then, someone footed a bill for each attendee. The government had expenses as did the attendees. Each groups bread is still green.

Much money was spent on a shit show that could have been deployed for a greater good.

Do you have this same feeling about the March for Life and Tea Party protests?
At what point does life begin and at what point does said life attain legal status?

That is the heart of the argument. The rest is just the bellowing of the respective herds - which includes you, Catz.

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