contrast the two marches

At what point does life begin and at what point does said life attain legal status?

That is the heart of the argument. The rest is just the bellowing of the respective herds - which includes you, Catz.

Thread topic, since you seem confused: contrast the two marches
So you finally noticed that, eh Catz? Now answer the question that you've been asked. When does life and legal rights begin?

You've bellowed all kind of dribble trying to derail the thread regarding abortion, free birth control, your county voting structure, etc.

Answer the question, Catz. You won't since it undercuts your bellowing. Run back to your safe zone in the FZ.
With YOUR support of them doing it. No difference.

If you're going to support imposing it, at least have the guts to admit it. No one expect a lefty to have the guts.

Untrue, because I don't support a non-democratic imposition. I think it's interesting how you snowflakes think that the left should follow you in lock step, but feel you are exempt from democracy when you lose.

I guess that explains your anger issues.

Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.
With YOUR support of them doing it. No difference.

If you're going to support imposing it, at least have the guts to admit it. No one expect a lefty to have the guts.

Untrue, because I don't support a non-democratic imposition. I think it's interesting how you snowflakes think that the left should follow you in lock step, but feel you are exempt from democracy when you lose.

I guess that explains your anger issues.

Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.

You, Sir, are a Great American.
With YOUR support of them doing it. No difference.

If you're going to support imposing it, at least have the guts to admit it. No one expect a lefty to have the guts.

Untrue, because I don't support a non-democratic imposition. I think it's interesting how you snowflakes think that the left should follow you in lock step, but feel you are exempt from democracy when you lose.

I guess that explains your anger issues.

Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.

You, Sir, are a Great American.

That bitch talks about democracy then opposes it when the democratic vote she disagrees with doesn't go her way.
With YOUR support of them doing it. No difference.

If you're going to support imposing it, at least have the guts to admit it. No one expect a lefty to have the guts.

Untrue, because I don't support a non-democratic imposition. I think it's interesting how you snowflakes think that the left should follow you in lock step, but feel you are exempt from democracy when you lose.

I guess that explains your anger issues.

Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.

You, Sir, are a Great American.

That bitch talks about democracy then opposes it when the democratic vote she disagrees with doesn't go her way.
Absolutely, and if Pupps might add, you describe Catz perfectly as well.

When you point it out, you get the indoctrinated pat answer of "it's different with (fill in the blank)".
Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.
There's a difference between voting regarding the function of government, and voting to remove or refuse to recognize people's rights.

I'm sorry that you cannot seem to understand the difference.
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?

You don't think 'Abortion is murder' is an angry slogan?

What about blowing up abortion clinics?
Blow up as many as you can get away with, criminal.
At what point does life begin and at what point does said life attain legal status?

That is the heart of the argument. The rest is just the bellowing of the respective herds - which includes you, Catz.

Thread topic, since you seem confused: contrast the two marches
So you finally noticed that, eh Catz? Now answer the question that you've been asked. When does life and legal rights begin?

You've bellowed all kind of dribble trying to derail the thread regarding abortion, free birth control, your county voting structure, etc.

Answer the question, Catz. You won't since it undercuts your bellowing. Run back to your safe zone in the FZ.

What does that question have to do with a comparison of the two marches?
Sure you do. You admitted that a democratic vote to outlaw faggots marrying is something you disagree with. It's interesting how you hypocrites support democracy when it favors you and oppose it when it doesn't.

Maybe that's why you'll never be anything but a fucking worthless piece of shit.
There's a difference between voting regarding the function of government, and voting to remove or refuse to recognize people's rights.

I'm sorry that you cannot seem to understand the difference.

So I don't have the right to keep the money I've earned and someone else has more of a right to it than me? Strange thinking.

You said democracy. There is no difference. I'm sorry you're too much of a retard to understand that. You voted for a President because you thought black was a qualification. Why would I expect you to understand simple concepts.
So I don't have the right to keep the money I've earned and someone else has more of a right to it than me? Strange thinking.

The right of an elected government to tax citizens to pay for local priorities is well-documented.

There is no difference. I'm sorry you're too much of a retard to understand that. You voted for a President because you thought black was a qualification. Why would I expect you to understand simple concepts.

I'm sorry, there is a difference. Did you ever take a civics class?

U.S. Congress in relation to the president and Supreme Court - Wikipedia

Also, your extremely weak ad hominem just goes to show how poor your argument is.
So I don't have the right to keep the money I've earned and someone else has more of a right to it than me? Strange thinking.

The right of an elected government to tax citizens to pay for local priorities is well-documented.

There is no difference. I'm sorry you're too much of a retard to understand that. You voted for a President because you thought black was a qualification. Why would I expect you to understand simple concepts.

I'm sorry, there is a difference. Did you ever take a civics class?

U.S. Congress in relation to the president and Supreme Court - Wikipedia

Also, your extremely weak ad hominem just goes to show how poor your argument is.

Your hypocrisy goes to show how much of a worthless piece of shit you are. The only difference is that you support freeloader programs and oppose people having a democratic say in what their states allows with marriage.
Abortion is a violent and hateful action.
Tell me how many abortion clinics have been burned, compared to how many store fronts and other damage done at the inaugural protests last week?

YOu're moving the goalposts. No property damage occurred at the women's march, and no one was arrested.

I agree that abortion is a violent and hateful action that is destructive to women. Because that's true, we should be doing everything we can do to prevent unplanned pregnancies so no woman is in such a desperate place that she would even consider doing something so damaging to herself.


So why do anti-abortion folks also push to restrict women's access to contraception?
I really do not see that happening. I know it's a popular complaint, but refusing to force taxpayers to buy condoms for women is not restricting access to contraception. The last time I checked, condoms are readily available in virtually every drug store in the country.
I really do not see that happening. I know it's a popular complaint, but refusing to force taxpayers to buy condoms for women is not restricting access to contraception. The last time I checked, condoms are readily available in virtually every drug store in the country.

I've never suggested that insurance should pay for condoms. I have suggested that insurance should pay for contraceptive prescriptions and procedures, because those items require a doctor's oversight.
Your hypocrisy goes to show how much of a worthless piece of shit you are. The only difference is that you support freeloader programs and oppose people having a democratic say in what their states allows with marriage.

Your failure to understand how the 3 branches of government function differently, and their roles, speaks to inadequacies in your education, and nothing more.
I really do not see that happening. I know it's a popular complaint, but refusing to force taxpayers to buy condoms for women is not restricting access to contraception. The last time I checked, condoms are readily available in virtually every drug store in the country.

I've never suggested that insurance should pay for condoms. I have suggested that insurance should pay for contraceptive prescriptions and procedures, because those items require a doctor's oversight.
Words mean things, and when you say "restrict women's access to contraception", what can you possibly mean other than actively forbidding women from getting contraception? If you mean taxpayers don't pay for women to get contraception, that's not restricting access. If you mean insurance companies don't pay for it, that also is not restricting access.

"Restricting access" is an emotion laden term that really doesn't apply to this, because the Republican party does not, nor desires to, restrict a woman's access to contraception. Like I said, condoms are readily available for purchase at nearly every drug store in the country.
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?
The Pro-Life march didn't change anyone's mind or heal and unite anyone. You are in a dream world if you think they did/

Yo, Typical Old Bag, oops, OldLady Response, Mad At The World in General, SAD!

Let Us Pray For OldLady:
Your hypocrisy goes to show how much of a worthless piece of shit you are. The only difference is that you support freeloader programs and oppose people having a democratic say in what their states allows with marriage.

Your failure to understand how the 3 branches of government function differently, and their roles, speaks to inadequacies in your education, and nothing more.

You're failure to recognize your hypocrisy proves that you're a worthless bitch.

Unlike you, I have an education. You have indoctrination.

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