contrast the two marches

who also left a big mess for others to clean up

where ever they went

just inconsiderate assholes


The signs were left outside of the Trump hotel as a continuation of the protest.

bullshit you liar

they left garbage all over the place
Oh..I do understand how a Constitutional Republic supposed to work. The will of the people....ACA, then the abortion is split down on the middle of the population. It is not a good law when it splits the population in half. A good law, within the frame of the Constitution, should be beneficial for all and not for a fragment of society only. If it is not, then abandon the idea and don't legislate from the bench.
Based upon your standard, Trump shouldn't be doing 90% of what he's doing.
Further, the right to abortion isn't that close. 57% of Americans believe it should be legal. 40% don't. That's not particularly close.
And, for the 40%, no one is forcing them to have an abortion, they are trying to impose their will on other people's personal decisions.
Public Opinion on Abortion
Trump is undoing the un-Constitutional EO-s of is predecessor. He has done nothing against any law so far and I don't think he will.
I agree with you to a certain extent protesting the forcing of religiously motivated agenda down on everybody else's throat but there are basic standards for a society to follow to curtail anarchy. I am not arguing over abortion, it is a non-issue for me to base my politics on.
The women in the pro-life march were ugly but the liberal women were mostly gorgeous and sexy because conservatives are inbred and it make them look weird
How old are you? Pls. provide your proof that conservatives are inbred. TYVM
I'm 51. My evidence that conservatives are inbred is Alabama.
I didn't ask you or care how old you are. Peabody made an asinine statement about conservatives, I thought maybe he/she was a child. Your "evidence" is Alabama is pure bigotry and just as asinine also.

You asked about evidence that conservatives are inbred. A heavy majority of people from Alabama voted for the Republican party in 2016. And it is legal in Alabama to marry and/or cohabit with your first cousin in Alabama.

Ergo, evidence, as you requested.

Not all conservatives are inbred, but it is certainly likely that some of them from Alabama are.
Not all conservatives are inbred but most are. Here is a list of the most inbred states in America and every single one of them is a red state.

Conservatives are absolutely disgusting. Could you imagine having sex with a family member? What is wrong with these people?

Which US state is the most inbred of all others?
That's what democrats do. The states you listed were die hard democrats not too long ago. Old habits die slowly. Now as they became red states the light came to shine and opened their eyes, those habits are slowly being done away with.
cleaner then last events

my ass


maybe cleaner then obamas wasteland

leaving a mess for others to pick up is a libtard trait

Who at that rally last Saturday voted for Trump? Less than 1% at the most. That rally didn't reach across the aisle.

Reaching across the aisle was 100% ineffective for Obama. Accommodation is viewed by your party as surrender.

Progressives cannot reach across the aisle to your party. We can only reach to our own and encourage them to get involved, in the same sense that tea partiers did in 2009.

Not my party and according to Jake they did reach across the table, you guys need to figure out what story you want to tell. I am a third party voter, until one of the two main party's pull their heads out of their asses.
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?
I believe they were both useless and a waste to time and money.

Neither one accomplished anything.
So people told you they voted for Trump? Lol! That's funny.

I didn't really have any conversations with trump voters, but there were people with trump signs there. I saw one that said "feminists for Trump."

Why shouldn't they be there?
I attended the women's march. It was not pro-abortion, it was pro providing women with resources to prevent pregnancy. Abortion should always be a last resort, or as Bill Clinton once said, "Safe, legal and rare."

No one at the women's march was promoting abortion; that is simply ridiculous. They were promoting CHOICE. The idea that women should be able to choose their own reproductive path, and have access to healthcare to prevent the need for abortions entirely. No woman wants to have to have an abortion, it's a horrible thing. And the sad thing is that abortions could be eliminated almost entirely if we focused on giving women access to effective contraception, like IUDs, depo provera, etc.

That is what has happened in most other westernized nations.

For example, planned parenthood DOES NOT RECEIVE PUBLIC FUNDS FOR ABORTION. So, cutting funds to planned parenthood WILL NOT REDUCE ABORTIONS, only INCREASE THEM, as poor women lose access to resources to prevent pregnancy.

In this sense, "pro-life" support for eliminating planned parenthood is actually anti-life, because it will result in more unplanned pregnancies.

Pro-Life is a misnomer, because most anti-abortionists don't give a fuck about life except pre-born life.
pillars you are such a funny girl.

And you have a very beautiful pussy.
My state is blue. Abortion is legal, so according to some that is proof that most women that are Democrats in my state have had abortions.

You should be grateful. If a woman is so emotionally disconnected from her unborn baby that she is willing to kill it, do you really want her giving birth and raising it?

I work with some extremely fucked up situations in my job. One of my clients is the son of his mother and his grandfather (via rape). He was burned severely by his mom on his face and upper torso as a small child. His face is horribly scared. She badly abused him for years.

Now he's 16 and in jail for a violent offense.

Abortion is a cruel and terrible thing, but there are worse things than abortion. This unwanted child spending the next 30 years in prison after being abused for most of his life is worse than abortion.

I used to think that abortion was the worst thing ever, but it's not. I've seen many things that are worse than abortion.
Pillars, I'm very sorry for that 16 yr.old. His mother is a very cruel, sick person. If she's still living I hope it's in prison. Unfortunately, even abortion being legal all these years, I still read or hear about horrible things happening to babies and children. I don't know what the answer is to all the evil in this world. I know I'll never change your view on abortion, and you won't change mine. I actually would just like for Peabody to post honest data, say, the number of conservatives in the United States and the number of conservatives that are inbred in the United States. He went from just conservatives, to most conservatives, then the last thing I read he posted was on a whole conservatives are inbred. Honestly, I don't find those type of lies funny. BTW, I'm not inbred and neither are any of my family, so he's not insulting me with his lies. I'll just skip over his posts from now on because I know he's dishonest.
Oh..I do understand how a Constitutional Republic supposed to work. The will of the people....ACA, then the abortion is split down on the middle of the population. It is not a good law when it splits the population in half. A good law, within the frame of the Constitution, should be beneficial for all and not for a fragment of society only. If it is not, then abandon the idea and don't legislate from the bench.
Based upon your standard, Trump shouldn't be doing 90% of what he's doing.
Further, the right to abortion isn't that close. 57% of Americans believe it should be legal. 40% don't. That's not particularly close.
And, for the 40%, no one is forcing them to have an abortion, they are trying to impose their will on other people's personal decisions.
Public Opinion on Abortion
Trump is undoing the un-Constitutional EO-s of is predecessor. He has done nothing against any law so far and I don't think he will.
I agree with you to a certain extent protesting the forcing of religiously motivated agenda down on everybody else's throat but there are basic standards for a society to follow to curtail anarchy. I am not arguing over abortion, it is a non-issue for me to base my politics on.
Don't forget (you should have learned this in 8th Grade) -- the most famous unconstitutional E/O in history was the Emancipation Proclamation.
cleaner then last events

my ass


maybe cleaner then obamas wasteland

leaving a mess for others to pick up is a libtard trait


This is the street in front of the Trump Hotel.

Some facts:

1) The signs in the picture weren't just tossed willy-nilly onto the ground; they were deliberately abandoned at that location — outside one of the entrances to the Trump International Hotel in Washington — as part of the protest:

Thousands of signs were left in front of the Trump International Hotel near the White House as demonstrators walked.

Holly Willebrand took a photo of herself in front of the sea of hand-crafted messages.

“It a good sign of solidarity,” Willebrand said.

2) The hotel site was already politically controversial for reasons independent of the Women's March on Washington:

The 263-room luxury hotel opened in November 2016, in a century-old post office building which is part of the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site. The minimum nightly rate is $735, while one top-end suite was reportedly available for $500,000 during inauguration week.

There were protests when Trump won the lease, given his track record of bankruptcies and his lack of experience in preserving or caring for historic buildings. Renovation works cost around $2m, and the Trump Organization is believed to pay around $3m a year in rent.

The hotel was the location of inauguration events such as a prayer breakfast at the hotel, and is currently hosting various members of Mr Trump's new cabinet, along with donors and foreign officials hoping to win the favour of the new President.

Since being sworn in as president, Mr Trump may now be in violation of a provision that no federal official may rent the building, theoretically opening him to litigation. He is certainly making money from the foreign diplomats currently staying in the hotel, in a further economic conflict of interest.

Michelin-starred Spanish-American chef and philanthropist José Andrés was supposed to be providing catering for the hotel, but pulled out after Mr. Trump disparaged Mexicans and immigrants during his electoral campaign, implying they were criminals, rapists and killers.

3) Piling refuse in one location generally makes it easier for clean-up crews to do their job (although that factor wasn't why the protesters were dumping their signs outside the Trump hotel).

Regardless, one might fairly argue that a form of protest involving the dumping of litter on the ground for others to clean up is an unseemly one. However, the National Park Service noted that, overall, the crowds at both events (i.e., the inauguration and the Women's March) were "tidier" than those of previous years:

The cleanup continues on the National Mall following the inauguration and the Women’s March on Washington Saturday.

The National Park Service has been working to get the area back to its original condition, removing trash, taking down the fencing and pulling up the decking for the recent activities.

“We’ve had our maintenance team out there since last night when they already did a pass,” National Park Service spokeswoman Emily Linroth said Saturday. “Today, they are really going through with a fine tooth comb and picking up what’s left. They do this every July Fourth, so they are pros at it.”

This time around, officials say, visitors were tidier than prior years. Linroth says so far, the cleanup is going well.

“Fortunately, a lot of people, even though, the trash cans were full, have stacked the trash neatly as close to the trash cans as they could get them, so that is making our job easier,” Linroth said.

Women's March Protesters Dumped Their Signs?

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