Conway Confirms: No Tax Returns - EVER

Trump is hiding something he does not want his rubes to see. I doubt it has anything to do with how much tax he paid. The tards would not give a fuck if their messiah paid no taxes.

I think it is more likely that he has donated to far left causes. I bet he even has big donations to Planned Parenthood in his deductions.

He's always been a far left New York limousine liberal, and it would shatter his little goldfish's hearts to see it all in black and white.

So they will pretend Trump's tax returns aren't important. They are willfully blind monkeys.

They'd blow that off too. I think it's what he owes and to who that's being hidden from the American public.
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.
Seventy-four percent of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

WASHINGTON ā€• President Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because ā€œpeople didnā€™t careā€ about it during the election, one of his top aides said Sunday.

ā€œHeā€™s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didnā€™t care,ā€ White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said on ABC, two days after Trump took the oath of office.

Conwayā€™s statement not only echoes Trumpā€™s Jan. 11 assertion that only reporters care about his tax returns, but goes further in stating that he simply wonā€™t release the returns at all. She was answering a question about a White House petition for Trump to release his tax returns that had received over 200,000 signatures, a total that necessitates a White House response. An ABC poll from Jan. 12-15 found that 74 percent of the public wanted Trump to release his returns.

During the presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly stated his taxes had been under a routine Internal Revenue Service audit since 2009 and that he could not release them until the audit was finished. He further promised that he would release his tax returns once the audit was completed.

ā€œI donā€™t mind releasing,ā€ he said during his first president debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. ā€œIā€™m under a routine audit. And itā€™ll be released. And as soon as the auditā€™s finished, it will be released.ā€

The IRS has already stated that there is nothing preventing Trump from releasing his returns while they are under audit. The government agency, which is now under Trumpā€™s control, further stated that Trumpā€™s tax returns prior to 2009 are not even under audit at all. Trump claimed during the campaign that his lawyers didnā€™t want him to release the returns.

More: After Promising To Release His Tax Returns, Trump Aide Says He Won't Because ā€˜People Didnā€™t Careā€™

Gee, is anyone surprised? Only 74% of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

Yet ANOTHER erosion on Trump's "legitimacy" as president......LOL
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
Ok... I don't know if he did or if he didn't lie about being audited... I wouldn't put it past him to lie but lets assume he was being audited. That is still no excuse not to release your tax returns. He could have released the returns from 2009 and older. He could have released his most recent ones and that would not effect the audit. We all know he didn't release them because it would open himself up to scrutiny. The disturbing thing is that he said he would, then after he won, he pulled his promise. I can't say i'm surprised... Its just another thing in a long list that makes me shake my head.
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
Ok... I don't know if he did or if he didn't lie about being audited... I wouldn't put it past him to lie but lets assume he was being audited. That is still no excuse not to release your tax returns. He could have released the returns from 2009 and older. He could have released his most recent ones and that would not effect the audit. We all know he didn't release them because it would open himself up to scrutiny. The disturbing thing is that he said he would, then after he won, he pulled his promise. I can't say i'm surprised... Its just another thing in a long list that makes me shake my head.

He is still being audited.
A persons taxes are between them and the IRS, that includes the President. Just because past Presidents handed them over doesn't mean it's a requirement by law for him to do so.
I have no doubt Trump has been under close investigation by the different government agencies since he first announced his candidacy, to ensure he was eligible to do so. If the IRS doesn't have a problem with Trumps taxes, then why does everybody care? He himself has already said he has followed the tax laws to his does every tax paying American does. Just what more do you think your going to find that either he's already admitted to publically or the IRS hasn't found & made him pay?
What is Trump hiding?

/---- you will never know will you Cupcake? Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
The entire bullshit about Trump's tax returns being "audited" and that such was the reason for him keeping them hidden from the electorate, is now being exposed as yet another huge lie.

I have no doubt that voices will be raised regarding trump's many conflicts of interest as POTUS, and the discord will repeatedly call for those tax returns to be made public.

Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit.

It is a lame excuse that people would not "understand" what's in those returns and that the thin-skinned trump is "afraid" that what those returns will reveal constitutes more Trump bashing.

The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
Ok... I don't know if he did or if he didn't lie about being audited... I wouldn't put it past him to lie but lets assume he was being audited. That is still no excuse not to release your tax returns. He could have released the returns from 2009 and older. He could have released his most recent ones and that would not effect the audit. We all know he didn't release them because it would open himself up to scrutiny. The disturbing thing is that he said he would, then after he won, he pulled his promise. I can't say i'm surprised... Its just another thing in a long list that makes me shake my head.

He is still being audited.
So what?
The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
Ok... I don't know if he did or if he didn't lie about being audited... I wouldn't put it past him to lie but lets assume he was being audited. That is still no excuse not to release your tax returns. He could have released the returns from 2009 and older. He could have released his most recent ones and that would not effect the audit. We all know he didn't release them because it would open himself up to scrutiny. The disturbing thing is that he said he would, then after he won, he pulled his promise. I can't say i'm surprised... Its just another thing in a long list that makes me shake my head.

He is still being audited.
So what?

Exactly, so what?
So what if he was being audited? How does that change a thing?

"Trump supporters should realize (if they have an ounce of objectivity left) that Trump and his cadre LIED about that infamous audit."

In small words, he did not lie about being audited.
Ok... I don't know if he did or if he didn't lie about being audited... I wouldn't put it past him to lie but lets assume he was being audited. That is still no excuse not to release your tax returns. He could have released the returns from 2009 and older. He could have released his most recent ones and that would not effect the audit. We all know he didn't release them because it would open himself up to scrutiny. The disturbing thing is that he said he would, then after he won, he pulled his promise. I can't say i'm surprised... Its just another thing in a long list that makes me shake my head.

He is still being audited.
So what?

Exactly, so what?
Did you not read my last statement?? I said it doesn't matter if he lied or not about being audited and then explained what was disturbing about the situation...
The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!

Hey, moron, Trump's word is the ONLY "proof" we have that he is being audited, and we all know how "truthful" this charlatan can be....LOL

BTW, there have been several requests made for Trump to JUST show the letter from the IRS that he was being audited.........We can't even see that......

You've been had......Change your screen name to "Too Dumb".....
The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!

Hey, moron, Trump's word is the ONLY "proof" we have that he is being audited, and we all know how "truthful" this charlatan can be....LOL

BTW, there have been several requests made for Trump to JUST show the letter from the IRS that he was being audited.........We can't even see that......

You've been had......Change your screen name to "Too Dumb".....
That letter is in his safe with Obama's real birth certificate. Only problem is he forgot the combo... Ooops
ā€œI donā€™t mind releasing,ā€ he said during his first president debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. ā€œIā€™m under a routine audit. And itā€™ll be released. And as soon as the auditā€™s finished, it will be released.ā€

First of all, the IRS will never publicly attest to whether Trump's returns are being audited. Second, the IRS will never attest to when, if it is auditing Trump's returns, if the audit is complete. Third, the only way we'd ever learn that any given audit is complete is if Trump refuses to comply with an IRS penalty action, in which case the matter will go before the tax court, and there's no way Trump is going to let that happen.
He received a few million dollars from his dadā€¦ Then turned around and made billions out of it

Go look at the timeline of when Trump became a billionaire. (Assuming he in fact is a cash, cash equivalent and liquid assets billionaire, as opposed to a fixed assets billionaire.) You'll see that it didn't happen as a result of the million dollars he received at the start of his professional life, but rather after inheriting his share of his father's estate. You'll also find that he became a billionaire as a result of selling his name and celebrity, which, though a perfectly legit thing to do, is something that has no direct correspondence to the notion of turning a million into billions.

Lastly, by comparison with many of his peers in the billionaire league, Trump had a better head start than many of them yet he has not outpaced them. You will find some of them listed here:
He received a few million dollars from his dadā€¦ Then turned around and made billions out of it

Go look at the timeline of when Trump became a billionaire. (Assuming he in fact is a cash, cash equivalent and liquid assets billionaire, as opposed to a fixed assets billionaire.) You'll see that it didn't happen as a result of the million dollars he received at the start of his professional life, but rather after inheriting his share of his father's estate. You'll also find that he became a billionaire as a result of selling his name and celebrity, which, though a perfectly legit thing to do, is something that has no direct correspondence to the notion of turning a million into billions.

Lastly, by comparison with many of his peers in the billionaire league, Trump had a better head start than many of them yet he has not outpaced them. You will find some of them listed here:
Envy and jealousy are a weak emotions...
He received a few million dollars from his dadā€¦ Then turned around and made billions out of it

Go look at the timeline of when Trump became a billionaire. (Assuming he in fact is a cash, cash equivalent and liquid assets billionaire, as opposed to a fixed assets billionaire.) You'll see that it didn't happen as a result of the million dollars he received at the start of his professional life, but rather after inheriting his share of his father's estate. You'll also find that he became a billionaire as a result of selling his name and celebrity, which, though a perfectly legit thing to do, is something that has no direct correspondence to the notion of turning a million into billions.

Lastly, by comparison with many of his peers in the billionaire league, Trump had a better head start than many of them yet he has not outpaced them. You will find some of them listed here:
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If Heā€™d Simply Invested in Index Funds

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Forbes reports Donald Trump is worth $4.1 billion; Trump says $10 billion. Either way, he'd be worth a lot more if he simply retired 30 years ago and put his money in an unmanaged stock fund.


Donald Trump traveled an old-fashioned route to fortune.

As he explained when he announced his bid for the 2016 Republican nomination for president:

ā€œI made it the old-fashioned way. Itā€™s real estate. You know, itā€™s real estate.ā€

While Trump did have a big head start ā€” his father, Fred, was a multimillionaire New York real estate developer ā€” thereā€™s no doubt The Donald has created a fortune of his own. But if heā€™d stopped working 30 years ago, he could have done much better.

All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same place that you can: an unmanaged stock index fund.
Seventy-four percent of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

WASHINGTON ā€• President Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because ā€œpeople didnā€™t careā€ about it during the election, one of his top aides said Sunday.

ā€œHeā€™s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didnā€™t care,ā€ White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said on ABC, two days after Trump took the oath of office.

Conwayā€™s statement not only echoes Trumpā€™s Jan. 11 assertion that only reporters care about his tax returns, but goes further in stating that he simply wonā€™t release the returns at all. She was answering a question about a White House petition for Trump to release his tax returns that had received over 200,000 signatures, a total that necessitates a White House response. An ABC poll from Jan. 12-15 found that 74 percent of the public wanted Trump to release his returns.

During the presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly stated his taxes had been under a routine Internal Revenue Service audit since 2009 and that he could not release them until the audit was finished. He further promised that he would release his tax returns once the audit was completed.

ā€œI donā€™t mind releasing,ā€ he said during his first president debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. ā€œIā€™m under a routine audit. And itā€™ll be released. And as soon as the auditā€™s finished, it will be released.ā€

The IRS has already stated that there is nothing preventing Trump from releasing his returns while they are under audit. The government agency, which is now under Trumpā€™s control, further stated that Trumpā€™s tax returns prior to 2009 are not even under audit at all. Trump claimed during the campaign that his lawyers didnā€™t want him to release the returns.

More: After Promising To Release His Tax Returns, Trump Aide Says He Won't Because ā€˜People Didnā€™t Careā€™

Gee, is anyone surprised? Only 74% of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

Wow....this really raises a serious questoin.


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