Conway Confirms: No Tax Returns - EVER

The IRS and Trump's tax attorneys say Trump is being audited and you call them all liars. If you had even half a brain you would take it out and play with it.

Specifically, tell us WHEN the IRS stated that Trump is being audited these last couple years.....

Go on.....Look it up and get back to us.
Trump's taxes are among the least of my worries about the guy.

I'm sure they make for a dandy partisan target and all, but in the big picture, I don't give a shit at this point.

You should be bothered by the fact that he is lying about being under audit for....the last 18 months. He could easily post the initial notice from the IRS that he was being audited, with address blacked out. The IRS ALWAYS sends a written notice. He should show it. Otherwise he's the lying piece of shit I've always said he was.
I don't believe a thing he says. He's so completely off the rails that all that really matters to me is actions he takes.

People can chase him around about his consistent dishonesty and bizarre insecurity all they want. Otherwise, it's about what he does while he's in office.

Of course, but it just goes to follow that his actions will be just as dishonest as his words.
The IRS and Trump's tax attorneys say Trump is being audited and you call them all liars. If you had even half a brain you would take it out and play with it.

Specifically, tell us WHEN the IRS stated that Trump is being audited these last couple years.....

Go on.....Look it up and get back to us.

Trump knows the IRS cannot respond about the status of this yuuuuge whopper of a lie he's told the country.
Trumps tax audit is between him and the IRS. None of your or my business.


Trump knows the IRS cannot respond about the status of this yuuuuge whopper of a lie he's told the country.

Ots kind of ironic that right wingers "claim"that Obama orders the IRS to go after his enemies, but when it came to Trump showing his "audited" tax returns, Obama did nothing???
Shit, Obama could have told the IRS to forget the damn audit (if there were really one) and write a letter to Trump to state, "hey orange clown, your audit is all done....release the damn returns..."
The only lie I see is the LWNJ's that claim Trump isn't being audited. For all of you ignorant dipshits, HE IS BEING AUDITED!!!

Hey, moron, Trump's word is the ONLY "proof" we have that he is being audited, and we all know how "truthful" this charlatan can be....LOL

BTW, there have been several requests made for Trump to JUST show the letter from the IRS that he was being audited.........We can't even see that......

You've been had......Change your screen name to "Too Dumb".....

Why did Obama wait until April 27, 2011 to release the original long-form certificate that includes more information, such as the name of the attending physician at the hospital where he was born?

That was more than three years after he was elected. I will give Trump three years to produce the letter from the IRS. I bet you were really pissed at Obama weren't you? LMFAO
Wow....this really raises a serious questoin.

anyone who wants to see where his money is going and from Russia ??? The mob ?? Does he give to charity or is he lying again ?? How much does he owe ???Will he bankrupt America?? He has experience in that , and best of all he promised and lied again

Do your personal taxes show where your income actually comes from specifically? Or how you spend it? His doesn't either
Doesn't interest you at all how much debt he has with russia or china ??How much interest he pays on those loans ?? Whats he deducting millions from?? etc etc

Not at all.
I believe you But I'll bet a bunch you'd change your tune if it was a democrat refusing to show his info and especially after he said he would

Who cares what you believe.

I could care less if HIllary showed her returns or not.
Who cares what you believe.

I could care less if HIllary showed her returns or not.

Don't bother standing up....Keep bending over.....obviously you'v grown accustomed to that positiotn and probably like it by now.....spread those cheeks......LOL
He's the Emperor, we need not question his will. As long as he deals with the liberal scum, i don't care.

I could be crawling out of a shack in a field, starving and poor because of Trump's policies. I would not care.

As long as i can die with the knowledge that Trump had killed every last liberal/SJW piece of shit.
anyone who wants to see where his money is going and from Russia ??? The mob ?? Does he give to charity or is he lying again ?? How much does he owe ???Will he bankrupt America?? He has experience in that , and best of all he promised and lied again

Do your personal taxes show where your income actually comes from specifically? Or how you spend it? His doesn't either
Doesn't interest you at all how much debt he has with russia or china ??How much interest he pays on those loans ?? Whats he deducting millions from?? etc etc

Not at all.
I believe you But I'll bet a bunch you'd change your tune if it was a democrat refusing to show his info and especially after he said he would

Who cares what you believe.

I could care less if HIllary showed her returns or not.
youd be shatting your pants
Didn't the Kenyan Catastrophe say "no college transcript release ever"?

We need to see his college transcripts to know if he had enrolled as a foreign student, which would have been an indication that he was ineligible to be President. .Also, since he is such a dumbass to find out if he was passed through college because of an Affirmative Action program. That would certainly explain how such a dumbass like him got a college degree.
Didn't the Kenyan Catastrophe say "no college transcript release ever"?

The above racist asshole,has determined that it is JUST as important to find out if Obama got a "C" in English Lit. as it is important if Trump has huge loans with Russian banks.....

Some right wingers are simply trash to be discarded.
Didn't the Kenyan Catastrophe say "no college transcript release ever"?

The above racist asshole,has determined that it is JUST as important to find out if Obama got a "C" in English Lit. as it is important if Trump has huge loans with Russian banks.....

Some right wingers are simply trash to be discarded.

Just like you stupid Moon Bats didn't give a shit that Crooked Hillary was using her scam foundation as a money laundering operation for selling government influence. Like the Russian uranium deal where the Russians contributed millions to the foundation and then gave Slick Willy $600K for a stupid speech.

The Kenyan Catastrophe was hiding something big by not releasing his college transcripts. Either the fact that he enrolled as a foreign student that would have been an indication that he was either a liar or ineligible to be President or that he was in some despicable Affirmative Action program that would guarantee his degree because of his race. Maybe even both.

What was the sonofabitch hiding?

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