conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him.

We The People appear to be slowly catching on to the fact that these people, while they advocate for different issues, are more similar than they've let on.

Just like their flocks.

We still have a long way to go, but this is a good sign.
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I do believe he has a responsibility to come forward with the names, and for many and more of the reasons you list.

People should be outraged that such an entity exists to begin. This is taxpayer money paying for the immoral deeds of elected representatives. That alone requires answers and an end to that particular policy/law/department.
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Xelor, the HR policies in the Congress should be addressed. Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required. However, this same policy hides bad acting where it does exist. I would think that if there have been multiple suits with similar allegations, all "settled," there would be good reason to believe that person has a problem.
It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?
Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Xelor, the HR policies in the Congress should be addressed. Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required. However, this same policy hides bad acting where it does exist. I would think that if there have been multiple suits with similar allegations, all "settled," there would be good reason to believe that person has a problem.
It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?
Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required.

I can't completely disagree with you for as a general partner in a multibillion dollar consultancy, I'm well aware of the "deep pockets" dilemma and I have plenty of experience managing business risk to keep my firm from becoming a victim of that dilemma.

By the same token, even not having pockets so deep as Trump's yet deep enough that some folks may think they can get a tidy sum out of me, I know damn well that nowhere is where will go any allegations of sexual misdeeds against me. I know that because I haven't committed any. Hell, the closest thing to it may be my having bumped into a stranger while I and others were pushed in a tight crowd at a concert, and even then, I apologized bumping/touching the person, even though I wasn't the cause of it happening. Accordingly, there's no way I'd settle, no matter what I had to pay an attorney. My reputation is clean and worth enough to me to do that. Were I "Trump rich," there's no way the money would factor in my refusal to see such a claim go before a jury.

The thing is that the cases of which we've recently become aware are bolstered with very credible claims. Inasmuch as that's so, I find it hard to believe that the confidential settlements are anything other than "hush money."

It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?

Yes, well the murkiness is what I'd like to see removed. I think it's every bit as important for would be malefactors making false claims to forsake the notion of making a claim "to get paid" as it is for people in positions that make such odious behavior something they can do and readily suffer no severe consequences, sadly more severe than having their reputation impugned because I think too few folks value their reputation as I do mine.

Is this era of President Donald J. Trump Great or What?

I love watching the liberals eat their own.....

The party of women, what a friggin joke.....

Watch and wait for the dirty liberals to back

off on him and franken.

Remember Denny Hastert?

Republucans are going down
Denny Hastert was convicted of moving his money around. He served a year.
The fact is this congressman is actually using blackmail to avoid being held accountable for his actions.
How fucking low is that?
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Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Xelor, the HR policies in the Congress should be addressed. Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required. However, this same policy hides bad acting where it does exist. I would think that if there have been multiple suits with similar allegations, all "settled," there would be good reason to believe that person has a problem.
It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?

Maybe the list is all Republicans and Dems can take back Congress and the Presidency.

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want full transparency for their elected officials.
The fact is this congressman is actually using blackmail to avoid being held accountable for his actions.
How fucking low is that?

If you guys hold me accountable for corruption, I will tell the world about all the other corrupted members of Congress?

What an odd threat.

Dems are such corrupt pieces of shit.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Xelor, the HR policies in the Congress should be addressed. Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required. However, this same policy hides bad acting where it does exist. I would think that if there have been multiple suits with similar allegations, all "settled," there would be good reason to believe that person has a problem.
It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?

Maybe the list is all Republicans and Dems can take back Congress and the Presidency.

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want full transparency for their elected officials.
I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want full transparency for their elected officials.

The fact is this congressman is actually using blackmail to avoid being held accountable for his actions.
How fucking low is that?

Eh. Blackmail seems like a step up from what these guys usually do
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information.

Well, if he's got the information, it's credible, and nobody else, not even the perps themselves, proffers it, who will?

It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean.

It was up to the cads to not do it in the first place. They did it and are doing all they can to hide it. I understand why they're doing so, but that doesn't mean I have to condone their doing so or their having done the deed, as it were. Truly, I don't know how, after doing what they've done, any of them can sleep well at night. I damn sure couldn't.
Xelor, the HR policies in the Congress should be addressed. Settlements, as I'm sure you know being a businessman, are frequently cheaper than defending the accused. Even when the accused is innocent. It happens every single day. That may be part of the reason nondisclosure agreements are required. However, this same policy hides bad acting where it does exist. I would think that if there have been multiple suits with similar allegations, all "settled," there would be good reason to believe that person has a problem.
It's pretty murky, still, don't you think, even if the list comes out?

Maybe the list is all Republicans and Dems can take back Congress and the Presidency.

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want full transparency for their elected officials.

Somehow I suspect that if he had dirt on only republicans they would have been exposed October 2016

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