conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him.

Think of all the underhanded deal and money (unearned of course)......that exchanges hands. Big money is always linked to big corruption.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
What's the use you learning to do right when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same?
-- Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
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Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Is this era of President Donald J. Trump Great or What?

I love watching the liberals eat their own.....

The party of women, what a friggin joke.....

Watch and wait for the dirty liberals to back

off on him and franken.

Remember Denny Hastert?

Republucans are going down

hastert was a liberal posing as a republican...

Plain to see by his actions.
The GOP used to be home of the liberals and progressives but you guys hate the idea of being like Lincoln now..
Party of Lincoln was 150 years ago. Both parties are self serving perverts. Conyers represents the best chance for term limits on the current crop of degenerates.
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Well, yes, people given to vengeance are dangerous. I don't think enough people realize that, however. Indeed, I think too many people allow themselves to be driven by vengeance, and certain too many people think it's okay to exact it in any and all circumstances if they have an opportunity to do so. For my part, I think if that's how one views things, what is the point of being human, of having the capacity to be better than that?
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Reports are these sexual deviants prey on government employees in the workplace and because they think they are above the law and privileged they can't be held accountable. On rare occasion they will throw one of their own under the bus, but most of the members of congress who have been around for years have enough dirt on others they play the rat card anytime someone dares to hold them accountable.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.
If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
-- Abraham Lincoln​

I guess you and I differ on that. I want to know whether they sexually harass, abuse, assault, molest, etc. employees, people on the street, or whomever. Do I want to hear the goriest of details that may be disclosed in a courtroom? No, not really, but if that's what's needed to know the person is reprobate, well, I can handle it. Being able to face ugly truths is concomitant with adulthood.

The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.
-- Abigail Van Buren​
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.

Using tax payer money to buy the silence of their victims...its possible they are more corrupt than even I thought they were.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Reports are these sexual deviants prey on government employees in the workplace and because they think they are above the law and privileged they can't be held accountable. On rare occasion they will throw one of their own under the bus, but most of the members of congress who have been around for years have enough dirt on others they play the rat card anytime someone dares to hold them accountable.
I'm fine with holding every last one of them accountable. As goes sexual misdeeds, I don't much care how the truth comes out so long as what comes out is indeed the truth.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Reports are these sexual deviants prey on government employees in the workplace and because they think they are above the law and privileged they can't be held accountable. On rare occasion they will throw one of their own under the bus, but most of the members of congress who have been around for years have enough dirt on others they play the rat card anytime someone dares to hold them accountable.
I'm fine with holding every last one of them accountable. As goes sexual misdeeds, I don't much care how the truth comes out so long as what comes out is indeed the truth.

Fully agree, a house cleaning is long overdue.
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Reports are these sexual deviants prey on government employees in the workplace and because they think they are above the law and privileged they can't be held accountable. On rare occasion they will throw one of their own under the bus, but most of the members of congress who have been around for years have enough dirt on others they play the rat card anytime someone dares to hold them accountable.
Sounds like military officers..
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Well, yes, people given to vengeance are dangerous. I don't think enough people realize that, however. Indeed, I think too many people allow themselves to be driven by vengeance, and certain too many people think it's okay to exact it in any and all circumstances if they have an opportunity to do so. For my part, I think if that's how one views things, what is the point of being human, of having the capacity to be better than that?
To be fair, a lot of times I don't think it's vengeance so much as outrage that they got caught while a bunch of other people doing the same thing haven't been. People get heated when they're called on the carpet. Some, granted, limit their "tattling" to people they don't like. I've always kept mum, feeling I did the crime, I deserve the consequences, and my mother saying "If everyone else is jumping off the bridge...." so I guess it comes down to a sense of personal responsibility. (P.S. I've never done anything serious enough to be canned for, just given a Come to Jesus talking to)
conyers hints that if he goes down he's taking many more with him
The risk of that happening and the consequences thereof are things about which the "many others" should have thought before they did whatever it be they did, one act being letting other individuals become aware of their opprobrious proclivities. Were perverts and predators to keep their notions to themselves, nobody would become victim to them and nobody would know about their miscreant "fantasies" and efforts to live them.

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them.
-- Sean Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide
Tbh, I don't want to know what all these folks in D.C. do and have done between the sheets. I really don't. That's just my ostrich side coming through. If they've been sexually harassing employees, we should know. If they've just patted someone on the fanny or had an extramarital affair, I don't want to know.

Reports are these sexual deviants prey on government employees in the workplace and because they think they are above the law and privileged they can't be held accountable. On rare occasion they will throw one of their own under the bus, but most of the members of congress who have been around for years have enough dirt on others they play the rat card anytime someone dares to hold them accountable.
I'm fine with holding every last one of them accountable. As goes sexual misdeeds, I don't much care how the truth comes out so long as what comes out is indeed the truth.

Fully agree, a house cleaning is long overdue.
Yes, it is. The thing is that real house cleaning can only happen when voters insist on their candidates truly and completely making their lives be open books. We're at a point were that has to be done in the most literal of senses. It may be we've always been at that point. Regardless, now is not too soon to make this time be the last time we find ourselves thus.

More than anything else, this past lustrum's, to say nothing of this year, series of revelations about the nature and extent of sexual predation by people in power and positions of trust has made clear to me that there simply are no outward signs that one may take as a reliable indicator of another's righteousness. The only way to find out is to create an atmosphere whereby people given our trust and respect, at least in in the political arena, are required to make everything about themselves known -- their taxes, their academic records, their HR records, formerly confidential settlements, sealed juvenile records, etc.
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Well, yes, people given to vengeance are dangerous. I don't think enough people realize that, however. Indeed, I think too many people allow themselves to be driven by vengeance, and certain too many people think it's okay to exact it in any and all circumstances if they have an opportunity to do so. For my part, I think if that's how one views things, what is the point of being human, of having the capacity to be better than that?
To be fair, a lot of times I don't think it's vengeance so much as outrage that they got caught while a bunch of other people doing the same thing haven't been. People get heated when they're called on the carpet. Some, granted, limit their "tattling" to people they don't like. I've always kept mum, feeling I did the crime, I deserve the consequences, and my mother saying "If everyone else is jumping off the bridge...." so I guess it comes down to a sense of personal responsibility. (P.S. I've never done anything serious enough to be canned for, just given a Come to Jesus talking to)
To be fair, a lot of times I don't think it's vengeance so much as outrage that they got caught while a bunch of other people doing the same thing haven't been.

Hubris of that sort is also not a good thing. It's certainly not a quality I want in a national level representative.
It’s funny that he threatens to uncover corrupt Dems.

How is it a threat to do the correct thing? If he knows of corrupt Dems, isn’t it his duty as a member of Congress to report on it?
Conyers could have details on Republicans, too.

Yes. However, the real question is this.

If he has information that will bring down others, that means he is aware of wrongdoing by many and now he is saying I'll release this information if I suffer.

I'd like to know where the outcry is that he is not doing the right thing and releasing the information regardless of his personal cost.

This is what is wrong with D.C. People know of crimes committed, past and present, and won't divulge this information unless there is a personal gain.

It is a reflection of what kind of society we are.
I think it's more a reflection of what kind of guy Conyer is. I hate those types--have seen them in work situations start running their mouths about coworkers when they get canned. Dangerous people.
Everyone on that list is allegedly someone who has settled a harassment charge. I am making the assumption that these charges are of a sexual nature or we would not likely even know of its existence.

That being the case, everyone who has settled a sexual harassment case can be considered 'dangerous' and should not hold office.

The people have a right to know this information and Conyor or any of them withholding the information as some kind of insurance smacks of a moral turpitude if not an outright abuse of power.
I agree harassers shouldn't get away with it, but I don't believe it is Conyer's place to release that information. It is up to the Congress's powers that be to come clean. I'm glad their ridiculous policies around reporting sexual harassment have been made public. Thirty days of required counseling before a claim will even be accepted? What on Earth is that all about? And the nondisclosure agreement that is mandatory?
Ooh, boy, that sucks and if I have to suffer through the stories of every horny old goat in the House and Senate, it will be worth it if that reporting policy is changed.

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