Cool: Veterans Party of America "social legislation is unconstitutional"


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Veterans Party of America

Now THIS is on the right track! YES someone SAID IT!

The Veterans’ Party of America’s Platform will only deal with problems that can be handled by either creating or repealing legislation. Apolitical issues will not be addressed by the Veterans’ Party of America’s platform planks. Legislation of social issues, such as, abortion and gay rights, are unconstitutional. They are not up for debate and guaranteed to all citizens, by the Constitution. These issues have been created to divide voters as these cannot be legislated. This platform is a living document and will be reviewed in accordance with the Party’s Constitution and By Laws in order to meet the ever changing Political Landscape of today’s world.

I. Constitution: The Constitution of The United States of America is, “The Law of the land.” It is not subject to interpretation or indifference by our elected officials. It is the premise and supreme authority from which all governance is derived. The original framers referred to it as an imperfect document. With that in mind, they saw fit to create a living document with provisions for its modification as times and circumstances changed. It is only to be changed by the will of the people by using the ratification process and not by Executive Order or by a particular party in power. Our leadership will adhere to the Constitution. Should amendments be needed due to our evolving national situation and circumstances, our leadership will champion the cause. Under no circumstance shall they create or support laws going against the provisions of the Constitution unless the ratification process has amended the document.

^ YES ^ YES ^ YES ^

II. Separation of Church and State: The Veterans’ Party of America recognizes that there is no such statement or provision within the Constitution of the United States. We are fully aware that the statement was only brought forth in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, in which he made reference to, “A wall of separation between church and state.” We stand with the Constitution and support freedom of religion. We adhere to the proposition that there shall be no state established church. No single, or group, of peaceful religion(s) shall be placed above another. To ensure this, we, as Americans, must strive to keep religion out of government. We fully recognize and appreciate that one’s religion guides their sound decision making processes and the basis of their good and noble character. We also believe that those without religious affiliation can, and are, just as sound and noble of character and are fully capable of making sound decisions in the best interest of our fellow citizens. As such, we will judge our leadership and the content of their character by their words and actions; not by their religious affiliation.
It looks like some random guy put some random stuff on the internet. I can tell by the statements that he makes that he is not very educated or knowledgeable about our system of government. Why do you post it here?
It looks like some random guy put some random stuff on the internet. I can tell by the statements that he makes that he is not very educated or knowledgeable about our system of government. Why do you post it here?

I invited the VPA to come here and participate.

Their website claims to have teams in 40 states since they started in Dec. 2013:

"We currently have active, state party teams formed in 40 states (the Veterans Party of America redefined an active state party as a state which has either filed for, or is filing for federally recognized political party status-known as a 527 status). Only 3 states have not been activated (Hawaii, South Dakota, and Utah). We need leaders to step forward in those states. The National Party received its approved 527 status in early February of 2014. You will notice that none of our party leadership are politicos, but rather everyday citizens."

You gotta start somewhere.

Anyone bold enough to recognize and state that the social legislation is outside the design and limits of the Constitution
at least has a clue. The rest can be filled in.

I know Libertarians like Jon Roland of the Constitution Center that can handle any Constitutional issue if you want a
historical expert and not an apologist for legislation run wild. Roland is also open and honest that most of Govt today
is outside the Constitutional design that has built in checks and balances of power. So that's why it's run amok.

If this group can stay "centralized" then members of all the other parties can work with it. You don't have to be an expert, and don't have to be a big group, to delegate help through other Parties that do have more.

So even if they don't have the experience, resources or solutions from the Greens, Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats, they can still serve pivotally to pull support from the other parties to stick to where we agree on the Constitution.

So this can draw out the best leadership and solutions from the other parties
that is lost in the media catfights that is skewed by partisan bickering and noise.
If he's saying Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional decision, then I agree with him. But why doesn't he just say that?
If he's saying Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional decision, then I agree with him. But why doesn't he just say that?

Sounds like the platform is meant to be very centralized and general for ALL cases,
and not go off into every single instance and detail.

It is REALLY hard to write that centrally and keep it precise without excluding points.
So that tells me this group is onto something if they can stay THAT focused and include everything
under a minimal umbrella. Very hard to do, I've tried.
"Veterans Party of America"

Unmitigated ignorance and idiocy.

And they're very much republicans and conservatives, the moronic nonsense about separation of church and state 'not being in the Constitution' is one of many examples of that.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law. “But that's not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant 'argument.'
Teabaggers came up with a new name, but they are still right wing teabaggers.
I am a veteran, and I am saying 'horse crap' to the premise.

Of course social and cultural issues fall within the purview of the General Welfare clause.

Idiotic to say no.
"Veterans Party of America"

Unmitigated ignorance and idiocy.

And they're very much republicans and conservatives, the moronic nonsense about separation of church and state 'not being in the Constitution' is one of many examples of that.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law. “But that's not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant 'argument.'

Calm down, bacon!
They explain they have no problem addressing religious freedom that is in the First Amendment.
So any precedence that protects religious freedom is Constitutional by the First Amendment.

Just no imposing a political religion of separating church and state that oppresses Christianity, for example.

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