Coons Can't Name A Single Substantive Policy Difference With Obama (Video)


May 29, 2010
This clearly shows how out of touch this marxist is. Christine needs to play an ad showing Coons as a puppet of Obama so the public can see the real truth about this marxist. It will get the message out that this man is not for Americas best interests.

The Blast

With the media going straight after Christine O’ Donnell, few have really questioned Delaware Senate Candidate Chris Coons which is easily allowing him to slip under the radar.

When he appeared on CNN and was asked to name a policy he disagreed with the Obama administration on, he could only come up with the bipartisan TARP bailout and offshore oil drilling.

Problem is that TARP, or the Troubled Asset Relief Program, was passed in 2008 before Obama became president.

More in Link.
Won't matter. O'Donnell is a dud.

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