Cop Charged After Bodycam Footage Shows 'Horrible Use Of Force': Police Chief

Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
Thats what they are hired for. If they feel the urge to not be professional then they need to take a mental health vacation.
You keep saying "they"....don't you mean him? are doing to cops what you hate being done to you....lumping them all together....
Thats right. "They" are hired to be professionals not just one person.
Most are professional......just like most black people are not criminals....
I disagree. I have first hand information that disputes that claim. Tell me something. If there are just a few bad apples how the fuck do they stay employed for so fucking long? Its not like they work alone. All those so called good cops should have figured out that he was a problem long ago.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
you don't have to be perfect to know when an unarmed person is walking away from you that he doesn't need to be hit with a fucking taser

That's the issue. The man had the audacity to walk away from him whether or not he was even capable of understanding.

Deaf and not hear a command? Taser him.

California cops Taser deaf man, beat him into unconsciousness as he tries to use sign language: lawsuit.

Having a serious medical issue and not properly responding? Taser him.

Fredericksburg settles lawsuit alleging excessive force in use of Taser against motorist

Not all cops are bad.

There are enough bad ones to make the good ones have to deal with the consequences of not removing the bad ones.

That's all people are saying. Fire the bad cops. Get good ones in there to do their jobs properly.

The bad ones make the job very hard to do for the good ones. I would think they would want the bad ones gone so they can properly do their jobs without having to worry about the people not trusting them.

Here's a good place to start, tear down the blue wall of silence.

Another good thing to do is stop hiring cops who lie through their teeth.

The Supreme Court didn't make it any easier by ruling in the scalia years that no knock and no announcement that they are cops is legal. That really has hurt cops and has caused innocent people to be harmed or killed.

The supreme court ruling that all a cop has to say is they felt threatened to be able to kill someone has also harmed the police.

Some of the far right conservative supreme court rulings in the past have harmed the police and the people of our nation.

Why don't you stand up to remarks like this ?

"An injured cop is a disabled cop which is a good thing. Harder for them to kill someone."
Stop crying you racist cop loving bitch.
Triggered????? hate being shown to be wrong....
You havent shown anyone wrong. Youre just crying like some sensitive sissy.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
you don't have to be perfect to know when an unarmed person is walking away from you that he doesn't need to be hit with a fucking taser

That's the issue. The man had the audacity to walk away from him whether or not he was even capable of understanding.

Deaf and not hear a command? Taser him.

California cops Taser deaf man, beat him into unconsciousness as he tries to use sign language: lawsuit.

Having a serious medical issue and not properly responding? Taser him.

Fredericksburg settles lawsuit alleging excessive force in use of Taser against motorist

Not all cops are bad.

There are enough bad ones to make the good ones have to deal with the consequences of not removing the bad ones.

That's all people are saying. Fire the bad cops. Get good ones in there to do their jobs properly.

The bad ones make the job very hard to do for the good ones. I would think they would want the bad ones gone so they can properly do their jobs without having to worry about the people not trusting them.

Here's a good place to start, tear down the blue wall of silence.

Another good thing to do is stop hiring cops who lie through their teeth.

The Supreme Court didn't make it any easier by ruling in the scalia years that no knock and no announcement that they are cops is legal. That really has hurt cops and has caused innocent people to be harmed or killed.

The supreme court ruling that all a cop has to say is they felt threatened to be able to kill someone has also harmed the police.

Some of the far right conservative supreme court rulings in the past have harmed the police and the people of our nation.

Why don't you stand up to remarks like this ?

"An injured cop is a disabled cop which is a good thing. Harder for them to kill someone."
Stop crying you racist cop loving bitch.
Triggered????? hate being shown to be wrong....
You havent shown anyone wrong. Youre just crying like some sensitive sissy.
You are the one that comes here each day and cries like a bitch...
Thank goodness for the bodycam. Otherwise we all know this cop would have lied through his teeth about the situation.

The police are supposed to serve and protect. Not attack and harm.

The days of people just blindly believing what a cop says are over. Those of us who have experienced the cops lying through their teeth through the years are glad the rest of the nation are being woken up to this very real problem.

Is it me or is this footage edited by someone? It doesn't look good for the police officer, they have the full version and filed charges. His superiors took care of this right away. Let's hope his police union doesn't fight it. These unions are something else.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
Thats what they are hired for. If they feel the urge to not be professional then they need to take a mental health vacation.
You keep saying "they"....don't you mean him? are doing to cops what you hate being done to you....lumping them all together....
Thats right. "They" are hired to be professionals not just one person.
Most are professional......just like most black people are not criminals....
I disagree. I have first hand information that disputes that claim. Tell me something. If there are just a few bad apples how the fuck do they stay employed for so fucking long? Its not like they work alone. All those so called good cops should have figured out that he was a problem long ago.
What took so long? It must be the 2020 Election version of the Prog Socialist Alinsky carnival.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
you don't have to be perfect to know when an unarmed person is walking away from you that he doesn't need to be hit with a fucking taser

That's the issue. The man had the audacity to walk away from him whether or not he was even capable of understanding.

Deaf and not hear a command? Taser him.

California cops Taser deaf man, beat him into unconsciousness as he tries to use sign language: lawsuit.

Having a serious medical issue and not properly responding? Taser him.

Fredericksburg settles lawsuit alleging excessive force in use of Taser against motorist

Not all cops are bad.

There are enough bad ones to make the good ones have to deal with the consequences of not removing the bad ones.

That's all people are saying. Fire the bad cops. Get good ones in there to do their jobs properly.

The bad ones make the job very hard to do for the good ones. I would think they would want the bad ones gone so they can properly do their jobs without having to worry about the people not trusting them.

Here's a good place to start, tear down the blue wall of silence.

Another good thing to do is stop hiring cops who lie through their teeth.

The Supreme Court didn't make it any easier by ruling in the scalia years that no knock and no announcement that they are cops is legal. That really has hurt cops and has caused innocent people to be harmed or killed.

The supreme court ruling that all a cop has to say is they felt threatened to be able to kill someone has also harmed the police.

Some of the far right conservative supreme court rulings in the past have harmed the police and the people of our nation.

Its tough to fire the bad ones, the unions really fight hard to keep the officer employed. In Minneapolis, the union was pushing for reinstatement of all four involved with Floyd. The union needs to be broken to get anything accomplished in getting rid of the bad cops.
Thank goodness for the bodycam. Otherwise we all know this cop would have lied through his teeth about the situation.

The police are supposed to serve and protect. Not attack and harm.

The days of people just blindly believing what a cop says are over. Those of us who have experienced the cops lying through their teeth through the years are glad the rest of the nation are being woken up to this very real problem.

Bodycam or not there's almost always someone with a smartphone camera or some other camera around be it security or whatever. The point is no one is about to get away with anything anymore without a video of it being recorded somewhere somehow.
A company I worked for, OmniVision Technologies Inc. was the leading developer of uber small and cheap CMOS camera technology. Our stated goal was to make camers so cheap, small and easy to use that they would become ubiquitous. I don't mind bragging a bit but I think we achieved that goal quite well.
ReWhile I was there part of what I did was to lead the companies effort into the cellphone aka smartphone market. I also lead the company into the automotive market, especially for safety applications which are just beginning to proliferate. Of course there are several other market and application areas including security, medical etc.
The point is cameras are so cheap small and easy to implement now that they'll continue to proliferate so don't even think of trying to get away with anything illegal cause you're gonna get caught on camera somehow and you won't stand a chance. If you do do something stupid, just report to jail and turn yourself in. It'll save everyone concerned including yourself a lot of time, effort, hassle and legal expense.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
Thats what they are hired for. If they feel the urge to not be professional then they need to take a mental health vacation.
When people start being professional, cops will have nothing to do.
Civillians dont get paid by my tax dollars to be professional. Try some other bullshit logic.
So we as Americans shouldn't be nice to one another? I am.
Thank goodness for the bodycam. Otherwise we all know this cop would have lied through his teeth about the situation.

The police are supposed to serve and protect. Not attack and harm.

The days of people just blindly believing what a cop says are over. Those of us who have experienced the cops lying through their teeth through the years are glad the rest of the nation are being woken up to this very real problem.

Okay, I agree with everything you said in your OP, but that video wasn't too conclusive to me; it was too edited and you can't see enough of the exchange or the person's behavior to even begin to form an opinion of whether the cop's actions were out of line.
Last edited:
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
you don't have to be perfect to know when an unarmed person is walking away from you that he doesn't need to be hit with a fucking taser

That's the issue. The man had the audacity to walk away from him whether or not he was even capable of understanding.

Deaf and not hear a command? Taser him.

California cops Taser deaf man, beat him into unconsciousness as he tries to use sign language: lawsuit.

Having a serious medical issue and not properly responding? Taser him.

Fredericksburg settles lawsuit alleging excessive force in use of Taser against motorist

Not all cops are bad.

There are enough bad ones to make the good ones have to deal with the consequences of not removing the bad ones.

That's all people are saying. Fire the bad cops. Get good ones in there to do their jobs properly.

The bad ones make the job very hard to do for the good ones. I would think they would want the bad ones gone so they can properly do their jobs without having to worry about the people not trusting them.

Here's a good place to start, tear down the blue wall of silence.

Another good thing to do is stop hiring cops who lie through their teeth.

The Supreme Court didn't make it any easier by ruling in the scalia years that no knock and no announcement that they are cops is legal. That really has hurt cops and has caused innocent people to be harmed or killed.

The supreme court ruling that all a cop has to say is they felt threatened to be able to kill someone has also harmed the police.

Some of the far right conservative supreme court rulings in the past have harmed the police and the people of our nation.

Its tough to fire the bad ones, the unions really fight hard to keep the officer employed. In Minneapolis, the union was pushing for reinstatement of all four involved with Floyd. The union needs to be broken to get anything accomplished in getting rid of the bad cops.

Whatever happened to moderation?

Whatever happened to you don't throw the baby out with the bath water?

Why does everything have to be one extreme or the other? Haven't you learned by now that only guarantees the problem never gets resolved and usually gets worse?

Just like it's necessary to get rid of the bad cops and not the whole police force, it's not necessary to break a union to get rid of the people who aren't doing the right thing running the union.

The union needs better leadership. Just like the police force needs better leadership.

Can't both be preserved while removing what makes it broken? Won't fixing the problem be better than destroying both institutions?

This nation needs good unions. Not remove or break the unions.

Just like this nation needs good police. Not remove the police.
Imperfect liberals demanding that all cops be perfect.....all the time....
you don't have to be perfect to know when an unarmed person is walking away from you that he doesn't need to be hit with a fucking taser

That's the issue. The man had the audacity to walk away from him whether or not he was even capable of understanding.

Deaf and not hear a command? Taser him.

California cops Taser deaf man, beat him into unconsciousness as he tries to use sign language: lawsuit.

Having a serious medical issue and not properly responding? Taser him.

Fredericksburg settles lawsuit alleging excessive force in use of Taser against motorist

Not all cops are bad.

There are enough bad ones to make the good ones have to deal with the consequences of not removing the bad ones.

That's all people are saying. Fire the bad cops. Get good ones in there to do their jobs properly.

The bad ones make the job very hard to do for the good ones. I would think they would want the bad ones gone so they can properly do their jobs without having to worry about the people not trusting them.

Here's a good place to start, tear down the blue wall of silence.

Another good thing to do is stop hiring cops who lie through their teeth.

The Supreme Court didn't make it any easier by ruling in the scalia years that no knock and no announcement that they are cops is legal. That really has hurt cops and has caused innocent people to be harmed or killed.

The supreme court ruling that all a cop has to say is they felt threatened to be able to kill someone has also harmed the police.

Some of the far right conservative supreme court rulings in the past have harmed the police and the people of our nation.

Its tough to fire the bad ones, the unions really fight hard to keep the officer employed. In Minneapolis, the union was pushing for reinstatement of all four involved with Floyd. The union needs to be broken to get anything accomplished in getting rid of the bad cops.

Whatever happened to moderation?

Whatever happened to you don't throw the baby out with the bath water?

Why does everything have to be one extreme or the other? Haven't you learned by now that only guarantees the problem never gets resolved and usually gets worse?

Just like it's necessary to get rid of the bad cops and not the whole police force, it's not necessary to break a union to get rid of the people who aren't doing the right thing running the union.

The union needs better leadership. Just like the police force needs better leadership.

Can't both be preserved while removing what makes it broken? Won't fixing the problem be better than destroying both institutions?

This nation needs good unions. Not remove or break the unions.

Just like this nation needs good police. Not remove the police.

The police force gets their leadership from the unions. We can be moderate, I would hope they could compromise however it is the unions that are protecting the bad cops. EIGHTEEN times complaints were filed against Chauvin, EIGHTEEN and he is still on the force because of the union. The same union is now asking that Chauvin and his cohorts to be reinstated back onto the police force. The union leaders are police officers, they protect police officers. Tell me how you change the union leadership. I'm listening, I'd love to put this to rest.

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