Cop-Man & Captain-Kidd: A TrumpWorld Dream


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an eccentric traffic-paranoia 'TrumpWorld' vignette about underworld brothers tangled in a 'love-mess' representative of new age globalization profiteerism intrigue...


The Komarov Brothers (Ivan and Igor) were half-Algerian, half-Russian terrorist-mercenaries working in Moscow with rogue members of the pseudo-defunct IRA, amassing black-market munitions for a terrorist organization called Cobra. Ivan and Igor met a strange stewardess named Elsa who doubled as a narcotics-runner, assassin, and also, part-time axe-killer. Elsa was charged by her druglord 'boyfriend' Ian to kill enemies randomly and sometimes with an axe (when she pretended to be a prostitute carrying a duffel-bag of S&M items for sex-games for her nefarious drug-world 'customers.'

Ivan and Igor fell in love with Elsa and started drawing Internet-doodles about her (very child-like) meant to convey how funny she seemed to them both. They did not tell each other of their affections for her, but their lives had already intersected, since Elsa's new customer was an IRA-operative named Seamus O'Brian. Seamus called the Komarov Brothers Cop-Man and Captain-Kidd (since Ivan sometimes dressed up as a metal-plate masked street-cop and Igor dressed as a pirate-like 'vigilante' for Internet-posts about profit-networks in Moscow!).

Seamus discovered Ivan and Igor were both in love with Elsa and pondered what Elsa's druglord 'boyfriend' (Ian) would make of all this. He decided to drive a wedge between Ivan and Igor by telling them both (and separately) that Elsa was in love with only one of them! He also told the brothers that Elsa doubled as an axe-killer for her boyfriend, calling herself 'Wonder Woman.' Ivan (Cop-Man) and Igor (Captain-Kidd) were confused and decided to compete to win her affections. What ensued was simply a turf-war between two brothers over the hand of a complicated woman.

Elsa was secretly a correspondent (and old childhood friend of U.S. First Lady Melania Trump), and she would sometimes arrange secret picnics with Melania during which she brought tiffins filled with delicious shrimp coconut-curry. Elsa confided in Melania that she was falling in love with Ivan and Igor, and Melania adivsed her to choose only one and as soon as possible. When Ivan started posting a lot of of his childish doodles of Elsa as an axe-killer named Wonder Woman on the Internet, Elsa started to worry and killed him to keep her ties to Ian a secret. Igor was heartbroken and decided to dedicate his life to bringing down Ian's drug-empire to espouse the Trump Administration's new vigilant European Union related commerce-jurisprudence campaign.



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