Copper Coil- Cheap and effective sustainable energy (OR make it yourself!)

You fucking moron. Don't try to pretend to have been to college.

You like geothermal, go to the geothermal threads, I have shown repeatedly that nothing but lies are posted in support of geothermal, I even destroyed the cherry picked quotes of the recent MIT report.

Wind, useless, not one supporter will answer how much energy and which types of energy is needed to produce one ton of fiberglass, if you cant do this than you do not know what you are talking about.

Solar, useless, expensive, polluting, weak power.

Pick any topic you wish, start by not telling us what you believe but what the facts are,

Geothermal has already been discussed in depth, your too late to add anything to that discussion.

Take on Wind.

Prove your intelligence against mine, should be easy, I have not insulted 5th graders, I have not compared you to anything, its just stupid to keep using the term "sustainable" if you cannot prove you know anything about the production of wind, solar, or geothermal.
Why don't YOU post some facts that actually prove us all wrong, instead of going through all the threads and SAYING it is moronic and wrong and a waste of energy, then.

Its you against us.. We are all waiting for YOU to stop running your trap and posting something of factual interest, instead.
JD, you will have to wait to eternity for that. Mdn is nothing but a blathering troll. Best to ignore his idiocy.
JD, you will have to wait to eternity for that. Mdn is nothing but a blathering troll. Best to ignore his idiocy.

JD_2B Why don't YOU post some facts that actually prove us all wrong, instead of going through all the threads and SAYING it is moronic and wrong and a waste of energy, then.

Its you against us.. We are all waiting for YOU to stop running your trap and posting something of factual interest, instead.

Old Crock, why do you continue to hide like a yellow chicken. You state lies and when busted you hide from the thread.

JD_2B, I have posted facts, you want this thread to contain the facts posted in ten other threads, okay, here is some facts to follow.

JD and Old Crock, why cant you provide one fact about the fiberglass used in wind energy, simpe, you dont know what your talking about.

I have now provided a fact in the following;

Here is a link to one source showing that Old Crock posted an old article that is irrelevant.

Not a pipe dream, either. Already being done successfully.

On January 31, 1999, CalEnergy Operating Corp.
(CalEnergy) unveiled a $400 million expansion of their
geothermal power complex on the shores of the Salton Sea in
southern California’s Imperial Valley. The new construction
includes nearly 60 megawatts (MW) of new geothermal electrical
capacity, and a unique project to “mine” commercialgrade
zinc from geothermal brine produced for power
generation. CalEnergy is a subsidiary of Mid-American
Energy Holdings Co. (Des Moines, IA).
CalEnergy currently operates eight geothermal power
plants with a capacity of 288 net MW at the Salton Sea.
Construction underway for completion by late-July includes
Unit 5, a 49-MW facility that will utilize high-temperature
waste brine from four of the company’s existing power plants
to fuel the minerals recovery project and produce electricity.
In addition, a 10-MW turbine will be on-line by mid-March to
upgrade power production at CalEnergy’s Del Ranch and
Vulcan power plants. Construction companies heading up the
projects include Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. (Denver,
CO) and Kvaener U.S., Inc. (San Ramon, CA), which are
subcontracting work to local firms.
Funded entirely by CalEnergy, the $200-million
mineral recovery project will produce 30,000 metric tonnes of
99.99-percent pure zinc annually for Cominco Ltd. under a
contract signed last September.

The zinc recovery project was put online in 2002,
but was shut down in 2004 due to technical problems

In 2002, a zinc-extraction plant was completed in the
Imperial Valley of California. It used electricity from
geothermal power plants for the recovery of metal from
geothermal brines (Clutter, 2000). The $400-million zinc
project by MidAmerican Energy Holding Co. was supposed
to extract 30,000 tonnes of zinc annually. The wastewater
from eight power plants, having 600 ppm of zinc was
utilized. Unfortunately, the plant, which ran until 2004,
produced less than 50% of capacity and lost $69 million on
the project (GRC, 2004d). It is now shut down and being
dismantled due to poor economics and technical problems.
MidAmerican is now looking at silica extraction.

There are more problems with the unreliable Geothermal energy, imagine a geothermal power plant producing such a tiny

amount of power having an uncontollable event. The uncontrollable event was the brine eating through a 48" pipe until it

literally explodes spilling toxic brine all over the imperial valley's Asparagus fields.

On July 10, 2003, the Salton Sea IV Project’s 40 megawatt turbine went out of service due to an uncontrollable force

Such uncontrollable force event ended, and the Salton Sea IV Project’s turbine returned to service, on September 17, 2003.
Edison failed to recognize the uncontrollable force event and, as such, has not paid amounts otherwise due and owing under
the Salton Sea IV power purchase agreement totaling $2.5 million. Salton Sea Power Generation, L.P., with Fish Lake Power
LLC, owner of the Salton Sea IV Project, served notices of error on Edison for such unpaid amounts

So from a "win, win" to a multi-million dollar loss, Old Crock I must say if you prove anything its that Green

Energy is too expensive.

Hey, check out the amount of time this power plant was down, Old Crock you did not calculate this time into your costs

either. Looks to me that Geothermal is too expensive and unreliable.

Now how about how much energy and what types does it take to produce one ton of fiberglass.
So how much energy and what types does it take to produce one ton of fiberglass.

I dont expect an answer, those who know nothing of what they speak of will not be able to provide even the simplist of facts, especailly when the answer destroys your ideas of green energy

shit I posted this same thing twice, it shows that geothemal is based on a lie, that green energy supporters will lie. It shows how geothermal has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars.

I posted this twice now and JD acts for facts, what are you a moron, seriously, I post facts and you follow up asking for a fact, did you miss this, if so I will recant. If you wish to ignore everything and pretend I did not already post facts than I will simply point out how you cannot support your ideas.

So old crock, why dont you explain why you used an article that was ten years old, why you failed to name the salton sea plant that had a a design flaw, explain how old crock could than post the plant with a design flaw as a plant that is operating profitalbly when it is not.

Geothermal is too expensive, too polluting, and requires the liberals to rob the working class to pay for corporations massively expensive mistakes. Facts I have proven in threads, facts I have posted twice in this thread that JD and Old Crock have ignored.
Last edited:
LOL!! Aint that the truth, Old Rocks!! He is obsessed..

Hey mtd.. You haven't posted anything factual besides a discovery that zinc extraction is a stupid idea, and that some asshole in another factory did not do their job effectively enough to keep their turbine up to speed.



LOL!! /Sarcasm
LOL!! Aint that the truth, Old Rocks!! He is obsessed..

Hey mtd.. You haven't posted anything factual besides a discovery that zinc extraction is a stupid idea, and that some asshole in another factory did not do their job effectively enough to keep their turbine up to speed.



LOL!! /Sarcasm

Now you are just a liar no different than old crock, I actually beleive you are old crock.

Why are you not pointing out where I have lied,

Morons, how come only the morons support green energy, here old crock in drag as jd2b lies about his posts.

Get a clue moron, you aint fooling anyone old crock.

Here is a link to one source showing that Old Crock posted an old article that is irrelevant.

Not a pipe dream, either. Already being done successfully.

On January 31, 1999, CalEnergy Operating Corp.
(CalEnergy) unveiled a $400 million expansion of their
geothermal power complex on the shores of the Salton Sea in
southern California’s Imperial Valley. The new construction
includes nearly 60 megawatts (MW) of new geothermal electrical
capacity, and a unique project to “mine” commercialgrade
zinc from geothermal brine produced for power
generation. CalEnergy is a subsidiary of Mid-American
Energy Holdings Co. (Des Moines, IA).
CalEnergy currently operates eight geothermal power
plants with a capacity of 288 net MW at the Salton Sea.
Construction underway for completion by late-July includes
Unit 5, a 49-MW facility that will utilize high-temperature
waste brine from four of the company’s existing power plants
to fuel the minerals recovery project and produce electricity.
In addition, a 10-MW turbine will be on-line by mid-March to
upgrade power production at CalEnergy’s Del Ranch and
Vulcan power plants. Construction companies heading up the
projects include Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. (Denver,
CO) and Kvaener U.S., Inc. (San Ramon, CA), which are
subcontracting work to local firms.
Funded entirely by CalEnergy, the $200-million
mineral recovery project will produce 30,000 metric tonnes of
99.99-percent pure zinc annually for Cominco Ltd. under a
contract signed last September.

The zinc recovery project was put online in 2002,
but was shut down in 2004 due to technical problems

In 2002, a zinc-extraction plant was completed in the
Imperial Valley of California. It used electricity from
geothermal power plants for the recovery of metal from
geothermal brines (Clutter, 2000). The $400-million zinc
project by MidAmerican Energy Holding Co. was supposed
to extract 30,000 tonnes of zinc annually. The wastewater
from eight power plants, having 600 ppm of zinc was
utilized. Unfortunately, the plant, which ran until 2004,
produced less than 50% of capacity and lost $69 million on
the project (GRC, 2004d). It is now shut down and being
dismantled due to poor economics and technical problems.
MidAmerican is now looking at silica extraction.

There are more problems with the unreliable Geothermal energy, imagine a geothermal power plant producing such a tiny amount of power having an uncontollable event. The uncontrollable event was the brine eating through a 48" pipe until it literally explodes spilling toxic brine all over the imperial valley's Asparagus fields.

On July 10, 2003, the Salton Sea IV Project’s 40 megawatt turbine went out of service due to an uncontrollable force event.
Such uncontrollable force event ended, and the Salton Sea IV Project’s turbine returned to service, on September 17, 2003.
Edison failed to recognize the uncontrollable force event and, as such, has not paid amounts otherwise due and owing under
the Salton Sea IV power purchase agreement totaling $2.5 million. Salton Sea Power Generation, L.P., with Fish Lake Power
LLC, owner of the Salton Sea IV Project, served notices of error on Edison for such unpaid amounts

So from a "win, win" to a multi-million dollar loss, Old Crock I must say if you prove anything its that Green Energy is too expensive.

Hey, check out the amount of time this power plant was down, Old Crock you did not calculate this time into your costs either. Looks to me that Geothermal is too expensive and unreliable.

Now how about how much energy and what types does it take to produce one ton of fiberglass.

Pollution and danger of geothermal coming next
OMG You are such a fucking PSYCHOPATH Dude..

You are getting your ass called out on stalking Old Rocks.. Everyone sees it but you. Old Rocks is like your new obsession... And every time you post in response to him, it's like a serenade:

"You are an obsession.. you're my obsession.. Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me.. "

OMG You are such a fucking PSYCHOPATH Dude..

You are getting your ass called out on stalking Old Rocks.. Everyone sees it but you. Old Rocks is like your new obsession... And every time you post in response to him, it's like a serenade:

"You are an obsession.. you're my obsession.. Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me.. "

. And yes- you are hard-up for Old Rocks. Stop stalking him, and then jacking off at all his posts, freak.

All you ever fucking do is stalk Old Rocks, and jerk off

Do you have a hard- on You are so fucking weird


And now you are obsessed with me, very flattering, I will post a pic for you in my profile, nice little love chant, your dirty filthy mouth is such a turn on, I cant wait to see all your responses.
Nice drawing, nice theory, I dont buy it but I wont try and tear it apart. I imagine if it really worked we would see these things everywhere. Pumping of fluid would be the biggest concern, pumping fluid takes a tremendous amount of energy.
Anyhow, let me know when you get it hooked up, I would love to see if it works. I will be the last one to buy one.

One thing though, if we built Nuclear power plants there would be no need for this. Problem is power companies want huge profits which green energy gives them, massive subsidies and tax breaks. Many power companies are owned by corporations that supply the materials to make the fiberglass to make windmills, so the corporations are getting rich selling the materials to build windmills in which they than get a tax break and subsidy to install, they also get permission to raise electrical rates to cover the cost fo the windmill. Of course at best they will get 1% of the power from expensive windmills the rest will come from the same old cheap sources of power, but marked up in price justified by windmills.

Green energy is nothing but a giant scam

Real dumbass thing to say. I heat my swimming pool with a solar array. On the north side of the house LOL. And the cost of the pumping of the water is an infintismal fraction of what it would cost me to heat it with electricity.

In the 50s and early 60s, the statements were made that nuclear would be too cheap to meter, and was completely failsafe.

Then came the bills and Three Mile Island.

Nobody is buying that shit anymore. Nuclear is clean, but expensive and not foolproof.

The "green" label is definitely false advertising to many well-intentioned consumers. But that's no reason to discourage sustainable, ethical, and healthy alternatives to our failed system.

I agree that the wind turbine models used in public media are inferior and over-rated, but let's not get wrapped up in this one concept of wind-power options. There are infinite possibilities to generate energy once we're able to harness them.

That said, NUCLEAR IS NOT CLEAN. There's nothing "clean" about nuclear fallouts, widespread radiation (that's invisible), atomi bombs, and vast tracts of land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

The real cost of nuclear power is extremely high if all the expenses are honestly taken into account. And there hasn't been a safe disposal of the nuclear waste …

But they say nuclear power contributes only small amount of greenhouse gases. Oh, ok.

Countries such as Italy, Germany, Belgium have already chosen to phase out nuclear power.

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